
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Importance of Experience

Dakota once again woke up, he noticed that his sisters weren't with him, he blinked in confusion of what was happening, Dakota just thought they probably separated from him in another possibility but he couldn't really tell if it happened or maybe his sisters were in another room.

He came out from the room, to find his sisters, there were other rooms but his sisters weren't there, something pop up in his mind.

"Hm, I guess reaching the second layer of "E" would eventually make a random possible life that I could have" He thought in his mind, as he looked around, he noticed that the hallway was surprisingly clean, the wooden floor, the walls and the ceiling were all clean.

Dakota felt like the peace increased just by looking, he walked through the hallway, looking around as his footsteps sounded through the wooden floor, tapping noise, the light shines through windows.

As he walked further reaching the end of the hallways, he noticed two people, these weren't his parents nor his sister's parents.

Though he looked at them, he eventually have memories with them that came out of nowhere, from childhood until he was in his 50s though he still looked like a young teen due to the 1000 year lifespan of humans as maximum.

"Morning mother, morning father" He bowed to them since his memories were making him remember of how he does things, he would usually bow to them.

"This is new" He thought in his mind as he didn't really remember a single thing of them except it was because of the past realities, maybe.

"Morning dear" the mother said as she was looking at Dakota.

"Did you have a nice sleep?" The father asked.

"Ah yeah, sure a lot of dreams and nightmares just appeared all at the same time" Dakota said in his calmest tone, though it sounded masculine and a bit deep.

There was already a breakfast prepared on the table.

"Autumn, hon, I'll be going for work" the father said as he stood up from his seat.

"Sol, don't forget the food I prepared for you" Autumn responded to Sol which he nodded.

"Don't worry, your cooking was always been better" He says.

"Is that an insult or... a compliment... a backhand compliment?" Dakota thought when he was listening to the conversation of the mother and father.

As soon as he hears the father left the house.

Dakota sat on the chair, the table was in front of him as he looked at Autumn then at the table which he sees the egg, bacon, meat then the fruits and vegetables.

"Oh wow, a bacon in the traditional timelines?" He thought as he was a little surprised and amazed by it, maybe it was because of experience or it was because it was already popular.

"Dear, Are you alright? you seem to be staring at the food for quite awhile, does it smell bad?" Autumn asked as she was looking at Dakota with a worried expression, which somehow struck Dakota's heart seeing the motherly side of someone who he didn't know but the memories that came out of nowhere which made him remember her.

"Ah, no mother, they are in fact smell good actually, I was just thinking lately about those dreams, they feel real... they aren't like the lucid dreams or they call it the dream where you have full control" Dakota answered in a calm tone which made Autumn smiled at the statement that Dakota gave.

"Ah, I mean if those dreams just happened repeatedly maybe it's coincidence if it happens I this world as well" Autumn answered "also of course it's my understanding so I can be wrong" She added as she was aware that she could be wrong at a high chance.

Dakota nodded.

"Let's eat" Autumn said as she was smiling which made Dakota nodded again in agreement, they started eating the food, enjoying the time.

"The food... they are too delicious" He thought in his mind as soon he finished the breakfast along with her mother.

"How was the food?" She asked.

"It was great, I was speechless, I mean it" He answered her question which made Autumn feel glad about it.

"Also may i help you with the dishes, mother?" He added which made her look at him, he wasn't sure if he made her feel bad or glad about it.

"Oh thank you, I would like to but won't you have anything like work to do?" She asked.

"Well that would be later" He responded as Autumn nodded.

They both went and washed the dishes from plates, utensils, glasses for drinks and even the older ones were washed as well.

Dakota was feeling fond about this, it felt like he was having a great time, he couldn't really tell why, but it didn't matter.

"The only things that are with me would be, the rules, the Creator then the very least would be my own self... actions have consequences so this is why i feel fond with them" He thought in his mind as he finished cleaning the dishes along with her mother who also finished washing those.

The time moved fast, it felt like the whole life was about to end again, however there was still time left before hitting something or maybe it was too far yet still mysterious.

Dakota was now 557 years old in age, Autumn and Sol died at the age of 1000, though it felt strange how he was born somewhere when the parents are at the age of 443.

"I feel..."



Dakota muttered as he was looking at their Graves, their names were written on it, he blinked there, standing alone, feeling like he was struck by a lightning in his heart, a painful headache of memories being fond with them.

"So this is... what love is... there will be pain whenever you lose them... but that is... just normally natural death... a sacrifice must be made in order to follow the rules even if it's about leaving them behind from the past"

He stood there, experiencing new ones, he couldn't even think properly, it felt like he was always alone but he knew it was just someone trying to discourage him to discontinue with the path.

"It's true... it's only the rules... the Creator and my own self that are with me all along... the friends, family and even memories would just stay as memories and will stay in the past"

He stood there, being speechless, he was still staring at their Graves, their written name as if he was reading it repeatedly.


