
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Something to Learn First

The same old feeling of being given birth by a mother along with my own siblings but something was different again.

It isn't about greater realities but somehow a questionable one, it's like the presence of people around me feels uncomfortable...

Is this some kind of a test?

"They look lovely"

Huh, I hear those voice but they aren't the same like what I heard from before.

"Ah, Dakota... Lemony, Amersa and Bluementrith... my lovely children whom I don't want to let go even at the end of my life"

That... voice


The memories started to appear in my mind, remembering the Neutral timeline, where everything was in neutral and normal, the past where I hear my mother and seeing her face.

I miss you, mom...

"How are they?"

Father? Was that your voice?

I could clearly remember he died long time ago in the Neutral timeline but hearing his voice makes me feel safe like I'm under a roof that is durable enough to protect me from harm.

"They are alright, sleeping actually"

I could hear them both laugh a bit, I could feel their happiness, my eyes were still shut since I'm still a baby like my other sisters.

Though I wonder how long will I have to take until I could practice loving everyone else... but what does love mean?

Is it a feeling?

Is it like you cry to someone because you miss them or tears of joy?

Or something?

I couldn't even tell what it is, this feeling I feel, it's being loved by my mother and my father, I couldn't even tell what it is...

I'm desperate for the answer but I have to wait patiently until I know it...

Could it be an action?

If unconditional love is unconditional

Does that mean... I have to love everyone like they are my siblings but then again a lot of people would disagree.

But from my own interpretation, Love is something that can make others greater.

What is the first thing to Love? What is the Real First Love?

Who should I love first?


I need to learn what is the meaning of love, maybe I will know what is the true meaning of it when I grow...

But I could l learn something from my mother and father, it is for sure not yet the real meaning however it could be close to the real meaning.

Could it be... that the True Meaning would also lead me to the Perfect Love?


Time now moves forward.

They were being nourished by their mother feeding them milk, learning how to walk, step y step and after step And after step until they manage to walk but of course it isn't fully developed yet.

I began wandering, could I possibly know what is "Strength in Numbers" in deeper meanings?

I mean what does it mean?

It's not about you just read them once and you assumed it's the meaning, I mean yeah whatever it is written there, leave it be but it will explain on its own if I read other more pages other than that for sure.


They are now at the age of 7, being able to speak and to do such things though still minor stuffs due to their strength being not the same as the older aged ones.

I was walking down the stairs along with Dakota and the 2 other sisters with me.

"Dakota, did you find something interesting in the book you read?"

"Well I only know about moving forward and to continue, aside from that... maybe love as well"

Oh... Love? Seems like i could also use it as another meaning for Strength in Numbers

"What about you tho? What did you read?"

"Oh it's about Strength in Numbers, you know multiple people helping each other"

"Ah I see"

Hm, that was interesting, I should be able to use that one as well though... Strength in Numbers, I feel like it could also help with Love and Greatness as well.

"What about you two?"


Both Dakota and Lemony nodded.

"Oh about it, it's about Infinite Greatness of One's existence"

Sounds like a wild one to me

"What about it?"

"Well, it talks about one person alone in a journey, growing greater than he is, despite of loneliness and being alone in the journey, he still stay committed on the path even how much discouragement he felt"

"That was interesting, Blue"

"Thanks, Dakota"

"What about yours, Amersa?"

"Oh mine?"

Dakota nodded.

"It's about simplicity"

Simplicity, huh...

"It talks about how simple the path is and how simple to reach the end of it, you just walk towards the path until you reach the end even if the distance is very long, the only thing that tries to stop us is our own selves which is what is written inside the book"

Sounds like Amersa had an interesting book which we probably forgot to ask her about it in the library... but still... what kind of realms we have gone through? I supposed that is called the Higher Dimensions? I mean... what else could it be?

I'm pretty sure Humans are 3 Dimensional beings but... to really feel limitless is something different... It felt like I'm very alive inside, something that isn't even possible to see... seeing someone smile doesn't mean you could see joy and love in it but it could mean different things... a different feeling, a different thought...

But who knows anyways?

I'd rather focus on the path I am in than to focus on the complex and complicated things...

Dakota finishes thinking as he continued to listen to Amersa.

"And basically it requires a Great Amount of Sacrifices to become Greater and greater, so on and so forth"

A requirement?

"What does it require?"

Amersa looked at Bluementrith as if she was joking or something because of that question but she somehow did not mind answering it.

