
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Adapt and Overcome

Upon reaching the A^1, they were in another higher reality but unaware what year they are in right now.

Dakota looked around to see who to ask, he sees one person, the man had a very simple appearance, just a normal t-shirt, and pants, it's very simple that his presence was very calm.

"Pardon me sir, but what year is it right now?" He asked in a calm tone, he was showing respect and calmness towards the man, as the man looked at him.

"What a well mannered person I may say" the man responded to him in a calm manner as well, he showed respect to him as well.

"We are in year 1002010th, it's a great thing that we reached this far, aren't we?" He added as he was still looking at Dakota directly at his eyes, Dakota nodded at what the man hath said.

"Yeah it's surprising and a great thing, I wonder how it was possible?" Dakota now asked a question towards man as he was still curious.

"The ancient times or in other words the older generations, they are the reason, it was said that there were rules that they followed until the end of their life, you can visit the library to see it for yourself if you want to" the man responded calmly to Dakota as he gave him a smile, Dakota nodded.

"Alright, I am satisfied with the answer, I'd thank you for that sire" Dakota says as he was still looking at the man, he nodded at Dakota and bid him goodbye after Dakota left him with a good mood.

Dakota walked to where his sisters are at, they were near at a river, Lemony turns and sees Dakota coming from the direction that was he coming from.

"Sooo... did you get any answers?" Lemony asked as she was looking at Dakota's eyes directly which she was also calm.

"Yeah, We are at year 1002010 right now" Dakota answered her question completely which made both Bluementrith and Amersa gave a "Are you serious?" look at Dakota.

"Also yeah, wanna change dressing styles?" He added as he asked a question to the three, Lemony looked at Dakota once again as she looked around seeing some people with business style and old generational dressing which made her feel like she wanted to dress like those.

"Why not? I feel superior if I dress like those guys" Lemony said as Bluementrith and Amersa both looked at her which they looked at the direction where Lemony looked at for a short period of time, they saw it.

"Well, we agree" Bluementrith responded.

They all got up and left to find a clothing store, they find one a little sooner which saved their time to at least give the library a visit.

They all went inside the store to choose the clothing that they wanted to wear, it seems that it was all formal, Dakota soon paid the clothes that they bought and got out from the store.


They went back to their home...

"Wait a second... something isn't right" Dakota said.

"Hm, why is that?" Lemony asked.

"We didn't go through the childhood stage before we reached this age" Dakota answered.

As soon realization hits all them 4, they thought they did something wrong which caused Bluementrith and Amersa to panic a bit, both Dakota and Lemony calmed them both.

"Let's just go change our attire" He says as the 3 sisters nodded.

They went inside their home.

They changed their attire as they got out from the house, the clothes they were wearing was comfortable.

Dakota was wearing a formal attire, a white polo-shirt, a black suit -business style- , a black pants, a dark blue neck tie and white socks then finally black shoes.

Lemony was wearing a formal attire as well, a white polo-shirt, a black suit -business style- , dark blue neck tie, an Accordion type skirt that reaches knee length, then white socks and black shoes

Bluementrith was wearing a white polo-shirt, a black suit -business style-, a dark blue neck tie, a Godet skirt that reaches knee length, then white socks and black shoes.

Amersa was wearing the same as well, white polo-shirt, a black suite -business style-, a dark blue neck tie, a Gypsy skirt that reaches knee length, then white socks and black shoes.

"..." Dakota was looking at the three sisters.

"Why... do you have the same neck tie, the same black suit and shite polo-shirt like I do?" he asked.

"We ran out of idea" Bluementrith smiled sheepily.

"Nevermind about it, let's visit the library" He says as the other 3 nodded.

They now went walking in the clear path in front of them, the sky was clear, the flowing river can be heard as the water was flowing from somewhere, it sounded like when a boat rows itself on water, the wind was blowing nicely for them, it felt like a breeze and the temperature was cooler, their suits were waving a bit because of the wind blowing from their left.

Their footsteps sounded through the cobblestone floor that they are stepping at, it was like a double light tapping on wooden floor using a wooden cup.

They took awhile to get to the library, a lot of turns and a lot corners they met until they reached their destination.

"Ah finally" Lemony says as she felt relieved.

"Oh wow, it was quite fast" She thought.

They all went inside the library.

Dakota went to the history aisle of books, he got only 1 book since many would take them awhile.

The book he got is named as "The Rules of Life"

They started reading it from page 1 until the end.

They could see histories of people from year 4000 BC until year 1000000 AD, they were astonished by what they are seeing, they got clues of how to live peacefully, one was following all the rules, letting go of every thoughts and just memorize every rules of morality, abstaining from violent and filthy thoughts, etc... there were a lot but the Summarization was "Be Simple, just follow the law and you will be alright until the end of your life".

