
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 5 - Strange Occurrence -


"What just happened?"

"I feel something heavy wrapped around me"

The sun light shines through as it just lights up the room since it was already morning, the other three were asleep.

He slowly opens his eyes only to see Bluementrith was hugging him.

"I probably forgot she was here beside me while I was having that strange dream..."

"What kind of dream was that?"

He looked around, blinking and thinking of what to do. It was already a holiday but he could choose to work inside the Convenience store but of course the other three had the same job since they work with him.

"Blue, wake up"

He tried to wake up Bluementrith only to hear a groan and she pulled him close to her.

"You have to be kidding me"

He thought as he was looking at Bluementrith who was sleeping peacefully.

Then she woke up, slowly opening her eyes as she saw him.

"Morning, Brother"

She says in a still processing human tone.

"Morning, did you have a nice sleep?"


Dakota felt good when he heard her having a nice sleep.

"I just got a strange dream"

His attention was caught by the phrase that Bluementrith mentioned.

"A dream?"

He asked as he was looking at Bluementrith.

"Yeah... you know, seeing those stars and galaxies then... the number Zero... and then seeing newer and newer stars and galaxies appearing at a rapid rate... like they don't even end... they just like... I don't know... just kept making their own clones repeatedly"

She clarified what she saw in that dream in a calm tone.

"Hm... that was weird, she has the same dream as i do"

Dakota thought of it, he looked up seeing the light being shined through the room, then towards the left and right then behind.

He looked again to the left to see Lemony and Amersa both waking up slowly.

"What a weird dream..."

Lemony responded as both Bluementrith and Dakota got their attention caught by it..

"Yeah... I also have a weird dream..."

Amersa replied to it as if she was having a dream along with them as well.

"Is it like the stars and galaxies appearing and creating their own clones repeatedly in a rapid rate and Then the number Zero?"

Dakota asked, Bluementrith, Lemony and Amersa got their attention caught by what Da,Ota just said.

"How did you know?"

Lemony asked.

"I also have that dream"

Dakota answered the question that Lemony asked towards him.

"Hm... what a rare case, it's probably just a coincidence"

Lemony added, she was looking at Dakota and Bluementrith.

"Hm, yeah a rare coincidence"

Dakota says in a calm tone while looking at Lemony then towards Amersa.

"Hm... did you two just had a romantic night?"

Amersa asked as she looked at Bluementrith and Dakota having messy clothes that they were wearing.

"That is way too early to ask those question, I'm pretty much sure they both went into a deep sleep and both aren't aware that they were already hugging each other"

Lemony responded just to clarify since she starts to feel like Amersa had been reading a lot of romantic books which ended up mistaking both Dakota and Bluementrith as a couple, however both are siblings and both are blood related.

"You guys are hungry?"

Dakota now asked as he broke the silence.

"Yeah, what time is it by the way?"

Bluementrith asked.

Dakota checked his phone to see what time it was.

It reads.


Dakota was confused as he blinked again.

The time was.

-6:47 AM-

"What did I just see?"

He asked himself.

He now answered Bluementrith's question.

"It's still 6:47 so yeah we got time to prepare"

Dakota responded, the three girls nodded in agreement.

All of them got up and went to make breakfast.

After they got their breakfast done, they went into the bathroom which they just finished quickly though it feels weird for Dakota to be with his sisters however it was quite a lucky thing there was a divider so he was bathing alone meanwhile the three girls were bathing together.

They were already dressed up for work this time.




As soon as they got out of the house, they were met by a busy road which seems that people are still working even if it's the weekend, though it's not really that overwhelming due to the fact there's only a few people in the streets walking and passing by.

The four now got their feet on the street and began walking towards where they would all work.

"I wonder why we all have the same jobs," Dakota responded while walking.

"Well we got no other choice but to go with you, especially finding jobs isn't that easy... also there's a lot of illegal activities in some jobs so I can't truly trust them" Bluementrith replied.

"Point Taken, a huge corporation may seem to be a fun job due to having a larger amount of salary that we can get but still it can go wrong and worst is having a criminal record"

Dakota replied to Bluementrith. 

"Well, there's a lot of strip clubs... should I join them?" Amersa asked.

The three looked at her and said "No".

"No, you're not going inside there not even once" 

Lemony responded since she would be worried of what would happen to her sister if ever she joined a strip club.

Dakota and the three then looked to the direction where there was another path as they walked towards it.




"Feels like another day"

He thought as they all got inside work to earn money for them to live.




After several hours of working, they finally finished it.

"Ah finally"

Lemony responded in a relaxed tone but her expression was still straight.

The manager of the store gave them the money they worked hard for.

"Since you four have been here for many years, you always kept this store clean and... I am just speechless" the manager replied.

"Well we are just doing our job sir" Dakota responded.

"Well job well done, the customers here are surely feeling welcomed and even wanted to come back due to how clean the place was" The manager had the satisfied reaction.

"More of our stocks and the products we keep seeing are sold" Dakota added.

"I am so lucky and blessed at the same time to have you four here" the manager added which made the four feel comfortable and felt like the praise was making them feel peace in their mind.

"Ah sir, should we close for now?" Bluementrith asked.

"Well yes we should, it's already getting late" the manager says.

As soon as they all got out from the store, they all made sure that everything is set and fixed, the store was now closed.




They finally got back home again, the same thing happened, they went and took showers, took dinner then finally they were getting to bed as usual.

Lemony and Amersa were both asleep already.

Bluementrith and Dakota were still awake talking about something.

"You know... it's strange... we all got the same dream several hours ago" 

Dakota responded calmly.

"Yeah, it's strange"

Bluementrith agreed.

As both were still awake they both went and looked at the moon to see its beauty but only to see a blood moon.

"W-what the?"

Dakota was surprised even Bluementrith was speechless and shocked.

They looked towards the street seeing a bloody mess.

Dakota blinked again only to see a normal street again, he looked at the moon it was normal again.

"What is going on?" He asked

"I don't even know as well... like I feel sick seeing it... it feels like there was some kind of dread" Bluementrith responded in a worried tone.

"We should get back to sleep" Dakota replied as Bluementrith nodded.

Both of them got back on the bed and laid down there, they both slept but Bluementrith hugged Dakota like she was some kind of a scared child but Dakota didn't mind about it since he knew what happened.

They both slowly drifted to slumber.

