
The Great Demon Lord


Zero_Zoro_5347 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


A few minutes, Imuru begins to notice the body of water they're approaching. 

"Not here, we're heading somewhere calmer," Le-va-none assured Imuru, it'll get calmer the further they go.

Moments later Imuru could see how calm the water had gotten, it just now looked completely still, though he's high up, so he'll have to wait for Le-va-none to bring him down closer.

"Here we are. inwards it's much calmer," Le-va-none cheerfully exclaims. He descends down onto the surface, touching the bottom after breaking through ankle deep water.

"Oh… It's not deep," Imuru commented in surprise.

Le-va-none sinks apportionable size of the bottom a bit deeper into the ground, also altering the flow of rushing water that's trying to fill it, raising the edges Slightly more to stop the flow. 

Moving his finger in a circular motion, the water in the soon to be bath heats up.

"Alright please, head on in, I'll be right back in a quick moment," Le-va-none said, encouraging, as he headed off for something.

Imuru inhaled deeply, then exhaled. He glanced around, then hesitantly began to remove his clothes piece by piece while keeping an eye out. 

Stepping in Imuru lets out a sigh of pleasure, feeling all his pain and aches being washed away, his mind becoming quite lax, letting him feel loose and free.

Le-va-none arrives back in a splash landing with Eld-onone, holding on tightly onto his arm, dragging him over to the bath. 

"Come on, don't be so stocked up," Le-va-none remarks.

Eld-onone narrowed his eyes at the remark, forcefully pulling his arm away from Le.

"Dragged me here for this?" Eld-onone stares at Le-va-none expecting a good answer.

"Oh well I just thought we should have a bath together," Le-va-none responded with a wide smile.

Eld-onone stares at him for a moment, "A waste." Eld spun around to leave.

Le-va-none jumps at him, expecting to cling to him so he doesn't leave, not having it Eld stops the much smaller Le-va-none from getting close to him, using his arm to keep him at bay.

[Eld-onone Ended Up Staying]

"Thank you Eld, I'm glad you Willingly wanted to stay," Le-va-none said with a bit of an eerie stare.

Eld sigh, feeling exhausted by Le-va-none.

Le-va-none turned to Imuru to see that he'd dozed off, "Holy crap."

He gets over to him and gently pats him on the head to wake him up, "Aww, see isn't he cute Eld?"

Eld remained quiet.

Le-va-none glares at him with a less than pleased look, "Eld-onone?" Le-va-none called out his name in a more demanding tone.

"Hmm? Have nothing better to attend to," Eld asked.

"Ehhh? What, there's nothing more important than my child," Le-va-none swiftly responded.

"You're not," Eld remarked.

Le-va-none looks away from him, "Yeah… But he's still my child," he mutters under his breath. "Hmm, you see he was in my territory, which automatically makes him my child," Le-va-none said confidently.

Eld-onone shook his head just ever so slightly

Imuru rubs his eyes, just really wanting to sleep more than anything to sleep right where he is. 

Dozing on and off, Imuru thought it'd be best to get out while he still has the strength to, not really wanting to have Le-va-none dress him.

So politely he asked for something to cover him. Le complied, covering him up, and heading him new clothes, and to fully give him some privacy, thick fog was created so he could get dressed.

Le-va-none waits patiently for feedback, hoping he gives Imuru something he feels comfortable wearing.

Finishing, the fog fades. Le-va-none is mesmerized seeing Imuru in the clothes he gave him, finding him more adorable.

Imuru thanked Le for the gift, giving Le-va-none feedback he wanted to hear.

"Is something wrong?" Le-va-none asked.

Imuru shook his head, "Thank you."

"Aww, my poor baby," Le-va-none jumps out of the water, getting dressed in an instant, he hugs Imuru tightly.

Imuru pats Le in return, enjoying Le-va-none's affection. 

"Alright, let's head home... Time for something to eat, hm?" Le-va-none said to Imuru, who nodded in agreement, already imagining the tasty food he's gonna eat once they got back home.

As the Le-va-none took off with Imuru, Eld-onone watches them for a brief moment, he breathes a sigh of relief seeing Le leave specifically leaves. Happy Le-va-none is off his skin, getting up he follows behind.

Back home Le-va-none takes the initiative to personally feed Imuru. "There, there, there," Le-va-none feeds Imuru a spoon full of his specially made soup.

Once that is finished he gives Imuru a little treat, a whole cake mixed with every flavor on the spectrum.

Imuru tilts his head a little, his thought being if this will taste alright. He tasted a bit, it gave him very mixed emotions, it had very pleasing tastes and then very bad ones.

"Oh," Le-va-none enthusiasm drops, realizing Imuru won't be eating even a decent size of the cake, "Alright I'll go for something less colorful next time," Le-va-none thought. "Guess mixing them was bad."

Standing to his feet, Le-va-none summons a sword, playfully floating it over to Imuru. The weapon is thoroughly scanned, with him feeling the weapon had a sense of belonging to him.

Imuru takes a few swings out of his weapon. Holding it up, feeling quite confident with his handling.

Le-va-none applaud him, "Yep I can already tell you're quite good with that. I went back that little cave since Eld wanted me to disperse Intigis Darkness..."

Le-va-none moves his hair from around his ear, "I saw that golden handle of that, and I got a bit distracted, And I thought it might be yours, so I took it up," Le-va-none clears his throat, "If he finds out I didn't get rid of it, he'll probably kill me... It doesn't matter at the moment anyways, I'm just glad you didn't wander off that deep into that cave, the monsters down there are kind of strong."

Imuru raises his hand, "How strong?"

"Oh! well on Demon God level type strong," Le-va-none response.

"Huh! See." Imuru thinks how lucky he is not choosing to go any further in that cave.

"Hey Imuru, Can you fight?" Le-va-none asked.

Imuru nods, now that Le-va-none asked, he's been itching to move around a little more, fighting is just perfect.

With a snap of his fingers, that same Lance Imuru helped Imuru down materializes, "Alright, you met this before. This guy has a name… I call him Leva-on."

"Leva-on… Le-va-none," Imuru repeated the names of Le and the lance.

"You know what, just ignore the whole name part," Le said embarrassed.

Le clears his throat, "No need to worry, this will just be a bit an exercise. Leva-on will circle you and all you to do is try to block it or deflect, simply enough right?"

"Right!" Imuru said eagerly, tightening his grip on the handle of his sword, feeling the rising sense of excitement from somewhere deep within him.