
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 8 - Unknown Occurrence

Dakota looked at Lemony before he would speak out about those stamps that were for the trees, which would be known by people as rewarding the growth of them however, some answers are still unknown.

"Those stamps... they... give a weird atmosphere" He says.

"I could truly feel it but why?" He thought.

"They do, it's also strange that there are no people around right now" She answered him as she looked around seeing no other people except them both.

"This isn't probably the first time happening, does it?" She thought.

"Let's go back to our home-" He was cut off when Bluementrith and Amersa were both seen in the distance as they were looking at them, they were having a worried expression written on their faces as if they woke up from something.

"Ah, I forgot Blue can find us here" He added.

"Let me guess, nightmares?" Lemony asked.

Both Bluementrith and Amersa nodded.

"Well yes and no as well..." Amersa replied with her usual hyper tone yet she was calm.

"Whatever it is, if you two need some kind of company, both of us are here" Lemony added, both Bluementrith and Amersa nodded.

"Thank you" Amersa responded as she was looking at her.

"Also what were you two doing here? It's very early right now" Bluementrith replied.

"Well just cooling off our heads, have you two intake your breakfast already?" Dakota asked.

"Yeah, luckily I learned cooking that special soup that you were cooking for Amersa before" Bluementrith said.

"Well how was it?" Dakota asked.

"Blue's cooking is superior" Amersa answered.

Dakota looked at Amersa as he sweatdropped.

"Well look at that, you finally learn to cook more stuffs" He says.

"I have 5 foods that I know how to cook atleast" Bluementrith said.

"Well atleast you did but aside from that, I'm glad you are learning" Dakota thought of it as he was looking at Bluementrith.

"Hm, trees?" Bluementrith muttered as the three looked at her.

"Are those the reason why you two are here?" She asked.

"Is there anything wrong about it?" Dakota asked.

"Nothing, I am probably guessing that you made Lemony curious about it" She responded.

"I mean... you're right, I made her curious because she heard what I usually talk about awhile ago" Dakota thought in his mind.

"Well yeah, now that you two are here as well, shall we go and check out the informations about those trees?" He asked.

"Obviously yes" Lemony replied to it as her curiosity increased, being excited a little to know a bit of the trees.

They now began walking towards the part of the park where those trees that have information would be at.




They arrive at the part of the park where the trees can be seen, seeing there were bronze, silver and golden stamps on them.

"Hm... I think I can see a guide here" Amersa responded as she was pointing at the huge paper map that has a huge sign stand for the paper map to fit in correctly.

They went towards it, Lemony first read the the top part, it consisted of the numbers of each golden stamps, silver stamps and bronze stamps.

"Woah... 1,942,887,592,211 golden stamped trees, that's a lot... then for the silver... 980,445,457,992 and for bronze 449,223,723,921..." Lemony was truly surprised.

"Hm, I wonder how they were able to count that as many" Amersa asked in curiosity.

"Well they keep counting those newer trees for sure, then the older one that dies would be replaced by a newer tree which makes the numbers of the trees balanced" Bluementrith responded.

Dakota was walking towards one of the trees with the bronze stamp, the other 3 followed.

"This tree is already huge... why does it stay at bronze? How long does it take until it becomes a silver one?" He thought as he asked it himself in his mind while looking at the tree from the top to bottom, the height was already 24 ft.

"I wonder how long does it take to plant a tree?" He asked himself out loud.

"Probably like a few minutes or few hours... maybe days... we do not know" Bluementrith responded.

"Wait a minute... I wonder what happens to the golden stamped trees after they die... do they get stamped into something higher than gold rank?" She asked.

"That was interesting, well we do not know the answer for it" Lemony answered.

"Huh... after and higher than the golden stamp..." Dakota thought of it, he assumed that gold would be the highest which meant to be the perfect typed trees however when he heard that, there were newer things in his mind that he became curious.

"Could it be possible that there's something above Perfection? Maybe True Perfection?" He asked himself in his thoughts.

