
The Evolution Path

Boom... A Shadow crashed against a huge skyscraper demolishing the whole building Black crown was levitating above the silhouette's head Cough... Cough... Blood was flowing out of the Shadow's mouth " You bastard, I'll kill you ! " His eyes full of fear and hate were glaring at night sky Click... All the lights in the city were momentarily extinguished.. A man with Glowing eyes appeared in the darkness seemingly standing on the air Eyeing the bleeding Shadow man frowned and snapped his fingers... A purple flash illuminated the sky before silence engulfed the whole city " You've missed your chance " [ Image on the cover is not mine ]

Rouder · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Fortunate Leo

Leo's sleep was disturbed by a rock...

A literal pebble fell on his head while he was casually sleeping in his own blood. Imagine odds of that happening. There's a whole cave that's easily 100 times bigger than you and a rock lands on your head. Quite unfortunate.

Slowly opening his eyes Leo grumbled from pain and raised his arms to touch his forehead. He slowly got up in a sitting position and moved his body to feel if his previous injuries healed.

After seeing that his body was in perfect condition, Leo started looking around for the reason he woke up. He carefully looked around himself and only noticed a rock.

' This cave... '

Leo muttered before standing up and kicking the rock away.

Leo didn't want to stay in this cave too long and seeing that the Darkness wall disappeared sighted from relief. After finally completely waking up Leo approached the Cobra and got ready to collect its fang. It took a lot of effort, because holding a big creature's mouth and simultaneously taking out its fang proved to be complicated.

After forcefully breaking the fang in the middle and putting it inside the Inventory. Leo finally opened his System Notification.


Elite Rank [ Middle ] Beast Defeated ( Darkness Cobra )

Reward +40 Xp


# Level 2 Reached ! All Stats [+1] ! 5 additional Stat points added.

Leo felt his body heat up momentarily, before the heat died down. He quickly opened his Stat tab and saw that his stats improved.


Level: 2


Strength 21 +

Agility 23 +

Defense 21 +

Mana 26 +

Stat Points: 5

HP: 42/41

Mana: 104/87


At first Leo wanted to test out how much these stats impact his body. He went to the cave's exit and dashed towards the other side of the cave. He counted that without using Mana it took around 10 seconds to cross the distance.

Then Leo used all 5 of his additional Stat points on Agility. After upgrading his agility Leo felt his body become lighter. He once again repeated the test and was dumbfounded. Leo managed to cross the cave in 8 seconds.

The progress was considered small to a high Ranking human, but for Leo who just only reached level 2, it was massive. He quickly went to check his Power Rank and found out that his Beast Rank became Magical Beast [ Middle ].


Name: Leo Virgilius

Level: 2 [ 20/100Xp ]

Race: Draconic Human

Mana Rank: Awakener Rank [ Early ] / Ancient

Beast Rank: Magical Beast [ Middle ] / Calamity


Leo was very happy with his progress, his Beast Rank potential was barely Magical Beast, but the System proved him wrong. The closer one is to his potential the harder it is to Rank up, but Leo's Sub-rank was raised in a day. He felt that his future held a lot of possibilities, but he had to survive.

Leo once again strengthened his mentality to hide as much of his power as possible to avoid attention. Little did Leo know he was already noticed by one of the royals.

The Humans domain was ruled by an Emperor. He implemented a system which divided humans into castes.


1. Emperor - The ruler of the human domain.

2. Royals - The family members of the Emperor or Powerhouse's of humans.

3. Nobles - Humans with a high Cultivation level and wealth.

4. Citizens - Normal people with decent or average cultivation level.


The girl with cyan hair Leo saw before was one of the Royals. Leo's family belonged to Citizens, his family wasn't very wealthy and had below average Rank. His mother and father were Elementalists. His brother was barely Enhancer Rank awakener, but he had a potential of OverLord Rank which should help his family become nobles, but unfortunately the incident happened.

Shaking his head Leo sat in Lotus position and started circulating Mana manually using the skill [ Dragon's Mana ]. Even though the skill was automatic, the results of one doing it manually would increase the user's Mana sense and regenerate more Mana.

After a few minutes of continuous usage of [ Dragon's Mana ] skill Leo recovered most of his Mana. He now had 15 Teeth of beasts and more than half of the week left of time. Before exiting the cave Leo noticed something glowing red in the corner of the cave.

Walking closer Leo saw that it was a small tree with a fruit that was glowing red. He slowly harvested it and 2 system pop ups appeared in his sight.

The first one was information about the fruit he collected.


Fire Fruit Harvested !

Reward +5 Xp

New Recipe Unlocked ! { Fire Element 🔥 }


The second one was System upgrade.


Recipe part found !

Reward: System upgrade { +Recipe Tab 📜}


Leo's eyes widened, there were no recipes known about how to create an Element. He quickly opened his system and accessed the Recipe Tab. A screen with a lot of rows opened. The only row that was interactive was { Fire Element 🔥 } Recipe.


{ Fire Element 🔥 } Recipe


1. Fire Fruit 🔥 { 1/1 } ✔️

2. Phoenix's Feather 🐦{ 0/3 } ❌

3. Volcano's lava 🌋 { 0/1L } ❌

4. Flame Water 🩸 { 0/2L } ❌

5. Fire Beasts Core💥{ 0/1 } ❌


Before opening the Recipe Tab Leo was on cloud nine, but after seeing the requirements he wanted to cry. He hadn't even heard of Phoenix and Flame water, but he knew that Beasts only form cores after reaching [ High ] Monster Rank. He, who almost died to a wounded [ Middle ] Elite Beast Rank creature has no chance to kill the Monster Ranked one.

Leo made sure to search up the other 2 recipe materials when he was back in the Academy.

He then proceeded to dig out the tree and put both, the tree and the fruit inside his Inventory. Leo knew that what he just found was a treasure and a pretty high ranked one at that. He knew that Fire Fruit is used to boost Fire element users' cultivation by a small margin, but it was still valuable, because it didn't take time to cultivate it. You just need to consume the fruit.

Leo was planning to plant the tree in his room and stack up the fruits, so when he awakens Fire Element he will consume them and boost his power by a noticeable margin.

' Quite lucky, aren't I ? '