
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 2 - Back to the Starting Point

After Dakota found the answer to his question, he quickly resets the game back to the very start of it.

He started to look for the rules of the game, it only shows a good number of them, this would mostly be at 30 estimated according to what he counted.

Bluementrith looked.

"What made you think about this, brother?" She thought

She just thinks that Dakota was already thinking about Perfection while in their childhood days, it seems that he was really eager to find the truth before they became adults.

Back in 1994...

Dakota was reading a book, it was about truths of life, his curiosity was rising that his mother had to keep watch.

Bluementrith was also watching.

She was holding a piece of candy then she walked towards him.

"Boo!" She tried to surprise him from behind but she failed.

Dakota laughed a bit at her attempt.

"Good one, sister" he was smiling, he didn't really want to make his sister feel bad about it, he instead complimented her which made Bluementrith smile.

Blue then leaned in, peeking from behind to see the book he was reading.

"Huh... truths" She said.

"Mhm, do you wanna read it as well?" He asked.

"Hmm... sure" She responded calmly and sat beside him.

Meanwhile the mother was watching them.

She sighed in relief and went back inside their home to prepare food for them to eat.

The 2 other siblings were both at a tree, watching the two.

"Aww! Look at these 2 being lovey-dovey" Amersa responded.

"I suggest you stop reading those weird books you kept reading, especially about prince and princess" Lemony responded.

"Stop being mean!" Amersa replied.

Lemony then smacked Amersa's head with her right hand.


"Now you better stop" Lemony responded with a straight expression

"You won't make me sto- Where did you get that frying pan?" Amersa was just now at the point where she would end up being smacked by Lemony with the pan since she saw her bringing the pan out of nowhere.

The flashback ended.

Dakota continued to keep on reading all the rules, he played the game with all the rules being followed completely until he finished the whole game with 100% accuracy.

"Strange... I should've read the rules before I played the game" he said.

Bluementrith looked at her brother before speaking.

"So that means... you just... follow all the rules to become perfect?" She asked.

"And without breaking them until the end of the game" he added.

"Huh... so it's just a simple thing but I don't think there's official rules of life" She said.

"There is, I could not tell if it's by the law or... something from a book... that has... all the laws In it with perfect accuracy..." he says, giving out a theory that there might be a book with accurate laws and rules of how to live a life perfectly.

"Just how much stuff did he just read from online and from books..." She thought while looking at him.

Though he also works just to earn, he still couldn't really remove the thought about perfection, is there really something important about it?

The question still pops up in Blue's mind, though people will still say "No one is perfect" but there is a possibility that there could be a few people who would've been perfect but then again, there are no books written of who was perfect, people will come and deny it.

"Hm..." Lemony looked at them, watching them from the couch.

"Theories, huh" 

"It's not like those theories were not true, it's just that, there is bias within people... but who knows who is right and who is wrong?" She sips the hot chocolate while looking at them with a straight expression.

Amersa on the other hand was sleeping.

"Oh well, that was quite unexpected of you" Lemony said as she lets Amersa sleep there comfortably.

Specifically it was already night time at the moment.

Lemony was sleeping beside Amersa inside the bedroom, as Bluementrith and Dakota cleaned up the mess though of course, before they both slept they just made sure to make the living room nice and tidy like some usual home.

Dakota then looked at Blue.

"I'll just go outside for a walk" he says.

"Can I come with you?" She asked

"Sure thing, just like the old times?" He asked

"Yeah just like the old times" She answered

As soon as Blue answered his question, Dakota went and wear his usual outfit, the blue jacket and just black jogging pants, which was quite normal for him.

Meanwhile Bluementrith was wearing a blue jacket as well, which kind of just tells it that Dakota bought two jackets for himself but he lets one of his siblings borrow it since he doesn't mind.

Both went out of the house, they made sure that the doors were closed.

They now went towards the side of the road, walking into the street, with the light shining from the moon and from the street lights.

Their footsteps can be heard by themselves clearly.

Blue was looking to the left seeing cars going forth to their own directions, she looked up to the sky seeing few stars.

"It's been awhile since I've seen those stars" She said.

Dakota then looked at her.

"Yeah, ever since there was a city and more cars appearing, the stars became few" he said as he looked to the left and up, seeing the stars in the night sky as well.

Both of them continued to walk, they both saw people in the distance and from the other directions, some of them were in groups, some of them were in arcades as they were having fun, some were dating.

They continue to walk further, they see stores still open, some cafes are still open until midnight, they can also see a few stalls in the distance as well.

The wind blows, they could hear it howling a bit.

"So... is this some kind of a sibling date?" Blue asked which made Dakota looked at her.

"Huh? Well considering it, probably yes... additionally we've been doing this a lot along with the other 2 with us as well, maybe bonding?" He replied

"Well, just consider this as a sibling date, nothing wrong about it" She said.

"By the way, wanna go to the park?" He asked.

"Yeah," She replied.

They both turned to the direction where the park would be, then they walked towards it, the wind blowing through making a slight howling noise again but it wasn't really that loud, though the wind was actually a cool breeze which could make someone fall asleep when they are that sleep.

They both arrived at the park.

Staying at the stone path like usual, there were long chair on the grasses in the distance, nothing much usual yet it seemed that the park was peaceful.

Blue looked to the left and towards the right, seeing trees and more.

Dakota was looking forward to it.

The sound of the trees being blown by the wind nicely can be heard.

He looked up to the sky seeing the full moon in its full bloom.

"Hm, it feels peaceful..." he says.

Bluementrith was still beside him, walking with him inside the park.

Both of them walked through, seeing a few more of the trees until...

"Trees have information, huh..." he says, seeing there was a stand with the full information written on a single paper about the trees.

There was one that describes the first tree, another the second tree, the third and so on and so forth.

Though both of them got their attention caught by something, they looked in a certain Direction.

They see a tree with fences around them, the fences could be scaled at the height of 2 meters so no one would be able to trespass.

Both walked towards it only to see there was a golden stamp on the information paper that was on the stand.

"Hm... a golden stamp..."