"I mean... what are the possible odds from it?" He added in his thoughts but he shrugged it off.

"Whatever it is, I am having a gut feeling that it's very simple yet no one knows the methods of how to reach Perfection level" He thought in his mind.

Lemony looked at Dakota who was staring at the bronze stamp.

"I wonder what is he thinking right now?" She thought as she walked up towards him.

She looked at the bronze stamp where Dakota was looking at.

"What are you thinking?" She now asked as she broke the silence that Dakota was having due to him staring at the bronze stamp a bit long.

"Nothing, I just got curious but other than that" Dakota looked at Lemony then towards Bluementrith and Amersa.

The other 2 girls walked towards them where Dakota and Lemony were standing at which they were next to the bronze stamp.

"Just by seeing the stamp makes me want to touch it with curiosity" Amersa responded.

"Hm, i don't think it would be a good idea" Lemony responded.

Dakota was reaching forth his hand on the stamp, once he touches it, he could feel the soft texture and the fully dried stamp since it already took long for sure for the stamp to be dried off, they know it because the information sheet had mentioned about the stamps still being in the liquid state before it turns into a dried and solid one.

"Dakota, you're letting your intrusive thoughts win" Lemony responded.

"Well as long as it doesn't cause anything bad, it shouldn't be bad, right?" He asked, he could hear Lemony sighing.

Amersa then went and touched the stamp.

Bluementrith and Lemony both watched them until Amersa stopped.

Dakota on the other hand still touched it from every part of the stamp, he then reached the middle part of it then its edges.

Something very strange happened once again.

A long flash occurred all of the sudden.

"Huh?" Dakota was caught surprised by the flashing.

The other 3 were also surprised by the sudden flashing.

The surroundings were completely white, they couldn't see each other due to how bright it is.

Until the surroundings became pure pitch black.




Dakota opened his eyes once again...

Seeing the same dream all over again or maybe it wasn't really a dream after all...

He looked down...

He almost choked due to being surprised on what he was seeing.

He sees an Endless amounts of 0s underneath him, he was like standing above them, he felt like he was standing on a floor.

He looked at each "0" he noticed something was different.

Each "0" was representing the Neutral timelines where the good and bad actions that leads to good and bad consequences were "Balanced" He noticed each "0" was each year of his birth and another.

He began reading it.

"BC 2500"




"BC 2000"

"BC 1999"

"BC 1998"







1980 was his birth date, him being the eldest then the others had the same year as well since his sisters came out like a minute after him but he also noticed there were timelines where he was born in a far future.




He stopped reading those years since it won't have an end even if he takes an Endless amount of time to read all those years.

He also noticed a lot of differences, in another timeline he was born as the eldest, the middle, the youngest then in another timeline, he was a girl, whether be the eldest, middle or the youngest, then another where he was born as another person, etc... however there are endless amounts of timelines where he was born without siblings and timelines with siblings but can be 2 siblings up until 12-60 siblings, it still goes the same, all those neutral timelines remained neutral due to the balance.

He sees the beginning of his life up until the end within each and every timelines he sees but they are still neutral no matter what he thinks or what he says about it.

He noticed there was a floor that was like a layer making all the 0s be above and outside the Universe that he remembered he was inside before.

There were stars in that layer, multiplying and increasing in numbers rapidly in an instantaneous rate as well.

"Wait a second... then..."

"I was at a Neutral Layer? As I assume that 0 is the middle of positive and negative"

He began thinking.

"Then where am I?" He asked himself.

He looked up again, seeing much brighter stars and brighter galaxies, he can easily notice the multiplying rate being instant since it was like spreading like a wild fire but it went very broad in a very quick pace.


"Maybe it's the same but I won't be able to tell what would it be" He thought in his mind but before he thinks about running...

"Wait... what does the appearance of this body I have, right now?" He asked himself.

There was no mirror nor anything, the floor could've been the mirror but it was a transparent one so he just sighed there.

"Forget it... I'll just do the same thing like before"

He said as he began running again to find what lies beyond the vast of space that he is inside right now.