"Simple, just follow the rules... though... if possible as the book says..."

The three listened to Amersa

"Being hated by anyone"

"What?" Dakota thought

"Being a Great person would make you go through this?" He asked

"Well yes, you know the term "Jealousy" doesn't limit itself to relationships but rather being jealous of someone's achievement, even having a great personality would be an achievement"

"You know what, why don't we just take our time to eat first before we continue talking?" Amersa asked

"Alright" Lemony responded to it

They continued to go further until they eventually arrived and have their breakfast.

Though there was still something missing of why are they still stucked in the Infinite of Infinites as if like a loop that doesn't end, although they have a choice to stop but there was a threat in the realm where they are in their soul form with powers, the threat wasn't the one who scared them away but rather something demonic and devilish that wants their soul.

As time continues to move forward.

"Lemony, can you explain what's the Higher and Lower Reality you were saying before?" Dakota asked this time.

Lemony looked at him then answers with "Sure, why?"

"You do kind of realize that the multiplying process is not frozen from the lower realities that we see" He responded

"Ah yeah about that... remember the first time you saw those Zeros and those stars?" She asked as he nodded.

"If you actually thought of it, we tried to become faster than it but it kept multiplying extremely fast" she answered.

"Hm... yeah i agree" Dakota remembers it clearly.

"However don't take my words seriously, I can still be wrong about the lower realities and higher realities" she added.

I mean... she's partially right about those realities but I can probably dig more knowledge to know what are we however, I couldn't really much tell how much more knowledge can we even get just by experiencing more realities and every possibilities out there


After all that happened, year after year, they learn to love everyone else, always being joyful like a spirit that is always alive

It didn't stop them from continuing to love, they were always feeling comfortable with them, they could just hang out with every single person in the reality without hesitation

The reason was simple, everyone had a presence of something Good and it wasn't evil, there was no sufferings nor pain but rather full of happiness

It seems that fear was gone in an instant, even the evil side couldn't go through the walls of the good side, it was like an iron wall that cannot be pierced by a bullet nor anything.

Though as they say that absence of the wall would make a way for the evil to go in, even if the four siblings would go through the negative realities, the good side would be able to go inside the Negative Reality even if there is a wall blocking since the good side is impossible to be stopped or be halted by anything.


After hundreds of years had passed by, it was their final year once again but this time the history of how they live was completely different than the others.

A life full of love and joy.

Once the final hour had gone, they waited but still spread love and joy.

For others, they feel embarrassed or ashamed to see that their friend being loving and joyful, no one really knows why they feel like that, was it jealousy? Was it something? Or do they also want to be loving and joyful like their friend as well?

The final minutes were now counting down from 30 minutes until 2 minutes.

They still did.

The final minute came.

"You know brother... it feels so good, living a life full of love and joy" Lemony responded to Dakota.

"You're right"

"It feels great spreading those attributes, i feel always alive even when I am asleep... not even a feeling of horror nor fear was there... it was full of comfort" he says.

The final 30 seconds began counting down.

"I like to say, we watch the sunset from here" Amersa says in a very calm tone.

"Yeah" the three agreed.

They all watched the sunset.


The countdown began starting.

Slowly getting into 9

It seems that the time was slowing down a bit.

Though it didn't really matter if the time slows down or what atleast it was all worth the effort to love everyone else because it was easy... but the wonders... will it be a greater impact if they did the same with the people in the Negative Realities?

As the time finishes, the evening also finished itself.

Their lifetime ended with full of happiness and love.


They all arrive at the same library, this time they still arrive at the same A^1 though there was a stair that was leading up towards A^2

Dakota looked around seeing the sign that is on the wall to his right named "A^1"

He looked behind seeing a door which had the sign with the written words "To G^1"


Dakota now walked to the door that was leading back to G^1

He opened it...

Once the door opened, he now sees a huge library again.

"Woah... this place is huge..." Bluementrith was in awe seeing the huge library.

Upon the surroundings, they could see also alternate paths which was leading to a garden of trees and then the mountain where also they could see the river of Realities.

"Halt!" A voice of a male sounded through the library making the 4 siblings looked behind them.

"Tell me your intentions before i let you proceed" the being replied, its appearance was a male, having the same wings as them it seems that he was likened unto the spiritual entities or possibly soul forms.

"We don't know our true intentions yet... we only wanted to learn more about rules" Dakota responded

"Ah the same intentions as i had" the male responded

"Allow me to introduce myself, it would be rude if I didn't, I am Cyrus Emeryville" he introduced himself.

