
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 3 - The Growth

As Dakota and Bluementrith were looking at the tree.

"There's an information about this tree... I wonder how it has a golden stamp" Dakota said in a calm tone.

Bluementrith just listens, she looked at the information about the tree as well.

It reads.


Dakota was reading the date, he guessed it was the time when the tree was planted, he reads the whole amount of information.

He sees a lot of stages of its own development, specially having a specific environment, specific place for the tree to grow.

A lot more of informations were seen, he sees the writings where it seemed that it was a group of people gathered up to plant these trees inside the park.

On the other hand, Bluementrith was reading about the names of these people who volunteered.

The wind blows through the air again, making a howling sound through the night, the moon was at its full bloom meaning it was still the full moon.

The surroundings were becoming even more quiet, as if everyone was already sleeping.

Dakota then looked around, there were lots of trees with stands that has golden stamps, some has silver stamps then most would have bronze stamp which seems that they were classified as :

Golden Stamp for Fully Matured or Fully Grown.

Silver for Developing Stages.

Bronze would be the beginning ones for the newer generations of the trees.

"Hm... could that be..." he thinks for a moment, he doesn't really know what that specific word that he wants to let it out.

"Damn... it's already on the tip of my tongue" he sounded frustrated which made Bluementrith giggle.

"Brother, don't stress yourself over that one term" Bluementrith said while smiling.

"Besides, that word might just pop up in your mind all of the sudden, so don't worry" She says, Dakota just smiled there a bit.

"Ah yup... so shall we go?" He asked, offering his hand for his sister to hold it.

"Sure thing" She says.

She held his hands like they were children again, maybe they really did miss being young but they could not really stop aging, unless they are some kind of gods that people will eventually describe if it happens that they are immortal.

"I wonder what that term is..."

"Well I'll probably think about it maybe tomorrow morning"

"Alright... also do you want to go to the Cafe just for snacks?"

"Sure thing, it's been awhile since we went into a Cafe in a night time"

Both of them went towards a Cafe.

"I'm starting to feel fond of you, sister" he thought while looking at Bluementrith with a calm and genuine smile, seems like the feelings were being true, the first time he ever felt being loving to his own siblings like he doesn't want to let go of them until death takes them all away including he himself.

"So... this is what... love... feels... huh" he thought, he just thinks about the memories, though he was always the type of guy who wanted to know truths.

On the other hand, Bluementrith was also feeling fond of her brother, it wasn't really much of a big deal, it was already normal, the memories were just making them both feel fond of their bond to each other, as if their bonds were actually unbreakable.

They both soon went in line to take an order.

"May I take an order from a couple?" The female asked them as she was gonna take their order.

"..." both of them were silent, looking at the female when they heard that question, with a straight expression.

"We're not a couple" Dakota clarified.

"Oh... why are you two... holding hands then?" The female asked.

"Is there something wrong with siblings just having their bonding?" He asked.

"Oh right! Sorry" the female just smiled sheepily.

"Though you two are compat-"

"No" Dakota and Bluementrith both said it at the same time with a straight expression.

"A-ahaha... alright, may I take your order from you two?" She asked again calmly.

The two ordered their food then went to find a free spot to spend the time in the Cafe.

"The night sky feels peaceful when we look at it" Bluementrith said calmly as she was smiling calmly.

"Ah yeah" Dakota looked at the night sky as well.

"It always feel peaceful specially if the surroundings were not loud" he added.

"I really wonder what's beyond the stars and the moon... what's beyond everything?" He added again.

"We don't know but we wish we could see what's beyond" Bluementrith answered in a calm tone of her voice.

"Here's your order ma'am and sir" The Waitress arrived which made Dakota and Bluementrith look at her, the Waitress smiled and puts the orders that they ordered awhile ago on their table.

"Thank you" Dakota responded.

The Waitress smiled and nodded before leaving them alone again.

Bluementrith starts to drink the nice warm cup of milk that has a mix with a bit of chocolate though it was hot enough.

Dakota had the same as well since taking coffee would be a bad idea.

Both of them enjoyed their time in the Cafe, their bonds kept growing as if they are being affectionate to each other.

After they finished, they got up.

"Let's go home for tonight" he says, he yawned.

"Yeah, it would be a good time to sleep right now" She replied.

Both of them got out from the Cafe, they also paid it before leaving as well.

They were walking again in the street, they can hear their own footsteps since no one was around except for themselves.

Once they arrived at their home, they met the two other siblings.

"Where did you t-"

"You two went for a romantic date!-"

A sound of a pan hitting Amersa's head can be heard as Lemony dragged the sleeping Amersa on the bed.

"Uh... is she gonna be alright?" Dakota asked.

"Yeah, she's a hard headed one, as hard as a metal" Lemony responded.

"Now, where did you two went?" She asked.

"We just walk into the park" Bluementrith replied.

"Sigh, oh well... I don't mind that one... as long as"

Both Blue and Dakota looked at Lemony.

"You two aren't doing something" She says as she pulls out the frying pan.

"We didn't" both Dakota and Bluementrith said at the same time again.


They now went and entered the bedroom.


It only has two beds.

"Yep... I'll probably buy new beds for us" Dakota responded.

"Nah no need, both me and Amersa are fine with one bed" Lemony said.

"Besides you two were always sleeping with each other on one bed ever since childhood" She added.

"That was child hoo-"

Lemony pulls out the frying pan again.

"Alright we'll sleep" both Dakota and Bluementrith lay down on the same bed.

Lemony just sighed and went back to sleep, sleeping beside Amersa.

Bluementrith and Dakota were beside each other.

"We should probably just rest" Bluementrith replied as Dakota nodded.

Both of them slept.