He looked at his hand there were tear drops, he didn't noticing he was already tearing up without him noticing it.


He was confused, he was still processing of what was happening until the realization and the feelings came out of nowhere.

He hopes no one sees that he was tearing up, not even the children themselves would he want to see an grown male crying.

"I have to move on and... continue"

He says, he was hesitating to leave the place, he was still looking at their Graves, at their names, he was like repeating it over and over, it felt like he just wanted to have this life restarted but things must come to an end then another must come to another beginning.

He forced himself to leave the place, the memories of being fond and compassion and even love were there but it hurts him, he didn't let it get it to him, was he too selfish? No, rather it was because the rules are still there, it was like the people who were watching him from birth until the end.


As time passes by, he had been working tirelessly, until he had a relationship with Lemony who was a daughter of another family far from Dakota's.

"Hm... Lemony? Are you sure we should continue and get married after 10 years?" Dakota asked.

"Dakota, we're not siblings in this timeline" Lemony answered.

"I know but it just feels weird, you know, marrying your own sibling in another timeline where both aren't siblings but are strangers to each other" Dakota said.

"Hey at least we could build a family, though I'm not sure where Bluementrith and Amersa are at" Lemony responded as she got curious where Bluementrith and Amersa ended up at.


After 5 years, both Dakota and Lemony got into a deeper relationship.

Then another 10 years passed by as they both got married.

Eventually they made love and their own honeymoon to their own house, Lemony was for sure a loud one since both of them were enjoying their session.


Two children were given birth by Lemony, both of the parents are at the age of 572, they named them "Quill Roosevelt" and "Canter Roosevelt" they were twins, both are males, the last names of the parents were used since both are "Roosevelt" in last name.


After 20 years.

Their children were atleast adults, both Dakota and Lemony fulfilled their roles as parents, they were loved by their children, it was like a paradise that no one can imagine of, let alone the lazy ones who wanted paradise yet they don't want to work to make one.


At the final year of their life.

Both Lemony and Dakota were at the mountain looking at the sunset, Lemony was feeling a lot comfortable looking at the sunset before their eyes.

"You know, it's not really that bad enjoying life as a mortal human" Dakota said.

"Yeah, it surely is but having a forever happy ending would be something that we would want, don't we?" Lemony responded calmly to what Dakota stated.

Dakota and Lemony looked at each other, they still looked young teens but their lifetime was about to come to an end.

They made their final kiss.

The final hour was there...

The final minute...

The final second...

Their life ended happily without regrets, and their roles were fulfilled.


They eventually appeared in the same place, the same layer that was above A^1 and A^-1, the same thing they were endless amount of it.

The Stas and galaxies were also there but it didn't matter anyways.

Bluementrith and Amersa were there as Dakota sees them in front of him while Lemony was beside him.

"That was clearly unfair" Bluementrith said.

"What do you mean?" Dakota asked.

"You're better at being a female than us!" Amersa pouted as she whined about Dakota's female version was better.

"Wait what?" He got confused.

Both Amersa and Bluementrith pointed at the A^1s, both Dakota and Lemony looked, they see a timeline where Dakota was a female and both Bluementrith and Amersa can be seen jealous of how much attention Dakota's female version got because of being submissive.

"Oh..." Dakota wasn't aware that one.

"So as they say... The Best girl is a boy... weird quote but it became true"

"Let's just move on..." he was now thinking what just happened.

The book appeared in mid air once again.

They all wrote all the experiences, thoughts and imaginations, their own attributes but they couldn't write the incorruptible, it seems that it won't let them because it was already incorruptible and it doesn't need any kind of changes specially it has an independent element that makes it truly incomprehensible in any matter nor anything, it didnt really matter if it was infinite, the black ink which was all about their experiences, thoughts, attributes and imaginations that turned into ink that was inside the pen was empty, it was all written inside the book.

After that, their wings became incomprehensibly stronger, the knight armor from head to toe the whole body became incomprehensible, the aura color on their wings improved, became stronger and better, shining brighter as they are incomprehensible even as before.

As soon as the book disappeared as it returned to its own realm which was completely unknown.

They all look down seeing the Endless amount of A^∞ and Endless Amount of A^-∞, then they went further.

They see the "The End of B^∞"

They went further above.

"The End of C^∞"

They keep going further above.

"The End of D^∞"

They keep going further above.

"The End of E^∞"

They eventually went further and further, it felt like it took them like an hour before they reach the higher realm.

"The End of F^1"

They went above it, further, they took about another hour, however time was working way too different than earth's time movement, it was like unknown, a second of the time that was in the whole realm were making the whole movement of the time and the movement on earth and of the universe as completely frozen.

As soon as they arrive at the higher layer.

They saw "The Beginning of F^2"

They went further above until they see the same old symbol.


They entered it once again, what kind of Reality will they ever see?