
The Evolution Path

Boom... A Shadow crashed against a huge skyscraper demolishing the whole building Black crown was levitating above the silhouette's head Cough... Cough... Blood was flowing out of the Shadow's mouth " You bastard, I'll kill you ! " His eyes full of fear and hate were glaring at night sky Click... All the lights in the city were momentarily extinguished.. A man with Glowing eyes appeared in the darkness seemingly standing on the air Eyeing the bleeding Shadow man frowned and snapped his fingers... A purple flash illuminated the sky before silence engulfed the whole city " You've missed your chance " [ Image on the cover is not mine ]

Rouder · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Wolf... Pack !?

Leo was leisurely walking out of the cave when he heard a howl. His expression turned annoyed.

' What now ? '

Suddenly he saw a single beast run out of the forest. It was the size of a car, had characteristics of a wolf and green fur. The black eyes of a wolf gazed at Leo.

Leo's eyes interlocked with the beast's and he pulled out his weapons. He felt that the beast before him was only a [ Middle ] Stage Magical Rank being. Leo who used every single possibility to gain another tooth from the beasts saw it as an easy way to expand his teeth collection.

Stepping forward Leo used [ Mana Envelopment ] on his legs and charged towards the wolf. Before Leo could reach him another 2 wolves came out of the forest.

Leo abruptly stopped in his tracks and carefully scanned the new guests. They both were the same rank - [ Early ] Magical Rank Beast. Now Leo had to be more careful about how to proceed. He recalled the fight with the Cobra and thought that he should not bite more than he can chew.

Leo started slowly retreating, but before his eyes the forest became alive. 3... 5... 7... 12, The Wolves kept on appearing and appearing out of nowhere in a minute the number was above a dozen.

' They move in packs huh... Why did the first 2 beasts fight alone then ? I swear I'll revive them and ask for an explanation '

Leo grumbled and got ready to flee, but before he could even move a wind gale innocently blew past his side. Leo who had all his senses enchanted moved his dagger in instinct and hit something.

Redirecting his gaze towards the dagger Leo didn't see anything abnormal.

' Wind element ! '

He instantly identified the characteristics of the Attack.

Leo took a deep breath and focused. He now could see various wind attacks being launched at him. He repelled or dodged all of them.

' Aren't they a bit... weak ? '

Leo couldn't help, but ponder. If the wolves heard what he was thinking they would probably vomit a river of blood. Little does Leo know the wind element is known for its speed and hard visibility.

Leo who had a Dragon Bloodline could just see these attacks. His speed was above Awakener's Rank human, so he could easily dodge them. Any other person would have to Enhance his eyes to see them and it would cost them a lot of Mana to keep the enchantment working. Leo calling them weak was unfair, because he himself was an anomaly.

After a few minutes of continuous attacks being unsuccessful, Wolves realized that they were not going to win by simply attacking from a distance.

The [ Middle ] Stage Wolf ordered 2 other wolves to physically attack Leo from the sides. Heeding the Alpha's orders, wolves growled, showing their teeth and started approaching Leo.

Seeing some enemies coming from his sides Leo panicked. He didn't have time to dodge both, ranged and physical attacks from the wolves. He quickly retreated towards the cave area, near the cave entrance. Even though he will have less mobility and will have to deflect most of the attacks, the pack will not surround him completely.

After a few minutes of going back and forth, the leader of the wolves was pissed. It howled, ordering other wolves to attack Leo from a close distance. Listening to Leader's call and stopping their wind barrage wolves ran towards Leo.

Leo, seeing a pack of predators running at him, shivered. Tightening the grip of his daggers Leo positioned himself to fight 2 wolves at a time. The cave's entrance wasn't narrow, but considering the size of the wolves it could be considered small.

Greeting the first 2 wolves Leo threw one of his hands forward simply making the wolf narrowly dodge his strike by suddenly stopping. Unfortunately for the wolf another wolf crashed from behind it pushing him into the daggers trajectory. The first beast fell without giving any resistance.

The second wolf using the absence of Leo's defense pounced at him, but only to be met with two purple eyes. Being stunned in the middle of the jump it didn't even land on the ground when the world around it went red and black.

The first two wolves fell. One of the dead wolves was blocking the entrance allowing Leo to only fight one wolf at a time. Grinning Leo started massacring wolves one by one. Cut the neck, stab the heart, stab to the side. 3 Wolves fell one after another.

Seeing half of his pack getting massacred, the Alpha started approaching the cave. The wolf used his wind element to move the dead wolves to the side, opening the entrance fully.

Leo who used more than half of his Mana felt depressed.

' Why me? What did I do ? First Snake then Cobra and now wolves. At this point the Tsunami will magically appear in the middle of the forest and of course, IT WILL GO AFTER ME ! '

Gritting his teeth Leo killed another wolf by stabbing a knife through his forehead. He was heavily panting, his Stamina and Mana was running low. At best he can kill all the ordinary wolves, but then he would need to fight Alpha with no Mana and miniscule amount of Stamina.

Leo quickly dodged another pair of jaws aimed at his neck and slashed his dagger towards the beast's neck. A fresh blood spilled on Leo's face.

The Leader of the wolves couldn't keep watching his pack getting killed. It dashed towards Leo, the other wolves made a way for the leader. Even though previously wolves ganged up on Leo, when the leader is fighting no other member of the pack can interfere.

It could be considered some kind of Rule among the wolves.

Seeing the other wolves backing off Leo felt a sense of relief, but seeing the Alpha quickly closing the distance between them tensed up. The boss fight is around the corner.

Still carefully eyeing the other wolves Leo focused his attention on the Leader and embraced himself for yet another bloody fight.