
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 9 - The Next Level

As he kept running, he noticed the swirling of light, dancing around as he was still running, he just went completely fast, his speed was still faster than time itself, though it was questionable of how he was able to do it, was it by sheer faith? And just by believing strongly and ignoring everything would make it true?

However this body that he had was very different from being a human, human bodies have limits and cannot go as faster than the peak human level attributes no matter what they do unless they are some kind of a Superhuman.

He continued to run, he tried to think something.

"If it's possible, i could just go quadrillion of times faster than my current speed, then I'd be fine doing so" he says.

He then thinks about it, he strongly went and confidently just thinks about it and it went true that his speed was now quadrillions of times faster than his current speed.

He noticed as he continued running, he looks down seeing endless amounts of 0s it doesn't stop appearing, he assumed this was already infinite due to how it doesn't stop multiplying at an instant rate, he knows that he couldn't outrun the whole thing even if he thinks about being faster than the appearing of endless amounts of 0s, it would still make the 0s appear in his sight at the same speed.

"I'll just continue until I reach it... since everything I can think of is possible..." he says to himself.

"What If I think of something way much complicated like... being Infinitely times faster than my current speed or maybe... being faster than every amount or whatever bigger infinity I can think of that can make me faster than my current speed?" He thought of it.

He experimented, he thinks of being faster than every single amount and every single infinity being faster than his current speed that he could think of, the thought was too complex and complicated, however it became true.

"I need to find out if ever I could step into something... but whatever it Is, I could not tell, what it was" He thought in his mind.

He kept running.

He doesn't stop, he continued to go further deeper and deeper.

He didn't stop running, the multiplying of 0s aka the Neutral timelines from below and of the stars and of the galaxies from all directions whether be above or below, left or right, front or behind, anywhere he could see those things multiplying at the rate like his current speed right now.

"I have to keep going, until I reach it"

He remembers the note where it was written.

-Walk further into the path then you shall get more answers for your questions-

He continued to run.

"I won't stop until I find more answers"

He says, he felt like he knows a lot specially all those timelines he sees, the alternate ones, his knowledge and iq level already increased to an extreme level since this type of body that he has, had no limitations and can grow endlessly, thanks to the timelines specially it was all neutral, each choices, actions and consequences from each timelines added up to his experience and knowledge level.

"Just a little more, I couldn't really tell where that Warping path would be at but I have to keep going" He told himself, he had a never-ending increasing confidence, nothing was stopping him, he didn't stop.

He continued to run.

He promised himself, he went aggressively faster than his current speed, it kept increasing, his confidence rises higher and higher into extreme level.

"I'll be brave and keep crushing those obstacles blocking my way to find the real truth"

He says to himself, his confidence keeps rising, his aura went golden all of the sudden, his confidence went higher and higher than the extreme levels, he won't stop.




He continued to running, there was some kind of a feeling and doubt that were trying to stop him but he continued, he did not stop despite of how strong those forces are.

"I won't let them stop me from finding the truth!"

He says to himself, with all confidence, not caring of getting hurt nor anything, he knows it that he won't die, he will continue to grow, his confidence keeps growing, he knew also that when he suffers because of doing something for good, his confidence and courage kept increasing, it continued to grow, it grows extremely fast, faster than anything including time.

The confidence was way too strong that it eventually sent a massive Shockwave through the vast of space, his speed kept increasing extremely massive, the rate was way too big, his aura shines brighter, he did not stop pushing further.

He continued, there was a feeling of no hope yet he did not stop, he didn't care.

Even the stars and galaxies kept appearing at the extreme rate, it didn't stop him.

He was like flying in the air, passing through the storms of dangers yet he continued to go through, it didn't stop him, he continued.

Was it like an infinite distance?

No but something way larger than infinity.

Bigger Infinity?


Something way larger, it gets to the point where it becomes incomprehensible, the distance was incomprehensible, there's no concept of measurement that can be used to measure the distance due to how large the whole place he was in.

It felt like he was starting to hit and break through something, the sound of glasses breaking, like he was hitting ice walls yet they are transparent.

"I will!"

"Find it!"

He says with a never ending increasing confidence.

Until he went to a Warping path once again.

The light swirls around, like a tornado, it moved very fast, it didn't stop him.




He now arrived at the specific platform.

He noticed from below this time that those stars and galaxies multiplying at the rate of incomprehensibility, there was no more concept of measurements that can be used of how fast the rate was.

There was like a transparent floor that separates the specific plane he was in and the stars and galaxies from below like before when he was looking at the number 0, then at behind of seeing the same thing as well.

"It's just the same thing but the difference this time is, I'm seeing the rate being wilder than before"

He says to himself giving a statement of what he was seeing.

He walked further into the path this time, he didn't stop.

"I wonder what will it be and what answer will i ever find?" He asked himself as he was walking further and further more into the path that he was walking on, there was a weird atmosphere once again that was felt in the distance, he knows it could be it or he can be wrong about it.

He ran towards the direction, seeing something different instead of a number alone, he sees this...


He was now confused of what it was.

"This is quite strange, is this the answer that I would be able to get for my questions or... is there something more than it?"

He asked again, he confidently walked towards the "A^1" it was already shining brightly, the force was a lot stronger, it seems that it would be referring to a stronger reality.

As he got closer, the force felt like it was stopping him to continue further like it was pushing him away yet he didn't care, the same thing he thought of, he believed that the force won't stop him from getting near to it.

It happened, he got closer and closer until he touched the "A^1"

The surroundings once again became bright, the light engulfed him again.

He finally sees the pure pitch black once again but he felt something different this time...