
The Evolution Path

Boom... A Shadow crashed against a huge skyscraper demolishing the whole building Black crown was levitating above the silhouette's head Cough... Cough... Blood was flowing out of the Shadow's mouth " You bastard, I'll kill you ! " His eyes full of fear and hate were glaring at night sky Click... All the lights in the city were momentarily extinguished.. A man with Glowing eyes appeared in the darkness seemingly standing on the air Eyeing the bleeding Shadow man frowned and snapped his fingers... A purple flash illuminated the sky before silence engulfed the whole city " You've missed your chance " [ Image on the cover is not mine ]

Rouder · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

True Predator

Eyeing the wolf Leader, Leo lowered his body and got ready to engage in the fight. If he was in his top condition, he would easily kill the Alpha, but now he was close to falling asleep from fatigue.

Leo reflected two wind attacks the wolf threw while running and slashed his dagger forward. The wolf evaded the strike by using the wind element to slightly change his running path and launched a compressed wind arrow at Leo's chest.

Beasts can manipulate Elements outside their body when they are born. Humans can partially do that while being in the Enchanter Rank / [ High ] Stage Awakener Rank - channel mana in the weapon. To freely use Mana outside the body one has to reach Elementalist Rank and form an Element Core.

Seeing that the projectile is too fast to dodge, Leo crossed his daggers in the X shape and braced himself for the collision. As soon as the arrow hit Leo felt his hands go numb. Bearing the pain Leo stomped the ground and bolted towards the beast.

Slashing his dagger Leo made a wide swing and almost hit the Wolf, but at the last moment it sidestepped backwards using a wind element to empower its movements. If one saw Leo fighting they would be flabbergasted. Wherever Leo's daggers went a faint white color could be seen left in its trails. That meant that Leo had unconsciously started channeling Mana into his weapon. One has to know that Leo is an orphan and wasn't thought to fight or received techniques before awakening. Him grasping the concept of Weapon Aura is unbelievable.

Fighting Alpha in close range for a while Leo started getting comfortable with its attack patterns and even predicting some attacks. He had stopped to constantly use Mana when defending against the wolf. Unknowingly Leo started using Mana more efficiently resulting in his Mana sense becoming stronger. While the wolf was busy trying to bite Leo's head off Leo crouched and slashed the wolf's right leg. After doing the deed Leo quickly fell back feeling dizziness wash over him. He quickly opened his system and noticed that he barely had 24 MP.

Planning to end the fight Leo wanted to bait the wolf into attacking him with its claws or teeth. He planned on using his [ Draconic Eyes ] to stun the wolf and attack its vitals.

Leo once again engaged into close combat, but the beast who had more Mana just boosted its speed and overpowered Leo making him dodge or block most of the attacks. Seeing that the wolf was slowly letting his guard down, because Leo hadn't attacked it in the last few clashes Leo grinned.

Noticing the wolf extending its neck towards him with an intent to bite his head off, Leo used [ Mana Envelopment ] to boost his speed and quickly rolled to the side. He specifically evaded the attack to the right side, where the wolf's leg was injured. Leo used his [ Draconic Eyes ] to restrain the wolf and threw one of his daggers towards its neck.

Wolf, stunned for a second, but saw a dagger rapidly approaching its neck. It tried to jump away, but its right leg gave in under pressure. At the last moment the wolf tried to redirect the dagger using wind, but barely changed its trajectory making it still hit the neck, but saving itself from instant death.

The blood started flowing out of the wolf's wound like a fountain. It felt its head become dizzy. The wolf heard a walking sound and turned its gaze towards the right. The Alpha saw two purple eyes looking at him as if he was a prey, the wolf felt fear, for the first time in the beast's short life it felt like being hunted by a predator.

Letting out the last howl before collapsing the Alpha ordered the other wolves to fall back and escape. The remaining wolves, seeing the leader's death, tucked their tails between their legs and ran.

Leo who was on his last legs saw Wolves fall back and smiled.

' Intimidated huh... '

He made a note, if in the future he'll see a wolf pack, he will immediately go after the leader.

Falling face first on the ground Leo didn't care about the blood surrounding him and that it might attract unwanted guests. He drifted deep into the dream land.


Near the cave's area...

A human could be seen fighting an ugly beast. The beast had color changing skin and a really long tongue. The creature looked like a frog, but was the size of an elephant. The beast extended its tongue trying to gobble up the human before it. Unfortunately the human simply slashed its sword and cut off the extended tongue.

The Magical Beast roared in pain and fell into agony. Human quickly quickly held his sword with 2 hands and took a deep breath. After a few seconds of concentration, the sword started pulsating with Mana. With a swift movement the human slashed the sword diagonally. A huge blue arc was launched from the sword's blade and cleanly beheaded the creature.

After killing the creature, human proceeded to collect its tooth, but heard a howl nearby.


1 Hour Later...

Leo was comfortably lying on the cave's ground. Waking up he didn't even notice that his lying position was different from where he fell. Yawning and stretching his sore muscles Leo accessed the system.

[ Magical Rank [ Early ] Stage Beast ( Breeze Wolf ) Defeated.... { 7 } ]

[ Reward +35 Xp ]

[ Magical Rank [ Middle ] Stage Beast ( Gale Wolf ) Defeated... ]

[ Reward +10 Xp ]

While Looking at his Rewards from the fight Leo heard another system notification pop up.


Achievement Unlocked { Persistence } !!!

Reward: System Upgrade [ +Stamina Stat }


Quickly navigating to the stats tab Leo didn't even sense another being sitting behind him. Tapping on it Leo indeed saw another Stat appear in the Tab.


Level 2; [ 70/100Xp ]

Strength 21 +

Agility 28 +

Defense 21 +

Mana 26 +

{ New } Stamina 27 +

Additional Stat Points: 0


To the guest Leo looked like a moron. Tapping his fingers in the air and murmuring some random words from time to time. It was weird to think that all these wolves were massacred by this fellow.

The guest intended to ask Leo some questions, hence stood up and started walking towards Leo.

" Are you okay ?"