
The Great Demon Lord


Zero_Zoro_5347 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

All Hail

Months pass since the battle with Ko, Koshi and Morato, with an intriguing ending. The aftermath was slow, but yielding in the end favorable results.

Inside the throne room of a castle, two assistants murmur amongst each other. Yun sighed, "They made an intriguing choice. Still it makes me wonder, how they found one that's that well capable."

Sphe shrugged. "It makes me wonder too…?"

"Can you guys keep it down," a voice ordered tiredly.

The two assistants turned around immediately to face the demon king.


Ukuter stared at them with an exhausted look. The two immediately bow and apologize to Ukuter for the disturbance, being used to it, he shrugged and returned his gaze back down to the paper in hand.

"Hmm, I said keep it down, not apologize," Ukuter calmly reminded them. "You two will just get at it, in a second either way."

Yun felt a rush of disappointment wash over him. He glared over at Sphe, "Because of you again, Lord Ukuter is upset," Yun murmured.

"Ignoring you," Sphe murmured back, rolling her eyes.

"Anyways, I'm heading out. You two know what to do," Ukuter remarked, stepping down from his throne. 

"I meant to ask, will you be attending the Coronation?" Sphe asked, this question bugging her since the announcement.

"Yeah I heard of it. Lucky them, they found a replacement... But no I'm not going to the coronation, neither are the others, that it matters. Pix's location is unknown and the others, like myself, have better things to do," Ukuter remarked storming off.

He paused and gestured to them to come along.

Without any objections they both immediately follow their King. With Ukuter on his way through the castle hall to leave, all movement came to a halt, as they bowed, lifting their heads only once the door closed behind him.

He purposefully strolled through the kingdom, taking the long way out. As expected news spread fast, and people huddled up to see their King.

Ukuter dawns a proud grin on his face, admittedly enjoying doing this ever so often. With a slight blush of his cheek, as he bathed in all the praise.

The group eventually reached the outskirts of the kingdom. Ukuter checked on some papers before throwing them over his shoulders as they ignited.

"Let me guess that was the invitation?" Sphe asked.

Ukuter "Something like that. More of an upcoming apology I'm not looking forward to." 

Yun fixed his glasses. "It's one step forward, I suppose, but it's still too early to judge."

Sphe snickered. "It must have been tough being ruled by a dummy." She placed her hands on her hips. "I bet I would've been a better demon King," She proudly proclaimed.

Yun lightly chuckles, "Yes, unfortunate for them. Shame we cannot relate," Yun said smugly.

"Yun you know you're a suck up?" Sphe asked, looking to anger Yun.

Yun stared ahead blankly, making sure to keep his cool, "Be appreciative that the great lord is here…"

"And if he wasn't, what exactly would you do?" Sphe challenged Yun.

The two shoot each other looks, Ukuter heard everything but continued his walk in silence for the moment. Before taking to the sky, his assistants hurriedly behind him.

Hours later of travel down to the evening, the constant bickering between Sphe and Yun came to a halt. As they made landfall on the edge of a cliff.

Ukuter stared off, the heavenly glow of the Outer Domain Of The Celestial Lake, being quite eye-catching.

Ukuter narrowed his eyes, a grin spreading across his face, for a short moment. "We're here."

Sphe stared in awe, "Where exactly?"

Yun steps in to answer this question. "The Celestial Lake."

Sphe looks blankly confused. "Celestial Lake? Now what the hell is that? Hey, why haven't I been here before?"

Yun sighed. "This is only for special occasions. Some entertainment to put it simply," He began, "Well then, the Celestial Lake is one of the sources of this world's creation... If this rings a bell it's also known as Greed's Graveyard."

"Eh?" Sphe shrugged her shoulders. "Welp… Ah! Now I remember, that name is badass." Her gaze swept over the calm waters. "Hey, Yun, if I'm correct, this isn't a good idea just to forcefully take liquid from it, right?" She asked caution in her tone.

Yun remained silent for a brief moment. "Ah!..."

Sphe stared at him, raising an eyebrow at his lack of words. "So I'm right?" She probed.

Yun rests a hand under his chin. "Quite gorgeous…" He murmured.

"Hey!?" Sphe blurted out slightly upset by Yun ignoring her question.

She regained her composure, and shook her, whilst crossing her arms. "Anyways, what's the occasion?"

"As I said to gather some of its contents," Yun responded.

"Yeah why?" Sphe asked without a hint of shame.

This hits Yun like a brick, "Seriously! don't you know anything?" He cleared his throat, to address his not so enlightened friend, "Well it possesses special properties. For example: If me and you were to find ourselves in the Celestial Lake, we'll be weakened heavily and by what I heard, it can disintegrate you if you were to submerge yourself in it, but those are just rumors and I rather go by facts."

Sphe is completely fascinated by this information, her mouth wide open in awe. "Holy smokes, that sounds cool. Then how is Ukuter gonna get it? Oh yeah, couldn't we just gather what we want from afar?"

Yun disappointingly shook his head. "I think this conversation is over," Yun thought.

Sphe looked annoyed that Yun didn't want to give her an answer to her simple question.

Gazing over the cliff, the grass below glows an otherworldly green. "Huh! Doesn't this place change a lot," Ukuter remarked.

"Stay here," Ukuter ordered.

"Understood," Sphe and Yun said in unison.

Ukuter, giving the order to his assistant, Immediately leapt over the cliff. stopping a few inches midair, to gently touch the ground.

Ukuter approached the Celestial Lake with overwhelming confidence. He summoned a silver mixed golden wine goblet, using it he filled it up with the contents of the lake.

Putting the goblet safely away. His assistance breathed a sigh of relief, feeling tense for some strange reason.

From the lake an enormous sized being emerged, its body formed from the contents of side Lake. Unfazed, Ukuter casually removed his sword from his shoulder and swung it down, splitting the Celestial Lake Spawn in one swift and easy swing.

Having no interest in sticking around for the chaos to come, Ukuter instantly teleported back up to the cliff.

"Alright let's go," Ukuter ordered.

The two assistants quickly followed along. Sphe laughs a little at herself. "I was worried for nothing."

Yun frowned, "Yes, of course. He was more worried about us, if not anything else."

Sphe glanced at him, "Hm. Right and you weren't?" She thought.

"Hey, so Yun… Have any ideas what it'll be used for?" She asked curiously.

Yun had a feeling a question like this was coming. "Could be for anything. I like to be concrete with my responses, so I won't make any assumptions."

"Really… Can I at least hear a few theories and make my decision?" Sphe asked.

Yun found this amusing. "And be the one to share misleading information… I'll pass, thank you."

Ukuter took a small detour, just to take some time to observe his kingdom for a bit. "The Administrator, creating a Demon King."

"He succeeded, so good for him," Sphe remarked, an intense gaze of wonder in her eyes.

"If I'm honest, I'm quite curious to see where this goes," Yun commented. Finding his interest building after thinking the situation over.

"I feel the same about that," Ukuter said, turning to Yun. "And besides, now he's gone and I'm in charge, so… Yeah, that I really think about it, this worked out well for me," He chuckled.