
The life-story of a cactus!

Here i am, chilling on my spot, at the usual desert, when I sudently realise that... I'm a freaking cactus! ///2 chapters a week, one on Wednesday and one on Sunday Hello everyone. I have big plans for my book's plot but there are also things I have yet to plan. I'm planning to come up with names, skills and even certain minor events as I write . As such, feel free to give me your input on things you'd like me to change and/or add to the book☺️. Thanks for reading, Dnhelo.

DNHELO · Fantasy
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50 Chs

11- Spike-gician

Imagining magic as a part of me Is easy.

Actually believing it on the other hand... Not as much.

I know I unlocked magic from my evolution and as such it must be a part of me, after all it 'evolved', it didn't just pop out off nowhere.

My body absorbed the abundant amount of wind mana in the sandstorm and then it developed the 'potential' to adapt to it.

If I ever get burned to near death by a high level fire magic, comparable to a natural disaster, I'd surely unlock fire related evolutions as well.

Yet I just can't force my subconscious into treating magic as a part of me.

I've spent 18 years living on earth and while I usually pretend that now, that I'm on a different world, my previous life doesn't affect me.

The experiences and knowledge I've adquired during those years still exist.

I didn't reincarnate the 'conventional way' and as such my soul still has all its 'weights' on it.

This memories allowed me to improve my cactus life but now ... they are also getting on the way of my magic.

It's true i see my roots as part of me but that's because the instincts of my body force me into doing so.

This is similar to how every baby know their arms are a part of them without ever explicitly being told so by their parents.

Magic on the other hand is a new... added feature.

Most cactus like my 'parent' never evolve into unlocking magic, as such there's nothing about it in my cacti instincts.

It just isn't common enough on our species for us to evolve into inatelly understanding it.

So it's up to my mind to accept it as a part of me but my 18 years of living without magic are getting on the way.

To me, magic is like a tool, a wepon, an home appliance.... A separate entity ftom me.

It's quite like giving a third prosthetic arm to a human and saying it's a part of him from then onwards.

Even if it's realistic looking or hypothetically in a sci-fi world, generically a part of him.

He just won't see it as such.

Not saying it won't accept it as a part of me, I have a LONG amount of time to get used to magic after all.

Besides there's not much more for me to do in the desert.

Just saying that as of right now... I can't.

Ans that's why this bird is annoying me.

"You're kinda dumb aren't you?"

"I've been giving you my heartfelt advice for at least a day yet you only improved this much?"

"Must be cause you're a plant, you probably have grass for a brain *puipuipipipipi*"

Hmm... This guy has been hanging around me for at least 3 days now, the other 2 birds left yesterday due to not having food.

Does he not eat? I know for a fact that evolution does not take away the need for nutrition.

In fact it increases it, if it stopped hunger, I wouldn't be here flying from one place to another in search for a good home.

"Are you curious?"


"About how I can go about without eating I mean."

... Can you read mind?

"Not quite reading mind Im analysing your aura using my aura vision... *cough* something you should train *cough*... Hmm I'm getting under the weather. "

You can use it that way?

"Every one has a aura kiddo, it's their stamp one could say."

"While at low levels, aura vision only allows one to see aura and seeing the world through aura."

"At a high level it allows one to see the foundations of an aura."

"By foundations I mean, personality of the owner, emotions even a bit of surface thoughs."

"This 'foundations' shape the aura in the air around you into your own. It's also the basics of 'parasitism', 'hive-mind', 'cooperation, etc..."

"Shaping others aura 'foundations' into one's similar to our one."

"Obviously you can't do more than the basics, if you could you would been able to hide your emotions and surface-thoughts from me."

"This is also how I know you're barely 19 years old... An young age for a plant to evolve, you must have a strong evolutionary potential."

"Probably born from a pup or something

Which is better than most who are born from a seed infection skill."

"Those usually grow old like usual plants gradually loosing their evolutionary potential without evolving"

"AH.. this is also an advise for you, you should evolve while your young in order to keep you petential high. The sooner the better."

"You can level up your skills afterwards."

"You'd be surprised by the number of fools I've seen that didn't evolve cause they wanted to gain a specific element before doing so."

"When they finally got their hand on that elements mana *puipupipipi* they where to old to evolve into unlocking it *puipuipipipi"

Hmm.. I see that's good to know

"Oh by the way to answer your question, this actually isn't my main body, only one of my copys made of earth and light magic and spread through the desert..."

"A guy can't be caught unaware in this day and age with all the wars and stuff."

After meeting this guy I've realized something about the system.

It has a few flaws... No, it is inherently flawed.