
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 7 - The Park

"It's... wait..."

Dakota got up from the bed, he noticed Bluementrith was still sleeping deeply, he looked around seeing that the sun wasn't yet rising from the east.

He checked his phone again.

-5:00 AM-

"I woke up earlier than before"

"This shouldn't be a problem"

He soon looked at the window again, seeing the empty road, there were few people walking and passing by the streets.

The feeling of comfort surrounds the room, Dakota was not sure what to say about this, he wasn't surprised nor anything, he looked to is left and to the right.

"I wonder what can i do for now..."

He thinks for a moment.

He walked outside their bedroom, looking around, seeing the walls, the ceiling and even few windows inside the house.

He then remembered the park and the tree he saw before.

"Hm... I'll visit the park... maybe it will help me calm my nerves a bit"

He heard someone from the bedroom which was either one of the three woke up or it was just some kind of a random noise that generated from the room.

"It feels strange... I don't even know why these dreams feels like it's the real version of myself"

He could hear Lemony from the bedroom due to her tone when she yawns.

"Morning bro"

She responded in a calm tone.

"Morning... you're up earlier than before"

Dakota responded

"Well I slept very early, though I guess we are even"

Lemony responded, she was acting a bit strange when she looks at him or maybe it was just her feeling a bit drowsy.

"I was thinking of going towards the park again"

Dakota responded.

"Well why not? If you're planning to cool your head off, that is fine"

Lemony responded to him in a calm tone once again.

"Yeah, and the particular tree that I wanted to see again"

He says, which made her look at him.

"The tree... it seems like you're very interested in it"

Lemony responded, "Hm, must be some kind of a national tree that he wanted to see" She thought in her mind as she wasn't speaking, she was still looking directly at his eyes,

"But nothing is wrong when it comes to it, I would probably go with him to see what the tree looks like, I feel like I saw this inside the dream, I can't tell if I had the same dream as he had specially seeing that Number Zero" Lemony thought of it again without speaking.

Dakota looked at Lemony's eyes.

"You alright? You're surprisingly more silent than usual" He says.

"Yes, don't worry, I was thinking of going with you just to see that tree" She responded to him which atleast made him feel relieved that she was alright.

Dakota prepared a breakfast for them both, they both began eating after it was cooked.




"These feelings... why do i feel like... I've known you somewhere...?" The Consciousness of the Unknown spoke up.

Dakota and Lemony were both looking at each other, they blinked, the long pause was there until one of them has to break the long silence.

"Wait... what was that?" Dakota replied as he looked at Lemony.

"I don't know as well, it's like someone else spoke" Lemony responded to what Dakota said.

They were in total confusion of what was happening, Dakota looked at his own hands before looking at Lemony.

"What was that just now? Was it just us?" He thought as he was really confused.

"This is strange... after the strange dream, someone just spoke yet it felt like it's inside and not from the outside where my ears can hear clearly" She thought of it as well.

"Whatever it is, it's probably just us and it might be because we were thinking a lot of stuffs lately" Lemony thought of it.



After awhile, Dakota and Lemony were both dressed up, Dakota was still wearing the same blue jacket, he was wearing a jogging pants again since it was Morning, meanwhile Lemony on the other hand was wearing a dress.

"W-woah... that's like going out on a date" Dakota responded in a clear calm tone while looking at Lemony who was looking at him.

"I'm not" Lemony responded as she sounded annoyed.

"Though thinking about it feels like... yeah it feels nice" She thought of it before looking at Dakota.


"Shall we go?" He asked.

"Mhm" She responded and nodded.

"I'm really curious, brother, what is with the tree and the park all of the sudden?" She was thinking.

"I do really remember before you're not interested into these kind of stuffs but only books and novels that you kept reading... I know it's all about truths... but to the certain point where you think about the impossible... it amazes me" She thought of it again.

Dakota looked at Lemony.

"Same old time like before, we walk and talk outside of the house, hanging out like always" Dakota responded while smiling a bit.

"Heh, as if I didn't remember that" Lemony smiled a bit.

"Come to think of it, this is a rare moment when you smile" Dakota responded.

"I mean she always look bored but it is rare to see her smile like this" he thought in his mind.

"Aww come on Dako, you always see me smile" Lemony responded with a genuine smile this time she calls him by his nickname.

"Now the nickname sounds way too weird, Lem" Dakota responded this time also calling Lemony's nickname.

"Yeah... let's not use those" She recommended it.

They both nodded before they went and left the house fully closed, leaving the other 2 asleep however the door was locked from the inside but they have keys to unlock it from the outside.



They were now walking at the same place where Dakota and Bluementrith were walking at before, however things feel different.

Dakota and Lemony were both enjoying their time, it already looked like they don't need to go to a Cafe to relax but only towards the park or to anywhere they like, but both of them chose the park so they walk side by side, directions by directions until they reach the destination.



"It feels like nice visiting here" Lemony responded

"Yeah" Dakota said.

"Oh yeah, I remember that one rose that I gave to Lemony before" He thought.

He picks one flower from the garden of roses.

He looked at Lemony once again.

There was another strange occurrence that happened once again.

It felt like he was very familiar with her, even Lemony herself was also feeling familiarized with him as well, it wasn't just because of him being her sibling but rather there were other reasons.

The glimpse of something written on the floor and the endless rate of instantaneous multiplying of stars and galaxies was seen in the background but it was only a glimpse of it.

Both of them went speechless when they hit back to the reality of their minds seemingly confused in what was happening.

"What is going on?" Dakota asked himself, he couldn't really tell what he just saw it felt like something was already wrong with them both.

"That was very weird... let's just relax" Lemony responded.

Dakota nodded "Whatever it is, it would be just a glimpse-" as soon as he said that the familiar feeling once again was there and can be felt easily by them alone.

"Alright... just... relax" he tried to relax, Lemony helped him which now made him relax inside the park.

"I could also feel it, like something or someone... I couldn't tell what it is" Lemony thought of it but she was now relaxed and calmed down.

Dakota looks at his left, seeing the same tree.

Lemony also looked seeing it as well.

The Golden stamp was still there but both of them could not explain why the feeling was way too familiar when it comes to seeing those gold, silver and bronze stamps on each stands with information.