"And... yeah what about your names?"


"Name's Lemony"



"If I am correct you came from the Roosevelt Family, right?"

The four siblings all blinked looking at Cyrus as if he was not serious.

"Ah yeah, If I'd be giving the answer... it would be because of the books that contains an endless amount of possibilities where I am born as me or as another person so it wouldn't be surprising"

"I want to ask... what kind of beings are we and what is this place?" Bluementrith asked.

"We are in our soul forms with our own respective incorruptible spiritual nature... though I'd say... the incorruptible nature came from the Creator's perfection which we inherit after we accepted the offer by giving every single attributes we have specially experiences and knowledge in exchange of the incorruptible growth and incorruptible adaptivity"

He answered in a very calm tone though his voice was deep since he was a male.

"Though when you keep giving those attributes to the book, you keep growing, it's like filling up a water tank with clean water, you kept filling it up until it is full but in our case, there is no limit of how much we can all grow, you can even say infinite or above every infinite that you can think of or whatever terms you can put, aside from Infinity..."

Lemony remembers something about the library though she was thinking of what question she had to ask.

"Also... where are we? And what kind of place is this?"

Dakota asked.

"This place is called "The Soul and Spiritual Library" "

"A place where all Spirits and Souls can explore inside and read all the books of their past lives in every single reality and every possibilities existing through choices and other ones which I do not need to mention"

"Is this the 4th dimension?" Dakota asked.

"Nope, Spiritual and soul beings can turn into anything or anyone else, you can even say the whole universe as well and everything inside of it, though you need a huge Spiritual Energy for you to be able to change into anything however since you all have a lot of Spiritual Energy inside your souls, you can just change to anything whatever you want or even create something just by your own Spiritual Energy"

"I would add as well, there is a specific law called "the law of innocence" it has 3 types, one is innocent with knowledge of specifications and the other one is innocent with knowledge of rules then the last one is, innocent without knowledge and unbound to any laws and rules"

"To explain that, Individual spirits who came from realities whether worse or better, they received rewards, like... you work for money, you earn money which depends on the quality of your work, in short, Realities "that" only knows the Rules of Morality and Living are at a higher layer, it also gives a clear cut why you cannot bound them under stories, extra-laws, extra-rules, mathematics, infinites, etc... due to the reason that they do not know what those are and refused to learn those complicated things that aren't even Necessary for living, i mean sure, you can use Math but for measurements of how to build a house, making a food, etc... which are the only necessary ones for the use of Math"

"Then individual spirits coming from any realities but those realities have knowledge about dimensions, science, math, infinite and other ridiculous stuffs, those realities are bound under it, however those individual spirits Can make themselves separated from those limits by only following the law of morals until death in their physical life, once they died, these spirits are exalted to a very high authority"

"If you want it in a simple one, Each Realities are likened into houses, every household had house rules, one of the real rules and laws are about morals and what is allowed and what isn't allowed to do, the other houses have extra rules which makes them lower than those who are clearly focused on rules on how to live a Good Life"

He answers in a perfect calm tone to Dakota's question.

"May I ask as well... how did you know that this was The Soul and Spiritual Library?" Lemony asked since she got confused of how Cyrus knows the library.

"Actually I've been here for a long time, just waiting for something until you guys arrived... i was thinking of having a help within the journey towards the highest point of all existences which is impossible to be reached... the perfection"

"And to answer that question, there's actually a written name in this huge library" Cyrus added after stating his previous statement then points to their right, having a signage with the written name of the place which made Cryus's statement as true.

"Care to give us a tour?" Bluementrith asked in a calm tone towards Cyrus, she wants to at least know what are the parts of the places that the library had.

"Alright, sure... I already know you won't get bored due to the extreme level of righteousness you have which made your Spiritual Nature have an incomprehensible amount of energy, besides you actually got rid of that selfish human nature or else you would feel bored about this" Cyrus answered.

"Also yeah, I have to give you a heads up, there is gonna be a very long tour" he added.

The 4 siblings in Spirit, all nodded in agreement.

"Here we go!" Cyrus jumps over the air and uses his 8 wings, going straight down towards to where the Neutral timelines are at.

"Let's go" Dakota said.

As they now all flew straight down towards the Neutral timelines would be at.

Though they arrived quickly back to where the Neutral Timelines were at.