
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

To Sacrifice Greater, To Gain Greater

As Dakota and his siblings were inside another A^1 but this time the reality they were in was a lot greater as it seems, it felt like perfection happened but it was only in the past, the earth was balanced completely, the people were following all the rules but what kind of Rules? Rules of Morality but then again what could possibly go wrong?

Dakota and his siblings went somewhere to find the house they were before, usually there age was now in 910 years old yet they looked like young teens instead of being old, it was said that the lifespan of human years were 1000 and no one can go beyond it unless there is another possible reality where humans are all immortal but it would be impossible to know what it really is... are they innocent? Incorruptible? Are they unknown? Are they the people who are truly immeasurably stronger than everyone in the Realities where people know what is good and bad? Are they the innocent ones who people despise?

As the 4 siblings found their home, they went to look at the river first, it was surprisingly clear, like a crystal clear mirror that they could look at for hours and hours, they noticed their appearance were always the same.

Dakota was just a male with black hair, a balanced buffed masculine body, a calm looking face, he felt like he was looking at a better version of his own self.

Lemony was looking at the river, seeing her calm face, long brown hair that reaches her back, feminine body appearance, she also sees her eyes were brown like Dakota's, her height was 6'2 which was 2 inches shorter than Dakota who was 6'4.

Bluementrith had the same hair length like Lemony but the difference was her height was shorter than Lemony by 2 inches, Amersa had the same height as Bluementrith but her hair length only reaches by her neck.

After they all looked at their own appearance, Dakota was the first one to get up from the floor then he was followed by the other 3 who got up for the floor as they also finished checking their own appearance as they do so, in which it was quite convenient to check their appearance to see if there is a difference.

Dakota had in his thoughts if there was another way that can surpass the whole D^Layers that simple? Then again he takes a thought of it until...

"What If... I sacrifice all these imaginations in my mind? Just to learn something more, I don't even know if it works but if it happens to work... why not?" He thought in his mind after that thought popped up in his mind of sacrificing, he remembers something about the game he played.

"Pressing awaken to make a character's maximum level increase its own capacity by 10... I remember the maximum was 50 but when I keep pressing the same awaken button, the first awaken increases the level by 10 so the maximum became 60... then the maximum was 300 so I only pressed it by 25 times each time I reach a maximum level to be able to awaken it"

Lemony and Amersa both looked at Dakota as they got curious what he was thinking since he was standing there looking at the sky as if he was still curious what and when will be the end.

Dakota was still thinking about the game, awakening the characters to get their limit level to a higher capacity was something that his curiosity and attention were both focused at, he then started to compare the game and the rules of morality.

"Hm... if I sacrifice a particular imagination and thoughts just for the rules which talks about peace... then I'll be able to get more peace since I don't have much things in my mind and I could possibly gain more... however I don't know what would happen if I went to the worse timelines..." he thought in his mind, he wasn't really much aware what could he earn or gain when he experienced the bad timelines.

Lemony tugged Dakota's shirt.

"Are you alright, brother?" She asked in a very calm tone, as if her voice was soothing since it was completely feminine, it made Dakota felt like that kind of tone and voice made him feel familiar about something but he couldn't really think or remember what it was, rather it was something very unknown to him.

"Yes, I am alright" He answered Lemony's question in a very calm tone as well, as he looked at her eyes, Lemony could also feel the same familiarity with how he look at her, it made her feel like this already happened but it was way complicated to explain of what it was, she couldn't explain and describe it.

"You're thinking a bit deeper lately" Lemony said with the same calm tone, she could probably make someone fall asleep if she sings.

"Ah yes... I was thinking... if we sacrifice the powers we have... i felt like it only became real because our imaginations became real about being able to make stars and planets then again we are just humans and not *gods*" He says as he remembers who they were, they were regular humans who are created to function as humans and being under rules that can somehow make people feel the true freedom when it is followed correctly and perfectly though no one not even the smartest can know, if people already followed all the rules perfectly that were from the past, only the Creator of Rules can know who are th perfect and how many realities and timelines were perfect.

"S...Sacrificing?" Lemony asked as her tone was in curiosity one.

"Yeah like you know, when you are required to give something that can awaken something and could possibly unlock higher levels of our own attributes... like the video games, when you reach the max level and the higher rankings requires specific stuffs for the players to be able to get to that higher level" Dakota answered her question, meanwhile Bluementrith and Amersa were listening from behind.

"Will that work?"

"As they say, you will never know if you don't try"

Lemony just smiled there as she couldn't help it but feel comfortable whenever Dakota speaks out something like the topic they just talked about awhile ago.

"You sure are studying a lot of quotes, brother" Bluementrith responded suddenly with her calm tone as well but of course her voice sounded like a mature one.

"Well he does that always" Amersa responded with her high pitched tone, which kind of sounded strange despite of hearing it infinite times infinite times infinite... within all those realities of course they always hear those.

"Something like... unlocking a skill in a game when you reach a certain level..." Dakota suddenly said which caught the three sisters attention that made him look at him.

"However, In this kind of game called 'life'... the rewards and skills are always different from the video games..." Dakota added.

"Let's just go, I think we could find more answers if we go through the path of life" Lemony suggested which the other 3 agreed.


They have done the same pattern, they didn't break any rules, they aren't aware cause they don't even know it, even if they memorize all the rules, it wasn't enough, they know it already already it needs both physical and mental to follow the rules.