It seems that the knowledge of the people in the history were a lot simpler comparing the other realities that they have seen, it seems that they got a clue how to completely live perfectly.

They now started to go with the advice to just live simple and be under the law until the end of their life, it now began of them being naturally perfect in mental, morals and even purity as well.

They have done it until the 1000 year lifespan had ended.


They woke up again.

The same place they use to see, they looked down seeing the A^1 and A^-1, they continued their journey up ahead.

As they arrived again at the higher layer seeing the A^2, it was all just the same, they see the multiplying of stars and of the galaxies at an extreme rate, it doesn't really matter what keeps repeating from their perspective, they know it will just keep repeating until they wpuld hit a certain level in which they wouldn't know what it is.

They entered it, repeated the whole cycle of Simplicity.

A^3 was surpassed because of it.



It just repeats until they hit A^∞ once again, they entered it and repeated the same cycle of Simple Perfection which means living a perfect and simple life by following every rules of morality completely however it becomes too easy for them but they just didn't care and continued.

After their whole life was completed, they are now a layer above the A^∞, they continued further as they see the Golden Words "The End of B^1"

They went to another layer which was just another gap filled with galaxies, stars and planets that kept multiplying endlessly.

Then they arrived again at another layer "The Beginning of B^2"...

The whole cycle repeats.

A^∞ was surpassed after every layers were surpassed.

They meet the same word The End of B^2

It keeps repeating.

The Beginning of B^3

The A^∞ was surpassed once again after all the lower layers were surpassed by them four.

The End of B^3

It continues.

The Beginning of B^4...

It keeps on repeating...

"These words just keeps repeating" Dakota says.

"Yeah but let's just focus on our goal" Lemony says.

"What does this mean?" Dakota thought in his mind, the question pops up in his mind, it was like there's a message within these repeating patterns, it felt like another answer would've been given to answer his question.

"What is this cycle?" He thought

After completing A^∞

The End of B^4.

They started to notice a pattern, the B^1 was the full 1000000 years of perfection, the B^2 is 2000000 years, B^3 is 3000000, B^4 is 4000000 years.

"Ah now I see" Dakota thought of them.

They just continued, they learned that each time they reach a higher reality, they keep appearing in a future, another future, an another future then a far future.

The loop doesn't end.

The Beginning of B^5 and the End of B^5

It keeps repeating...

Though the cycle eventually was broken after they find another clue to surpass the infinite B^layers.

The Beginning of B^∞

They surpassed every single A^layers including A^∞

The End of B^∞

They went above it and saw "The End of C^2"

They go further to see The Beginning of C^3

They learned the whole entirety of what is supposed to be the simplest way to surpass the whole Hierarchy by facing greater challenges, it seems that perfection would require perfect challenges for people to become perfect.

It gave them a huge jump after the End of C^3 because of finishing and surpassing A^∞ and surpassing the end of B^∞.

From the end of C^3 towards the Beginning of C^∞

They repeated the cycle so easily that A^1 was surpassed only by a second.

Finally reaching the above of A^∞

They reached the End of B^∞

They went further and saw

The End of C^∞

They went further,

"I wonder if we completed the cycle or is there something more?" Dakota wondered as he really thinks what was perfection all about.

As they went further reaching another layer, they ended up entering a huge room filled, as they look around, they see Golden pillars, white and black floor tiles, then they see the "Endless Sea of Depths of the Extremely Developed Realities" which contains the lower Realities below the layer they are all in.

As they looked around and walked through the white and black floor tiles that was leading to somewhere, they looked at the Golden Words again

"The End of D^1"

It seems that they were unbothered but they continued upon their journey.

There was a staircase, it seems that it was leading towards upstairs.

They took it, then they saw another endless sized room full of trees that has bronze stamps which was actually the A^Layers.

They took another staircase that leads to another layer.

This time they all saw trees with Silver stamps which would mean that they are all the B^Layers that they all saw before.

They see another staircase, they walked up towards it which sent them to the third layer, this time they saw trees with golden stamps which the C^layers would be classified as those.

There was another staircase once again, they walk up the stairs only to end up in another higher layer, they noticed something was different.

It now has mountains then another "Sea of Endless Depths of Realities"

They look upon it seeing all those realities they were inside before.

"Is it really the end?" Lemony asked.

Dakota shakes his head, he point at a certain direction where the words "The Beginning of D^2" was, it was floating above the land, shining like a star.

They didn't hesitate any longer and continued to do it.

This time they went to another gap layer, then they go further arrived at a higher layer then they saw A^1, once again.

"Let's adapt and overcome these obstacles" Dakota says as he was now fully confident that they can overcome the whole D^Layers.

The sisters agreed and went with him inside A^1.

They were surely ready to grow more than what they are, greater obstacles once again are in their path.