
The life-story of a cactus!

Here i am, chilling on my spot, at the usual desert, when I sudently realise that... I'm a freaking cactus! ///2 chapters a week, one on Wednesday and one on Sunday Hello everyone. I have big plans for my book's plot but there are also things I have yet to plan. I'm planning to come up with names, skills and even certain minor events as I write . As such, feel free to give me your input on things you'd like me to change and/or add to the book☺️. Thanks for reading, Dnhelo.

DNHELO · Fantasy
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50 Chs

12- The air-chipelago.

The root growth skill has a static numerical value that represents the max speed at which I can grow my roots.

Let's say that my skill allows me to grow a root at a speed of 'X' meters per hour.

If things worked as the skill describes them to, no matter if I was malnourished or full, I'd allways be able to grow my roots at a speed of up to 'X'.

In reality though, had I been malnurished I'd not be able to grow my root at evn a tenth of 'X'.

If I had too much nutrients on the other hand, I'd be able to force my roots to grow slightly faster than 'X' at the price of less efficiency.

'X' is actually not max speed but an representative value for my speed when I'm in a normal state, without too much or too little of.. Well anything.

The skill description doesn't say any of this.

In the same way, 'aura vision' or 'wind mana manipulation' don't explain what the wren just told me.

Skill descriptions are full of incomplete or just plain misdirecting information, that's a system flaw.

The way the system goes about evolution is also flawed.

For something as important as evolution one would think the system or my instincts would know everything there is to know.

Yet I didn't know I have to become self sustainable in order to evolve.

I also didn't know I had to evolve as soon as possible otherwise I'd lose my potential.

Only after hearing this from the wren did my instinct tell me the same thing.

It's like a rpg game, where only after the bugs are found will the programmers make an patch.

Another issue is that even though I instinctively know that I am evolving and gaining skills i never understood how that works even with my instincts.

I don't know the exact parameter of the evolutions or the origins of my skills.

All I see is a evolution tree saying what I am allowed to chose and what I'm not allowed to and gain the knowledge of how to unlock more evolutions.

It's like how a normal individual uses a computer without knowing about how it works.

The wren describes evolution and skills like a science, a thing that he studied and understood in order to use.

I'd go as far as to say he has enough knowledge about the inner working of this system to know a few hidden features of it like my name change.

He's like a computer engineer that understand how a pc works and knows how to access msconfig or regedit.

Of course this is all just my hypothesis, until I'm able to speak to him, I'll never know.

Reading emotions and surface thoughts isn't enough to have a proper conversation after all.

Only a one-sided lecture. A VERY informative one-sided lecture but a one died lecture nontheless.

"Hey spiky!"

"I just though of something I think you'd like."


"There used to be this floating continent over in the west."

He points to the west with his beak.

"It bordered 'death's river' and the downwards" 'volcanic ranges'."

"It had a very strong 'wind' and 'poison' type mana around it which made the 'horizon spider' take a liking to it."

"But a few years ago some dumbass decided to speedrun his life by blowing the spider's house up."

"Excused to say, that damned drunkard miced the fool *puipuipipipipi*."

"Now there's only a bunch of floating rocks around so no one is interested in it."

"No one strong that is."

Oh, that sounds like a good spot for me to occupy.

If it's close to Death's river then due to the humidity there would probably be a lot more clouds than here.

Because the islands are floating I wouldn't need to lower my altitude and possibly put myself in danger.

Besides rich wind mana would probably allow me to better my magic maybe I'd be able to learn how to produce sound using it.

"Oh... be warned though, while the drunkard no longer lives there one of his children still does."

"He's doesn't have a brain yet, so you can probably beat him quite easily."

"Besides if I know the guy he probably doesn't even care about his child. In fact none of us do.... Not every youngling can grow to become powerful or intelligent. "

"So we usually just breed a child with other strong beings or adopt someone with talent and hope they grow to become as strong as us."

"We are not part of the lazy races after all, we know how to raise strong children *puipipipipi*."

"Through death. The ones that survive deserve to live, the others.... So you don't have to worry about retaliation at least."

I can train my skills and magic after achieving max evolutions, but I can't evolve after waisting my time training my skills.

The requirements for my next evolutions are:

1)to become self sustainable

2)to completely parasite another being with the same level of strength as my 'parent'

3)to completely parasite a few hundred weak beings.

Most other evolutions are either not to my liking or plain impossible.

After abandoning my 'parent' number 2 became stupidly hard.

And it would take either a long amount of time or a miracle for me to accomplish number 3.

As such number 1 became the most feasible option... Even if it's the one I like the least among these 3.

And if I'll have to fight this spider in order to achieve it... Then I guess I should start preparing for my victory.

First step is heading there... Because it's really far away.