
The Great Demon Lord


Zero_Zoro_5347 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


Peering from above, the rays of the sunlight pierces through the small opening of a cave.

Exhausted, dazed and confused, Ko opened his eyes. Gasping for breath, as he struggled to sit up, his hair long overgrown, and all over his face, Shivering from the cold air of the cave.

Ko staggered to his feet, falling in and out of consciousness, struggling to keep himself up on two feet. He took a steady look around his surroundings, assessing his area, his mind instinctively in combat mode.

His eyes landed on the dark entrance of a passage. He shook his head not needing a thought to know it wouldn't be a good idea.

Looking up to the light, he noted that the gap might be big enough for him, though he felt he couldn't trust his judgment in his current state.

He went ahead, mustering all the strength he could, and leapt, managing only to get a few inches off the ground. Unable to regain his balance, suddenly feeling light-headed he fell back on the ground.

Too weakened to make such a leap, he sat himself up yet again. His mind devoid of thought, stared aimlessly, confused about his situation. Unsure who he is, why he's here.

A small pebble fell from above, landing on his skin. He reacted measly, staring up, his eyes landing on a figure.

"Oh? hi!" The stranger greeted Ko, with a sense of curiosity in his tone. "Another one?," The Stranger muttered slightly annoyed.

The stranger has pointed ears that are easy to call out. Once he slowly descended, Ko could see his transparent fairy wings.

He observed Ko for a quick moment, then Introduced himself, "I'm Le-va-none."

Ko looked at him curiously, remaining silent. Le-va-none gently patted his head, "May I ask your name?"

Ko stared at him, his mind having yet to form a thought.

Le-va-none sighed, giving a gentle smile, "I wonder if he fell by accident? Anyways, Let's get you out of here," Le-va-none stated, picking Imuru up off the ground.

In just seconds Ko was freed from the cave, greeted immediately with the warmth of the sun, the lustrous flowers and grass across the landscape glowing with intensity. One particular eye-catching object that stood out was a towering tree, possibly miles tall.

Le-va-none contemplated something, a small mischievous grin forming on his face. "Yeah, that darkness has this effect. Now, I wonder what I'll name this one?" Smiling Le-va-none held Ko closer. His wings flap rapidly, keeping him suspended in the air as he resides his thoughts. 

His eyes glimmer with intense excitement, his face lighting up. With a reassuring nod to himself, he headed straight for the direction of the tree.

Ko watched in amazement, his eyes particularly showing interest in the rapid movements of Le-va-none's wings.

Le-va-none crossed the distance between him and his tree in quick succession.

He rests Imuru down gently, maintaining eye contact.

Out of thin air, a small table materializes with two cups of tea, and two warm toasty manchet bread.

Ko looked at what's displayed in front of him, an embarrassed look forming on his face. His eyes diverted from the table, slightly ashamed.

Le-va-none took swift notice. "Please. This isn't much, but it's to help you adjust slowly." He took up the milky white teapot, pouring himself and Imuru some tea.

He sipped on his tea and pretended he was looking at something. This in turn gave Ko courage to inch closer to his tea.

With one last push, Ko grasped the handle of his teacup, brought it up to his face and began to sip on his tea, his expression lightening up as the warmth of the tea melted it away with each sip.

From the corner of his eye, Le-va-none observed Imuru, watching him finish his tea and the bread.

"Oh!" Le-va-none abruptly got up, "Your hair is messy... But lucky you, I can fix that."

With a wide smirk he moved behind Ko, thinking for a brief moment the hairstyle he could give Ko. Coming up with something simple, he fixed Ko's hair in a classic bun, adding in a few flowers. 

He paused, taking a brief moment to bathe in Ko's beauti.

From the shadows of the tree, the darkness gives form to a being, its eyes blank, with its extended wings keeping it in the air as it glares down onto Le-va-none.

Frightened by the sudden appearance of his companion, Le-va-none swiftly turned to face him, "Eld?"

Almost losing his cool, he regained his composure. "See I found another one, in one of the caves …. Though technically it would be mine, since I created it." 

"I didn't ask," Eld-onone replied with disinterest, his voice stern and deep. He glanced over at Ko.

