
The Great Demon Lord

Ko and Koshi, best friends in a mystical world, caught the eye of a renowned figure; The Administrator. In search for anew demon king, koshi is given the oppertunity to prove herself in tests set by this figure. Koshi's determination shined as she eagerly accepted the challenge, while Ko remained curious but uncertain about the significance of this goal.

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19 Chs

Put To An End

Morato took a deep breath and exhaled. "Hm, so interesting."

In just a step, Morato appeared inches from Koshi. Unable to perceive him, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach and found herself crashing into the ground.

"There, we're almost even," Morato said, looking out towards Ko.

Ko slowly approached Morato giving him unwavering eye contact the entire walk.

The bloodthirsty look in Ko's eyes filled Morato with intrigue and awe. Giving him a sense of familiarity of his kind. "Just look at him. So serious, so focused, he sees that I stand in his way and he'll do anything to kill me, hm, I like him," Morato thought intrigued by Ko, finding it hard to rant on.

"Now a person like this would be the perfect killing machine… Of course with a little help." Morato sighed, refocusing his mind to the battle.

With blinding speed Morato moved over to Ko, grabbing a hold of his arm tightly. Ko clenched his fist, landing a blow to Morato's chest.

The Demon God remained unfazed by the blow, and threw Ko across the field, with moderate effort.

"Put some force behind will you," Morato said, with a cheeky grin.

Ko flipped himself back up, charging back towards Morato thrusting his sword. Seeing this from a mile away, Morato effortlessly dodged with a slight movement of his body.

Ko unleashed an onslaught of slashes, each with more furiosity and increased potency.

Morato brought this onslaught to an abrupt halt, striking Ko down into the ground.

Still feeling the pain from Morato's earlier attack, Koshi struggled to stand on her feet, gasping for breath, as she pulled herself. "Okay, positive thoughts, I can't give up yet."

Koshi paused and stunned Ko's still managing to stand up to Morato, blocking and countering more effectively.

The grin on Morato's face got wider and wider. Enjoying his battle with Ko.

"Overall, Ko I'm impressed, it seemed you're a lot stronger than I thought," Morato complimented Ko, through all the blows he's receiving.

Getting Morato off balance for a brief second, Ko lunges at Morato piercing him with his sword, to which Morato immediately grabs a hold of the blade.

"I really like you," Morato narrowed his eyes, "Pity you won't be around for the long run. Hm, you know if it was my choice I would've given you the chance."

Ko pulled at his sword, his mind still devoid of any thought. His face stern, with pure intent to kill.

In a swift movement Ko dug into the ground, using it to pull his blade from Morato. Swiping at Morato, slashing him with his sword.

Morato covered his wound, expecting it to heal in mere seconds. More blood poured from his wound, causing him to abruptly feel dizzy. "Wh… I can't regenerate? No, it's slower."

Seeing how vulnerable Morato is, Koshi took this opportunity to put more effort into her next attack. Intent on finishing him off for good. 

As ferocious flames blaze from her body, transforming the surface beneath into molten rock. "After this. I think I'll need to work on my durability and other issues at hand," Koshi thought, her eyes burning with intensity. "My best of the best. Complex Skill: Three crimson dragons…"

Morato remained in place still trying to grapple with the revelation at hand, while Ko got back away from Morato to escape the blast radius of Koshi's attack.

With one singular burst of an intense beam from Koshi's body, the crimson dragons came rushing towards Morato. The force of these creatures being flet, before even reaching.

Their mouths open, clamping down and dragging him along across the land, as they grew unstable, and erupted in a fiery explosion of chaos. The outwards force flowing back inwards to deal an even more fatal blow.

Ko finally showed some signs of relaxing, his shoulders lax and body less tense. He finally returned to Koshi's side, to check on her.

"Are you okay?" Ko asked, his gaze still fixed on the settling dust, still on the outlook for any signs of Morato.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. But I have a feeling that won't do it," She remarked, her gaze matching his. "And also it seemed that you hurt him, of course you managed to damage him before, but this was different," Koshi questioned curiously.

"Hm, I wasn't sure it would work… It's a flame of sorts I embedded into my sword. It slowed his regeneration, so now I definitely believe we can win," Ko replied confidently.

From the settling dust, Morato stood firm. His mind was more focused on his wound that has yet to heal. He contemplated, thinking carefully for the first time in this battle, how he should approach the fight.

