
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 6 - The Unknown

"Wait a second..."


"Dream again?"

Dakota opened his eyes, looking around seeing the same place but there came another feeling that he could sense inside him.

"That Zero I touched turned into light..."

"Could it be..."

He thinks for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

"I have to check that number again"

He says as he runs to the direction where he first saw the number however he would take awhile again to get there due to how big the place was.

"What kind of existence lives here and why do I feel like I could run forever?"

He thought as he continued running.

He noticed newer and newer stars and galaxies were being created as fast as something he couldn't really tell but he knows it's faster than blinking this time.

He sees the deaths of the group of stars and galaxies but it creates more than hundreds but possibly more than thousands of the birth of newer stars and galaxies, he couldn't count them due to how fast the multiplying of the stars and galaxies were.

He continued to run, his footsteps he could hear clearly.

"Just a little more, I don't know where and when will I be able to step into that kind of path"

He says as he continues running.

"A little more"

He continued running.

He kept running.

It feels like the path has no end.

He didn't care.

He just ran and ran.

Continuing to run until he gets the answer he wants.

"Just a bit more"

He says.

He just continued running like it already felt hours had passed, however he does not know what time it was nor does he know how fast the time moves in the place he is in, though there's a possible chance that there was no time in the place.

He ran with all of his might, it felt like he was speeding like a bullet train already due to seeing newer groups of stars and galaxies appearing rapidly in the surroundings whether be above or below, from the right or from the left, front or behind.

As he continued to run, a small growl from the distance can be heard, he was probably way too far already to hear the growl.

He continued to run.

The path doesn't end, even if he moves at the speed of light, it won't really do anything.

"How long am I gonna keep running until I reach the destination?"

He asked himself, he continued to run, he thinks about being able to be billions of times faster than light.

It happened.

He noticed the surroundings were like swirling of light as if he did something, those lights were from the stars, it was like revolving around him which makes the swirling of light appear.


He was confused, so he continued to run.

He couldn't think much more however he ended up thinking of having a speed that could travel way faster than time itself.

It happened again.

One of his questions was answered.

"Just... by thinking?"

He thought of it.

However another answer appeared in his mind.

"Believe in it even if it sounds impossible..."


He thought of it, this time he went to the extent of believing something impossible, that there could be an end in the endless path he was on.

He believed it, it happened, it was all true despite being a dream, however he doesn't know much about everything yet, especially about "Perfection" as the question of whether it's possible to reach it or not.

He believed it was possible but he cannot know what are the methods or the rules to make one a perfect human being. Eventually he needs to find those methods and rules.

"I need to find those answers that I need"

He says, he was now traveling crazily, the swirling of light was way much more intense than before.

He was like Warping through a path yet he couldn't reach the end of the path yet.

He finally stepped into a Warping path.

He arrived again at the place where he saw the number "0"

He noticed there was something different about it, it was shining its own light as if there was another answer that he could find but where could he find it?

Another thing is that the siblings also have the same dream like he does.

He looked behind again to see that those stars and galaxies were appearing much wilder than before, it was like seeing the Universe expanding without limits. He was like outside of the edge of the Universe, seeing the Number "0" was making him think of something.

"Does the number represent the world that me and my sister I am in?"

He asked but of course no one answered.

He just looked at the number.

He notices a note on the floor.

He picked it up.

The writing was completely neat and understandable.

"Who wrote... this?"

He then reads the writing on the paper.

-Walk further into the path then you shall get more answers for your questions-

He finished reading it, he just held it then went walking towards the number.

The same force he could feel, the same feeling that the force was becoming stronger the more he got closer to it.

Once he finally touches the number.

The light engulfs him again and his whole existence as if it was sending him back to reality again.


It won't be easy to find the truth as they say, he was still in the between of dream and Reality however something was still missing.

"I have to keep going"

"If my whole life doesn't end yet, then there is still something missing that could still answer all of my questions that are necessary..."

He says as he was still in the midst of the swirling lights as he was traveling from the dream then towards Reality again.

He remembers the note.

"I'll just walk into the path as the note says... I just have to push further to see those answers that I really need"

He says to himself.

He also remembers what happened last night, seeing the blood moon and bloody streets as if someone went into a Genocidal massacre, and them alone being the survivors.

However the more he thinks of it, the more the dread feeling grows, he stopped thinking about it and waits until he arrives back to reality again.

"I know what I've seen is a dream... yet it feels real"

He says to himself.

He finally got back to reality again, he just sees pure pitch black since he was sleeping deeply.

He could somehow feel like another day comes through again.