
Testing Spells [Chapter 5]

"So let's try [Fireball 2]."

I say as I hold out my hand and concentrate. After a few seconds I feel some warmth in my hand. A small flame, about 4 inches wide, shoots out of my hand and straight up into the air where I'm aiming.

"That's pretty underwhelmi-"

As it gets a few hundred feet off the ground it explodes into a 100 foot wide fireball, with the heat drying up the trees in the area.

"Holy shit what the fuck was that!?"

I yell as I look at my hand.

Wait, how strong were the levels?

I think as I shoot up a [Fireball 1] into the air. As it gets a few hundred feet off the ground it explodes into a 50 foot ball of fire.

So it doubled its explosive ability. So I wonder what [Telekinesis 4] is capable of.

I think as I look as a squirrel scurrying beside some trees.

Just a small test.

I think as I concentrate on throwing the squirrel slightly into the air with [Telekinesis 4]. After a few seconds of concentration, a crater appears where the squirrel was as the squirrel flies high into the air. My eyes widen in shock as I see it floating hundreds of feet above me.

"If [Telekinesis 1] let me lift half my strength with magic, no, even one-fourth my standard lift; then would [Telekinesis 4] let me lift double my normal lift?"

I ask myself as I bring the squirrel back down and set it down. It is visibly shaking, almost vibrating as it scurries away.

"But how much can I lift with one hundred and twenty strength?"

I ask as I walk to the smithy and grab his anvil. I lift it like a piece of paper and throw it as hard as I can into the air. Within seconds it goes beyond where I can see it. I continue to grab a 100 KG block of steel and throw it the same way. Again, within seconds it leaves my vision.

"So a lot. I can lift a lot."

I mumble as I put my hand under the stone foundation and pull up. I strain, but manage to lift the solid stone building and set it down.

"This is incredible. This is beyond my wildest dreams."

I say as I jump through the roof almost 50 feet off the ground. I yell slightly when I start falling back down. As I hit the ground, I land on my back. A notice appears.

[-1 HP]

[+1 HP Recovered]

I stare at it blankly for a minute.

"Wait, I heal now? What skill is giving that?"

I ask myself as I stand up and think about it.

It's got to be involved with my Constitution. But what is my exact healing with my one hundred ninety Constitution score? It wouldn't be the score itself, it has to be a fraction of it. Or perhaps it's a hidden bonus to <<Makers Avatar>>.

I think as I sigh and pop my neck.

"This is more thinking that I'd ever imagined I'd do. Who knew having strength would require this much thinking."

I mumble as I see Blankk staring at 60 fallen trees at the edge of town. As I walk over to him he looks at me, baffled.

"But, how? Why aren't your hands just bloody stumps from that? There should be no way you have this kind of strength in a Class-F village. Who are you?"

He asks as I shrug my shoulder and stare at him.

"I told you, my name is Dante. I want you to come with me while I get my revenge on WolfPack, want to come?"

I ask as he nods slowly, almost scared.

"I feel like if I don't agree you might kill me."

He says as I laugh as start walking towards a nearby village.

"Uh, where are we going? Do you have a plan?"

He asks as I look over my shoulder.

"Of course, I've been guildless my whole life, I want to live out my dreams while on this quest of mine. So I'm going to start my own Guild."

I say as I stop in my old room and grab my notebook. I dust it off and flip through it.

"Our Guildname will be The Fallen."

I say as I look at my old notebook and all the ideas I had for guildnames and guild symbols.

"You've thought about this a lot, haven't you?"

Blankk asks as I nod. I roll up the small notebook and put it in my pocket. While we're walking to the next town, hardly talking, we hear some bushes rustle next to us. As I look over I see a wolf crouching in the bushes. I grit my teeth and start to lunge towards the wolf, but get to it before it, or I, can react. I stare at it as it starts to run away. I quickly grab its tail and pull it back into a punch into the ribs.

"Woah!? That's overkill!"

Blankk yells as I see my hand going all the way through its stomach and ribs. As I pull my hand out and shake the blood off of my hand I see exp gain appear.

[+1,000 Exp Gained!]

"Dante, I'm not sure what level you are, but those wolves are only level 5."

He says as I smile.

So hunting with my bare hands also applies the one hundred times experience. So if I hunt something on level, I can skyrocket in levels.

I think as I feel Blankk put his hand on my shoulder.

"Come on man, let's get going."

He says as I nod.

Maybe I'll go hunting later.

I think as we continue to walk towards the town ahead. As we get closer we can see a few buildings in the distance. We soon walk through the gate, as a few guards ready their spears and point them at us.

"Halt, what is your business in Lestney?"

One stern guard asks as I sigh.

"I'm here to make a guild. By how I understand it, this is the nearest town you can register a guild."

I say while the guards all look at each other and put their weapons down.