
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Higher Extremities

The pitch black surrounded him again, this time he was feeling different in his body, he felt like he was weaker, it was questionable already. As soon as he woke up, he opened his eyes, feeling his body a little lighter than usual. He looked around in his surroundings.

He first looked at the ceiling, it was the same wooden ceiling, it looked completely new despite of many years had passed yet the ceiling still looks new, the same old memories that keeps popping up out of nowhere appeared in her mind where the ceiling he kept on seeing day and night, everyday in his life until now.

From the same childhood days until he reached the age of 120s, his appearance stayed the same young teen appearance yet an adult already, the reason stayed the same, the human lifespan was still 1000 years maximum.

After looking at the ceiling, he turned his head towards his left, seeing a wooden table -there was nothing on it except a novel book and pencil- which was beside the bed he was laying down on, there was a window, the sunlight was shining through it, the sun rises above the ground from a very far distance which means that the direction where the sun was rising from, was east, according to his perspective.

The light shines through the room, which lights up the room nicely, giving off a sunrise blooming theme. The temperature was warm enough to give off a sense of peace, a sense of goodness to start the day joyfully, even the breathing the air felt smooth to breathe in and out as if there completely no pollution at all.

He now turns his head to his right, he sees the wooden wall, specially the light was shining on it which only lightens the color of the wall, to his right, there was only a small bookshelf which had 3 books in it but it can have a maximum of 10 books if he ever plans to put more in it.

The sight gives off another peaceful moment, it was like a paradise again, it is simple yet so much peaceful, Anyone would want to lay down on the bed again and sleep but the morning time was already occurring, it would feel great to sleep at night instead, to sleep and rest after the day is spent.

He slowly got up on the bed, he was still questioning why his body feels weird.

"Why do I feel... weird?" He was thinking of it, he was clearly questioning himself if ever he did something wrong but he wasn't panicking because the important objective was to follow the rules and not to worry about appearance nor anything in life.

As he got up, he fixed the bed.

He first takes off the pillow and puts them on the table where the novel book and pencil are on.

He folded the blanket, organizing it and arranging it nicely.

He puts the pillow back and he was finished fixing the bed.

He turned around, and faced towards the direction where the door that leads to somewhere else would be at, he would be expecting it to be a hallway that would eventually lead to the living room and kitchen as well.

He walked up towards the door.

Each step he makes, does a light-tapping sound on the wooden floor.

A step

And another step

Then another step

Right and left

Like a usual day but this time it would feel extremely good.

As soon as he reached the door, he reach forth his hand towards the knob, twisting it to open the door.

As he twisted it, it made a clicking sound which means the door was opened, as he opened the door, there was a slight creaking noise but it wasn't really loud rather it was near to being silent.

He went through the doorway and closed the door gently after going through.

It made a gentle clicking sound when the door was closed.

He turns around, seeing the hallway once again.

"I wonder what can i do for now... other than eating breakfast and going to work?"

"Well, it shouldn't be bad if i go to work, right?"

"Even if my body feels weird?"

He kept asking himself with those questions but the tone of his voice, he noticed that it sounded feminine instead of masculine.


The hallway from his perspective as follows, two doors on the right, one leads to the bathroom and one leads to the storage room.

There was one on the left but it wasn't a door rather a path that leads downstairs because the first step of the stairs can be seen due to the coloring difference of the floor and the staircase.

He ran towards the bathroom.

"What is happening?" He was clearly confused what was happening, the first one was feeling strange in his body, then the second one is the tone of his voice that is now feminine.

He arrived at the bathroom, quickly.

There was no time to waste.

A mirror was on the wall, it had a clear glass which anyone can see their own reflection clearly.

"What's with me?"

As he ran towards in front of the mirror there he saw his own reflection.

She sees herself being a woman with feminine body, her chest, anything as well which are assets are clearly seen from her perspective.

She sighed.

"Oh well, my objective doesn't really change... just the roles swapped since I'm a woman"

She left the bathroom immediately as she was back in the hallway, she walked towards down the stairs.

