
The Evolution Path

Boom... A Shadow crashed against a huge skyscraper demolishing the whole building Black crown was levitating above the silhouette's head Cough... Cough... Blood was flowing out of the Shadow's mouth " You bastard, I'll kill you ! " His eyes full of fear and hate were glaring at night sky Click... All the lights in the city were momentarily extinguished.. A man with Glowing eyes appeared in the darkness seemingly standing on the air Eyeing the bleeding Shadow man frowned and snapped his fingers... A purple flash illuminated the sky before silence engulfed the whole city " You've missed your chance " [ Image on the cover is not mine ]

Rouder · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Not Good

" Are you okay ?"

A feminine voice spoke behind Leo.

Jumping in fright Leo shifted his body, quickly pulled out his dagger and stabbed it directly at the speaker's neck. His purple eyes met another pair of blue eyes that seemed deep as an Ocean and cold as Ice.

' ? '

The girl simply stepped backwards and dodged his strike, making Leo lose balance and fall face first on the ground. The girl was dumbfounded.

' Is this guy okay ? '

Quickly recovering, Leo rolled to the side and got into a fighting position. He once again gazed at the girl's eyes which were full of indifference and... curiosity ?

" Who are you ? "

Gripping his daggers' handles Leo started absorbing Mana around the cave using skill [ Dragon's Mana ]. He was in no condition to fight, but wasn't planning to go down without a fight.

Seeing that Leo is tense and ready to fight the girl with cyan hair decided to introduce herself.

" I'm Eli, nice to meet you "

Seeing the girl being composed and not acting aggressive or suspicious Leo slowly put his daggers away, but didn't store them inside his inventory.

Still feeling uncomfortable about the unexpected encounter with another human, Leo threw a question at the girl.

" How did you find me? "

" I heard a wolf howl while fighting another beast "

Hearing a plausible answer Leo nodded his head and headed out of the cave. He wanted to collect the beast teeth as fast as possible. The girl was once again confused. It looked like the boy doesn't know or doesn't care who she is. That is probably, because Leo didn't listen to news or read newspapers and mainly focused on improving himself.

Following the boy outside the cave Eli almost tripped when she saw him causally collecting the teeth from the beasts and ignoring her completely. She wanted to ask him about his Mana flow, but didn't want to interrupt him.

After a few minutes of Leo's harvesting, he was done. Throwing one last glance at the girl Leo walked into the misty forest.

" Thank you for not killing me. Goodbye! "

Eli, who heard Leo's line, was dazed. ' How can one disregard another human's presence this much? ' After collecting her thoughts she wanted to ask him about his Mana flow, but noticed that he was gone.

' Wha... '

Eli stuttered while curiosity and annoyment flashed in her eyes.


While Eli was confused, Leo on another hand was sweating buckets, because of multiple system notifications.

[ Special Ability use detected... ]

[ Calculating... ]

[ Ability identified - Eyes of Mana ( S+) ]

[ Eyes of Mana - Allows user's eyes to have a lot of eye related abilities and see things other can't. ]

# [ Ability was used to inspect Host's Mana flow ]

Leo got the system recently and he was almost immediately caught. He avoided most of the people, because of his character and goals, but now he had to practically run away from Eli. Her ability was too dangerous for Leo. He knew his body and Mana flow changed drastically, but didn't notice it until he checked it for himself. He even wanted to drop out of the school, but shook his head.

' I need to be taught to advance faster. I have to take risks '

While Leo was spaced out a lion jumped out of the bushes aiming to bite Leo's head off. Not even turning his head Leo threw his daggers towards it and pierced the Lion's heart. The animal wasn't even awakened, hence didn't pose any threat to Leo. Leo calmly pulled out the dagger from the corpse and continued his journey towards the Astrum Base.

Entering his room, Leo slowly and quietly closed his door not wanting to inform certain someone that he is back from the forest.

Leo hissed at his door making a creaking sound while closing and quickly locked it. Turning on his watch Leo quickly gazed at his mission contents.



Starter Mission: [ Completed ] ✔️

1. Awaken Mana and evolve to Awakener Rank [ Completed ] ✔️

2. Travel to the Outer region Of North America ( Current Magical Beast territory ) using a Teleport provided by the academy. [ Completed ] ✔️

3. Kill 20 or more predatory beasts and store 1 tooth from each beast in the inventory. If a student is caught with more than 1 tooth from the same beast, he'll automatically fail and his score will be 0. [ Beast teeth - 24/20 ] [ Completed ] ✔️

# Your achievements will be graded on the first day in class.

Failure Penalty [ Expand ] ⬇️

Reward [ Expand ] ⬇️

Time Limit:

3 Days 01 Hours 42 Minutes 49 Seconds

Students must be in the classroom when the time limit runs out.


Turning off the watch Leo felt exhausted, he just killed a whole pack of wolves and was very tired. He didn't even bother to take the tooth from the Lion. It felt like he would fall over and lose consciousness in its comfortable fur. You know someone is dead tired when a corpse's leather looks like a pillow.

Falling over his bed he tried to check the system, but blacked out and drifted into the dreamland.



A huge skyscraper was burning. Details of construction were falling on the streets loudly crashing against the ground. There were puddles of blood everywhere. Some of them were people thrown out of the building, some were people smashed by various things falling out of the building. The whole construction was continuously shaking.

In one of the rooms a couple was laying in their comfortable bed not making any movements. They seemed very calm, almost too calm... Near their bed there was a small cradle in which there was a small child laying.

A black robed person was bent over the boy's body and was inspecting him. The baby wanted to cry, but was too scared of the man's appearance, hence just stared at the man with 2 brown and sorrowful eyes.

The being gazing at the boy seemed to have no emotions, he had 2 red eyes which seemed to radiate killing intent and coldness and two horns protruding from his forehead. Even seeing such a small baby the Obsessed one didn't spare his parents. It was all for the greater goal.

Raising his hand with a knife a black robed attacker smiled at the boy. The smile was by no means friendly. The man looked like a devil incarnation.


Jumping out of his bed Leo wiped the sweat off his forehead.

' Man.. such a shitty dream to have '