"Ah!!!" Koshi stared at the uninjured Morato in disbelief. "Nothing?" She clenched her firsts. Taking in a deep breath, she looked to Ko, his mind yet again solely focused on Morato.

She gave herself a reassuring nod, not ready to give up.

Taking the initiative, she orders Ko to get ready to move. She sends multiple beams towards Morato with fiery tails towards Morato.

Morato effectively maneuvered his way through each beam, while tracking the real and quickly approaching threat, Ko. 

Ko puts his sword away, frightening Morato enough that he retreats, choosing not to engage Ko yet, until he figures out what Ko's plan might be.

This doesn't stop Ko from continuing his assault, forcing Morato to engage in combat. With his reluctance, Ko is able to land a blow breaking through his defenses, and in quick succession slashing Morato across the chest.

Morato staggered back. Not letting him have a chance to regain his composure, Koshi chooses to make a move against him, using only her physical strength she punches at Morato, sending a burst of hot air hurtling towards Morato, Knocking him off his feet and leaving internal burns.

Laying flat on his back, Morato tried to get his eyes on Koshi, building his strength to speak with her.

"My strength… Feels almost as if it's been sapped. What did you do to me Ko? and how? I should be far stronger," Morato thought deeply, surprised and frightened.

Ko held his sword over Morato, with intent to Kill him.

"Hey Ko, easy," Koshi said, stopping him.

Morato chuckled, coughing and wheezing. "Koshi… I think… The thing required of you is right here… He's impressive… but."

Koshi glanced at Ko, then back at Morato and shook her head in disbelief. "You can't… Couldn't have meant this… The Administrator I'm sure. I'm sure it doesn't require this."

"I don't make the rules, the Administrator does, Koshi," Morato replied.

Ko is unsure of what's going on, but his mind is so focused on the target at hand, having full trust in his friend.

"Listen, he's one for many. You don't know what's to come. Look at me, A True Demon God, a rarity, bested by you two somehow. I'm clearly not enough, neither will the Administrator be. This will make you powerful," Morato said, sounding sincere for the first time, his gleaming with worry. "It's not an ideal situation, but this world isn't fair, right?"

"It's horrible," Koshi angrily replied.

Morato exhales lightly, "Your choice correct? You've tried many others admittedly, I know it's cruel… But, this… We're positive you're the one."

Koshi frowned. "Honesty won't… How would this go for us, if I don't?" Koshi asked.

"Ask the Administrator, he's a pretty cheerful guy, but in reality I'm unsure, as I said before I'm not the boss," Morato sarcastically remarked, through coughs.

Koshi took a step back, to get herself some time to think for a moment.

Koshi taking that step allowed Morato to speak to Ko. "Ah, A silent one, are you even conscious? You haven't even had a single change of facial expression."

"Have you ever heard a thing I said?" Morato asked.

Morato laughs, "Fine then."

He lunges forward at Ko, grabbing him by the throat, for only a split second before Ko breaks his arm, following up with a decisive kick to the head.

Koshi got in front of Morato, stopping Ko from doing anything further damage. She held her head low, taking Ko's hand, caressing his air, as she brought him close to the edge of the land they're on.

Ko curiously wonders what she's doing, his mind wavering from the battle so he can focus on this situation.

She wraps her arms around his shoulders from behind. "You know… I… have nothing to say. In the end, no excuses…"

She held him patiently there for some time. In those few minutes Morato found his wounds healing and him regaining his strength rapidly.

"This will be worth it in the end…" Koshi murmured, her hold getting tighter. 

Koshi lets go, stepping back, she raises her hand, an intense heat slowly beginning to form.

Ko turned around, a bit confused why she had that pointing at him. "Koshi?"

Without another thought she lets it go, sending him over the edge, and knocking him unconscious.

Morato is left wide eyed, and shell shocked, not expecting Koshi to go through with it. "Oh, seriously?… Really?"

He stood up, slowly making his way over beside her. He said nothing, and just stared into the abyss, alongside Koshi, her eyes almost lifeless.

She fell back, and began to tremble. She rushed to the edge and was grabbed by Morato, stopping her from going over. Tears of regret flowed from her eyes, as she screamed and begged Morato to let her go over… to let her save him.

"This never gets easier… My apologies Koshi… Ko," Morato thought, deep regret showering his face.

From behind, The Administrator stood unfazed. "Hm… Anytime now," He thought, disappearing, like he never was there to begin with.