The air starts to change a bit, there was a scent of someone in the kitchen, it seems that she was a bit earlier than what she thought she was this early.

The humming tone of a mother can be heard from the kitchen, she can be seen preparing some kitchen tools and food ingredients for breakfast.

It seems that the day was starting off better than what Dakota expected to be, or could it be more than just being better?

"I wonder who is humming a tone"

Dakota remembers it was her mother but it wasn't the same as before, her name was Valerie Augusta, it seems like Dakota was seeing more alternate mothers but it just happened to be that she could be choosing which possibility should she enter in.

"Morning, mother"

"Morning, deary"

Valerie responded with a blooming smile at Dakota, her daughter, she was already preparing breakfast, while looking at her.

"Should I help you with the preparation of breakfast, mother?"

Dakota asked in a calm tone, being respectful in front of Valerie, it seems that she was having a good start in the day.

"Ah yes, that would be great"

Valerie responded with the same calm expression as she was letting out a calm atmosphere around the area which was the whole kitchen itself.


Dakota smiled, she began helping Valerie with the breakfast, they both took time flawlessly, the breakfast was finished, the father appeared and he looked like a newly woke up person from her perspective.

"Morning, father" Dakota said.

Valerie turned her head, seeing her own husband named "Adonaria Augusta", it sounded like a female name but does it really matter? Names are just names, they have meanings but it doesn't make them a male nor a female generally.

"Morning dear"

Valerie responded after Adonaria had appeared, he nodded before he spoke.

"Good morning to you two"

He says as he smiled

Dakota looked at them both from her eyes, it seems that she was thinking of her other siblings, where would be they at?

"I should probably focus on eating with them first, I feel like I could enjoy this moment with them" She says

Time now continues to move, straight forward towards the future of the reality that Dakota was inside at.

"Time really moves fast"

"My patience could keep growing"

She looked at herself, seeing the reflection on the river.

"I'm already again a 777 year old woman and my parents are finally at the end of their life time"

A male suddenly have appeared, it had a muscular appearance, masculine, he was walking towards her, it seemed like he knows her?

Dakota looked, seeing the male.


"Who are you?"

"What a strange way to say that you have a minor forgetfulness, Dakota... and yeah it's me Lemony... but I have to change it to Radisson since I'm a male"

Lemony responded but he seemed like that he would like to be named as "Radisson Roosevelt"

"If ever possible... I would like to court you, princess"

He says in a manly voice.


Dakota couldn't believe it, Lemony aka Radisson was courting her, though she's a female and Radisson is a male.


She asked, her face was red, she felt like she was easy to get when she acted like this.

"By no means, no"

She played hard to get in front of him, trying to make sure that he is surely Lemony in a male body.

"Mhm, I know what you like, Dakota"

He says as he brings out a book about flawlessness and even about adaptating and developing.

"This is what you liked, isn't it?"

He asked as he was still looking at Dakota's eyes directly from his eyes, an eye to eye contact.

She blinked, her face was in complete red seeing the gift then seeing how charming and attractive of a male Lemony is, it felt like it would be weird for others but Dakota was feeling like she doesn't care any longer.

"Fine... I'll let you court me"

Radisson celebrated of being able to win female Dakota's heart, Lemony being Lemony, knowing what her brother likes is what she knows a lot about him.

"Yes! Now should we go on a date?"

He asked as he offered his hand like a prince towards Dakota being a princess.

"Damn... my heart is racing... is this how easy it is for me to fall in love to males if i am a female?"

Dakota asked her self in her mind as she was looking at Radisson aka Lemony in a male body and personality.


She says, as she doesn't hesitate to answer the question, she accept the offer.

The date started, they first went to a sight seeing, watching the mountains, walking inside a forest, looking at the birds who were chirping. The sunset which they watched until it reaches the night time.

Day and night, they kept doing the same old rules, the rules of morality, it maintained peace constantly inside their relationship, lifting each other up constantly until the end of their lives, what kind of love are they showing, rather that question, this question should be ask, how to love everyone?

The time moves forward again as they got married at the age of 888.