Moving past Le-va-none, Eld-onone with a raise of his finger straightens Ko's hair removing the bun and flowers. 

"Heck?" Le-va-none stared at him, shocked by Eld-onone's actions.

Eld-onone teleported a small mirror for Ko to see his hair. Ko played his bangs for a bit, with a curious look on his face.

Le-va-none brushes this off and sits down beside Ko, "So do you remember your name now?"

Ko paused, his mind finally forming thoughts. Having nothing to go off of for memories, he shook his head. 

Le-va-none smiled, "Well no need to worry, since you can't remember, I'll just give you a new one."

"So let's get something to eat," Le-va-none said cheerfully, getting to his feet.

"Hey Eld, are you coming?" Le-va-none asked, curious for a response. 

Eld-onone ignored him and walked away. 

"Ehhh!!! so mean," Le-va-none pouted, folding his arms.

He lifted Imuru up, bringing high up inside his tree home.

Inside, Le-va-none's got at it, to prepare Ko something to eat. Finding a spacious place, a round table materializes along and as it is filled with Ko's subconscious desires for food he enjoys.

"Go on," Le-va-none said encouragingly.

Ko nodded, and slowly took a seat around the table. He shyly glanced at Le-va-none. Knowing how Ko felt about being watched, Le-va-none turned his gaze away from him.

Le-va-none glanced over at Ko ever so often during his process of eating, curious of what he could name him.

Le-va-none gazed off. "Something good. I would say I'm pretty good with names..." With this thought he looked back at him. 

"Imuru... How's that?" Le-va-none asked.

He accepted the name Imuru with a nod, his mind more focused on the food.

"I wonder if I'd be able to keep him," Le-va-none thought aloud.

Appearing beside Le-va-none, Eld-onone chose to answer this question. "Another one that made it through Intigis Darkness. There won't be any keeping him and again, remember to tell her to close it," Eld-onone said sternly.

Le-va-none smirked. "I'm keeping him," He thought.

"Oh yeah, I'll remember… Maybe."

Eld-onone narrowed his eyes, observing Imuru for a moment, with some particular interest building.

Le-va-none Looked at the boy he named feeling proud. He noticed Imuru is silent and unmoving, so he checks on him, just to see he's asleep sitting up.

"Awe. Guess you'll have to stay…"

Once he could see that Imuru was soundly asleep, Le-va-none took him to a comfortable room for him to get some rest.

Imuru woke up in a few hours, feeling fully energized, yet stiff. He sat up abruptly, his eyes darting around. Stepping off the bed, Imuru took a brief look around in slight confusion as if this was alien territory to him.

He felt like he could function properly, his thoughts sharp. Recalling his meeting with Le-va-none and where he woke up.

He walked up to an opening. Some went past in a blur, this made him draw for his sword instinctively. Imuru stared at his side, perplexed at himself.

Something slowly descended at the opening, revealing itself to be a large golden lance.

It positioned itself flat, and levitated patiently in place.

Imuru gave it a hesitant pat, then a few more confident ones.

Finding it cute in a way. Getting his courage, Imuru climbed on to it.

The Lance made a practically careful and slow descent for the safety of its rider.

As it slowly descended, Imuru took in the sights of a spectacular landscape laid out all around him.

Almost close to an hour in, Imuru laid flat on his back, arms and legs spread out like a star, eventually dozing off.

A gentle voice greets Imuru's ears. He stretched, turning on his side.

"How's my adorable one doing?" Le-va-none asked, his voice calming.

Imuru jolted up, in a surprised nature. "H-Hi… I'm feeling okay sir," Imuru shyly responded.

"Awe! So adorable!" Le-va-none teased.

Imuru blushed, turning gazing away.

Le-va-none smiled warmly. "Guess what, you know what time of the day it is?"

Imuru shook his head, confused.

Le-va-none chuckled, placing his hands on his hip. "Well of course you don't know…" He began, "Well it's bath time," Le-va-none shouted enthusiastically.

"Oh…" Imuru tilted his head, Le-va-none enthusiasm still somewhat confusing to him.