
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 4 - The Questionable Dream


"That was a bit strange..."

"People still mistaken us as couples"

"Are we in some kind of a country who legalized incest?"


"Wait a second..."

He woke up in a very strange place, he looked around to see pure pitch black but there were some kind of stars shining in the surroundings, he looked down to the floor only to see a lot of stars.

"Am I... in space?"

He blinked, he raises his foot and stomped it only to hear that there was some kind of a floor under him.

He walked around the place, seeing many stars but it seemed that those stars kept appearing in the far distance like he was walking in a flat land but the edge of the land would keep increasing in size.

"I couldn't count them..."


"This is strange..."

"I couldn't even see a ceiling here"

He jumped only to realize there was no ceiling or probably the ceiling was actually way too high for him to reach it, though the measurement is unknown.


"I swear I am in a dream already though seeing a lot of stars in the surroundings feels like I am having a free tour inside the Universe"

He looked to the left and to the right.

"It seems like the number of them appearing doesn't stop increasing..."

He looked upwards and downwards.

"I feel like my whole body is too easy to move like I don't have any limits in this dream I'm in"

He says but he wasn't aware of something in the surroundings specially how he appeared in this place randomly, this wasn't the void since it would be a pure pitch black in the surroundings if he ever looked around additionally he knows it as well due to studying a lot.

He ran around in the place, however his attention was caught up by something.

The feeling of something was pulling him to that place like a magnet however he could resist it since he had the choice to.




He asked himself he couldn't comprehend the feeling and the thing that was pulling him which was unknown to his mind.

"Forget it"

He turned around walking away but the feeling was still there, the curiosity increases way too quick.

"I could atleast..."

"Check what it was"

He says but at the same time he kept hesitating, walking back and forth like he was stuck between choosing two paths and whatever he chooses the consequence would be good or bad depending on the choice he makes however in this situation he had no help nor guide to know which one to choose.

"I'll just go"

He walked towards the thing that kept pulling him.

He kept walking.

His footsteps that he can clearly hear due to the place was completely silent.

"How long am I gonna walk just to see what it is?"

He kept walking forward.

He didn't stop walking, he continued to do so.

Atleast to answer the question of the curiosity that was bothering him in his mind.

He continued to walk further down, more stars appeared in the surroundings but things felt more complicated than it was.

Some stars were close to him, seeing the size of it almost made him pass out due to him being way too small.

He walked forward and he didn't stop doing so.

"The sizes of the stars I see feels like it can be compared to something"

"They are like new stars that astronauts haven't seen yet"

"Am I inside another galaxy or..."

"Nevermind... it's still hard to comprehend if I'm just dreaming or this is the whole Universe that I am exploring"

He kept walking forward in the path, he didn't stop walking, tirelessly as he couldn't get tired since his body wasn't the same as the physical in the reality where he would wake up only after when this weird dream ends or was it really a dream?

"This feels like a never ending path that I am walking inside"

He said to himself, he just laughed about it and continued to walk through the path and journey.

However, as he looked around...

The numbers of stars rapidly, like billions of new stars and new galaxies appearing as fast as the blink of an eye but it does not stop creating newer stars and galaxies wildly.


"Just how far am I right now?"

He continued to walk in the path, he couldn't really tell how long he would walk until he reached the thing that his curiosity kept telling to go towards.

He kept on walking until he eventually stepped into something which seemed like he went inside a Warping path, as soon as he arrived into a plane.

He noticed from behind him the galaxies and stars were appearing wilder than usual, as if they were appearing at an instant rate.


There was a noise coming from a direction in which he didn't know what it was or what it was.

"What is that noise?"

He looked in the other direction only to see a number "0" in gray color.

"A zero?" 

"What does this mean?"

"Am I lucid dreaming or something?"

"I'm pretty much sure the Zero is in the middle of negative and positive..."

He says to himself, he was clearly confused.

"Is this some kind of a joke?"

He looked up and down, he wasn't able to see anything towards the above nor what's below, all he sees are the stars and galaxies that keep appearing at an instant rate like they are creating clones of their own selves as if "they represent something" here.

"I can't think of anything... what... is this?"

He asked himself but he could not think of anything.

He walked towards the Number, he felt a very strong force when he got near, the force became stronger the more he walked towards it, getting nearer until...

He reached it with his hand.

He touched the number only to end up making a huge flash of light as if there was some kind of clustering effect that happened when he touched it.

The light engulfs him and his sight.