The same thing happened, Radisson knew Dakota and Dakota bare two children as they were twins, Radisson had suggested to make a list of names until they saw fitting names for the twins.

"Cordova Roosevelt" for the boy

"Diana Roosevelt" for the girl

They were both twins.

Both Radisson and Dakota took care of them until they grew up reaching the age of 111.

Finally both are at their 1000th year and the last year.

"My patience has been always growing, even if it takes a thousand of years, I'd wait"

"I don't care anymore"

"I'd rather have my patience keep growing than to be impatient at all..."

Dakota was looking at Radisson, she was sitting with him on side of the cliff, watching the sunset.

"Whatever happens"

"Let's stay patient and endure until the end"

Radisson responded to what Dakota had stated.

"Whatever happens as well, focus on one thing"

"Stay on the path until you reach the end"

Dakota says while looking at Radisson, calmly.


As the final moment had passed.

The final day passed.

Their life flashes between their eyes, a romantic ending yet a still continuous ending outside.


The noise of the emptiness, was it really empty?

The noise of every cries of babies, the cries of victims of wars and crimes, were they heard?

The dread feeling, hearing the scream of agony, pain and even the cries of the innocents.

"What the... I... can hear... them..."

"What is this... dread feeling?"

"I am already perfect? But why am i feeling scared? What is this?"

Dakota opened his own eyes once again.

He looked seeing the endless amount of realities, incomprehensible sufferings, incomprehensible righteousness and peace, the war and crimes.

Upon everything, he felt everything, the literal everything, the flaws, the mistakes, the consequences, every deaths he experienced it, every crimes that people have done against him, the most disgusting yet no one can comprehend what kind of a filth that Dakota sees from his own eyes.

The growl of a dangerous being can be heard.

It showed up...

The appearance was likened unto a man, with knight armor, with the same appearance like Dakota has when he has the knight armor and wings, the dangerous being had the same attributes but a terror can be felt, a death threat can be felt, what kind of death...

Unknown, no one has known unless there would be something that can describe about it.

The being was giving some kind of a deadly aura, a deadly threat that it seems like it can end a person's life whether be immortal or a mortal.

Dakota was breathing heavily, feeling the horror and terror.

"W-what is this?"

"Why... d-do I feel like m-my end... is... h-here?"

He felt like his life would end here.

Lemony, Bluementrith and Amersa were all running.

"Dakota! Run!" They all yelled.

Dakota was confused, he turns to see the terrifying being.

The being was about to do a final judgement swing.

It raises up it sword, the dreadful feeling can be felt by anyone even someone from the farthest of the far, it can be felt.

Then it swings the sword downward towards Dakota.

Dakota barely managed to dodge in time, almost getting hit by the sword.

"W-woah... I almost had my end"

He says to himself, he felt like something grabbed him.

It was Lemony, she dragged him with them three.

They were all running away from the terrifying being.

The book again appeared.

Lemony, Amersa and Bluementrith had written everything, their flaws, mistakes, experiences, knowledge, intelligence, their own attributes like the Strength, etc...

However the Incorruptible Adaptivity and Incorruptible Natural Growth was Incomprehensible and Incorruptible it seemed that incorruptibility doesn't need any longer of being written inside the book to be upgraded to a higher level since it would be the highest and unreachable already.

Dakota wrote everything including his own flaws and mistakes from every realities he had been inside at.

As soon as they finished writing, the book disappears in an instant.

They were now being dragged to a higher unknown.

The A^∞ was now for sure surpassed.

The End of B^∞

They went further, Repeating this process

The End of C^∞

It repeats...

The End of D^∞

It keeps repeating...

The End of E^∞


The End of F^∞


The End of G^1


The Beginning of G^2

Dakota and his siblings don't know where they are at any longer.

The surroundings were now completely different.

It was a library, with books in each levels, one is on the first and another is on the second, then so on and so forth, it seems like it was a humongous amount but no one can know how many.

There was light, it was torches that lights up the library, it seems like they finally reached a resting place... Will it be permanent? Or temporary?