
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

If it already happens, leave it be and continue within the path

It seems that the four siblings have arrived inside a library, after they have arrived, the surroundings were completely quiet and strangely calm as if they were in heaven, whatever it was, it felt like comfort.

"I... sometimes could've thought... maybe i should slow down and stop?"

"I'm really bad at first... do I really need to continue or just stop?"

"I... couldn't think if anything but rather I could feel being hated, it's not like Reality is always gonna be on my side, I'd rather face it than run away"

The footsteps could be heard unto one's ear, walking towards somewhere where I...Me...You...They... the tapping of the shoes on the floor, can be heard.

"I really messed up... I'm not perfect..."

Remembering the same feeling of fear, the same sight I could've seen or maybe you could've seen, was it death?

Was it hell?

What was it?

It felt like the thoughts were overflowing, and overloading...

Feeling like it would explode in any moment.

"I don't care... I'll continue even if I messed up... I just... need to... take some time"

"Am I prideful? A selfish?"

The thoughts keep popping out in my mind, as if it was trying to kill me, the feelings were trying to entrap me into thinking that I wouldn't be able to become better.

"I... messed up so badly"

Dakota had stopped thinking, the feeling of guilt and anger in him, as if he failed to reach Perfection along with his siblings even tho the story have mentioned about them being perfect, are they being tricked into thinking that they were?

Or was it someone sending doubts and even discouragement to discontinue in the path?

"Books... maybe they could help us..."

My voice uttered in the aisles of the library, every single aisle filled with numerous or maybe innumerable amount of books were placed.


'I turned my head to the right, I've seen my sister, Lemony being worried about somehing'

"This fear... why did it turn into... sadness?"

'I don't know, it's not like I'd know the answer for that...'

"To answer that... I don't know... maybe we failed"

'I felt something tugging my arm, it was Amersa'

Dakota nodded as they went, Bluementrith was behind them as she was still scared but later on shared the same feeling that the other 3 felt.

"Take some books from the shelves, we might enjoy some time here" Dakota smiled as he spoke it towards the other 3.

They nodded and went to take 1 book each.

They all held a book, placing it on the table.

"This calmness... it just feels like... I feel comforted... there's nothing fearing about this yet it feels so... nice?" I questioned myself.

"What did I do?"

A memory pops up in his mind, remembering those calmest times, loving moments, the happiest joys whenever he feels the comfortable atmosphere.

He looked towards the 3 siblings, smiling a bit as he was having a genuine smile.

Dakota opened the book, the page he could hear turning as he could hear also the pages turning when the three siblings opened the books that they got.

"I wonder what's inside this book, it feels weird that I could sense some kind of aura in it, it wasn't threatening for sure but it would probably scare at the same time if I am choosing the wrong path for sure"

As he takes a look at the pages, he sees a a lot of informations about him then he reads deeper and further until he reaches at a certain sentence.

"Keep pushing forward"

He reads more of it.

"Reality is Reality, there's only two choices, Yes or No, there's no in between"

However upon reaching the last phrase,

"It's better to become the most hated than to be the most loved"

"Who cares about you... anyways?"

He finished reading, he sighed as he felt the harshness but upon almost closing the book, he comes back to the same quote or phrase.

"Maybe I should stop what I'm doing and reflect first so i could know what shall i do"


Meanwhile Lemony was reading a book, it was different from what Dakota reads.

"Strength in numbers... huh"

"Sounds like a useful term but i wonder what it means"

I myself would still be confused of what does it mean, they say having multiple people around you would make you feel stronger or better... well whatever it is, there might be a deeper meaning in it.

"One falls, the other would pull, the other falls, the other would pull"

"Three is better than two, if ever both falls, a third help would pull them up and make them stand straightly again"

"Four is better than three, the same way as it is"

"Find more people to atleast find the easy way to become greater than you will be..."

"No one is perfect but given multiple chances, people can grow far greater than what they thought that they could be"

"If a mistake already happens, leave it be, focus on the goal and don't get distracted by the past mistakes"


"If it happened, it already happened, nothing can change it"

So that's what it means... no one is perfect but given multiple chances, we could grow far greater than what we can be... I feel motivated to grow even further and leave the past... as long as we follow the rules, we would continue to grow further.

The smile on Lemony's face appeared which caused the other 3 to look at her.

"What kind of Library we are in?"

"It's probably a library of lessons in life, written by the historians or philosophers that are unpopular or rather to say... unknown"

"I feel motivated to grow even more"

"Sure Lemony, we all are motivated here"

"Oh come on Dakota, we now know the answer why we keep appearing in every single realities"

"And that is?"

"The lower realities we came from are the mistakes we have, then the higher realities would be about us growing greater than before but we never reached perfection after all, you know like a nanosecond or a millisecond would be basically the lower realities"

"What does it mean?"

"We haven't reached the very first second or I should probably say 1 second of time yet"

"Wait minute, so does that mean, infinite decimals?"


"Oh wow, it's a very wide gap"

"That would explain why the things that are below us are frozen"

"Ah yeah, I forgot about that"

Dakota then saw something in one of the pages of the book he saw awhile ago.

He opened it again, hearing the page turning.

"The Creator also lived among the humans, lived inside a human body and followed all the rules perfectly in one try despite of being fully hated yet being accepted by a group of people during and even the latter"

So the Creator also lived among the humans, that must've explain why there's religions out there, it's not like science can explain it, all I know is, it just talks about science stuffs, basically it's fine to read, thanks to them I know what are the right foods that are healthy.

Though Science also agrees with the rules of what are the good foods and what are the foods to avoid or maybe avoiding overeating.

I feel motivated to do more and grow more but I wanted to love greatness and maybe someone?

It's not like I'd know everything but how do I manage my feelings?

I wanted to love them, hug them and never let them go

I accept i have flaws, imperfections but how do I grow greater?


"Yes, Blue?"


"Wanna do things one by one first?"

Oh it sounds like a good idea... maybe it's a path to becoming greater

"Sounds like a great idea"

I forgot again about what am i... wait... everything that I know and experience is added to my existence here but what am I?


"Where do we start?"

"Let's start off with Love first"

They all nodded.

As soon as they finish agreeing, they all look around to look for the specific symbol again, it felt like they wanted to keep going, it's rare how they manage to stay together at this state.

They finally saw the same symbol



"We sure are"

They said in unison.

Entering the A^1 ones again but this time, taking step by step on growing far greater than before.