Once again, after year by year, they finally reached the end of their lifespan, the 1000th year, the final day, they all died with perfection.

Years passed...

"Hm... I wonder" a child like tone can be heard.

"I'm always this concious yet I feel like I've went to a whole adventure with someone" the child said.

"Eh- let's just play" another child says.

Both of them agreed and played.


Once again, they all arrived in the same place, the surroundings were still the same as before, it just repeats with the same galaxies, stars and planets that hey could see.

Dakota looked around seeing his siblings with him.

He thought of something.

"Is there another way where we could surpass the whole Hierarchy?" He asked.

Suddenly, a book appeared mid air, It was giving a weird vibe, the 4 siblings looked at the book that appeared out of nowhere.

"A... book?"

"What's a book doing here all of the sudden?"

Dakota was just confused along with the other 3 sisters that were with him, it was like the book was about to give them a help to surpass the whole level.

He opened the book as it suddenly had written words.

"To Gain Greater means to Sacrifice Greater"

Dakota looked at the 3 sisters as they walked towards him.

"What does it say?" Lemony asked.

"Take a look" Dakota answered.

Lemony nodded as she went and takes a look at it, the other 2 followed until they all see the same phrase and Quote.

Dakota turns to the next page, they see a blank page.

"I'll try to do something..."

He said to himself as the other 3 sisters looked at him.

Dakota turned his thoughts, Imaginations, experiences from all realities he encountered into a black ink, he began writing it inside the book until he was finished and every single ink was in the paper, not even a drop of it can be seen left in the pen.

Lemony, Bluementrith and Amersa went and did the same like Dakota does until they were all finished.

"I am quite surprised that the book can hold more words" Amersa responded.

"Yeah but now... I wonder what happens..."

Dakota and the 3 sisters just watched until...

The light engulfs them again...



It was taking awhile, it felt like forever.



As soon as the light disappeared.

Dakota looked around seeing his sisters but something was different, he was seeing eagle wings, they were 8 wings, 4 on the left and 4 on the right that were on their backs, those mentioned eagle wings have the size twice bigger than the wings of an adult eagle.

Dakota scanned their appearances, he noticed the sisters were wearing armored chest plates but they aren't just normal but rather it was made by something, it was for sure not a normal material used like an earth's metal to make a knight's armor, was this making them feel something powering them up even more?

As he looked from head to toe, he sees it was a knight armor, the iron leggings, boots and even the arms, hands including the neck were all protected but the helmet wasn't there.

The three sisters were also looking at him, he had the same appearance as them but he has the knight's helmet with the horns of a water buffalo but the color was golden.

Dakota noticed the book was still floating in mid air, he checked it.

It said.

"You have done well"

It now showed the attributes and additional passive abilities that they got.

Experiences that they wrote turned into Strength, Endurance, Resistance, Speed, Incorruptible Natural Growth that has an incomprehensible growth rate, Incorruptible Adaption with incomprehensible adaptive rate.

Each attributes that they gained by sacrificing what they earned from before, the imaginations, experiences and thoughts.

Experience from All Possible Realities that they experienced both good and bad, better and worse realities, they have wrote that they followed the rules, the words were golden which meant that what they wrote were true, the attributes they gained from it were "Resistance" where they can completely resist death, sickness, pain, sufferings, nightmare and anything bad and worse were adding more for the Resistance to become strong.

Another one was "Incorruptible Adaptation" that has an incomprehensible adaptive rate, where they can adapt to anything, death, pain, sufferings, anything from bad and worse realitities, it was like an immune system in a human body where it adapts so it can help defend the whole body from sickness, so the body could live longer.

Then another one was "Incorruptible Natural Growth" it also had an incomprehensible growth rate, they would eventually keep growing to a higher level where they couldn't imagine what it is, it added that it would also enhance "Incorruptible Adaptation" when they keep growing.

They then noticed each wings have colored auras on them, they stared to read each one.

The red one was Strength that was on the top left on the back of their wings, blue one on the top right was Endurance, the green one was Regeneration which happens to exist because of the two Incorruptible added attributes to them which the green aura was still top left but below the red aura, the orange aura was speed which was on the top right below the blue aura.

The next wing was a yellow aura which indicates Resilience as it was on the bottom left but above the last row wings.

The next one was white, which indicates Incorruptibility as it was on the bottom right but above the last row.

The last two wings were still white colored auras.

The left one was Authority over Forcing which they could force things even if the reality doesn't want to.

The right one was Authority over Denying which they could deny things, whether be existence or anything.

However they noticed a note.

"You cannot erase the Realities as the reason was because the Creator was the one who created them and not you, if you were stronger then it's possible..."

The note ended.

The book then disappears in Nothingness but it only moved to a higher realm which the siblings don't know about.

They started going up again they noticed the same words.

"The End of B^∞"

They look down seeing the same A^∞ and A^-∞ though it was still the same repeating cycle of what they just see.

They went further.

"The End of C^∞"

They went further.

"The End of D^∞"

They stopped for awhile.

"Hm... so basically... we easily just got a huge jump from A^1 to A^∞ then... yeah" Amersa said.

They went further again.

"The End of E^1"

They went further again.

"The Beginning of E^2"

They see the same old symbols.


They now entered it again...