
The Eldest Son of Charlotte

Replacing Perospero as the eldest son of the Four Emperor Aunts, can Charlotte Red King reign supreme in this age of evildoers? "This era doesn't belong to anyone, it's all under my control." - Charlotte Red King said. This is fan translation. I do not own any of the characters of this work

JustPatato · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Resolving hidden dangers

It took nearly half an hour to sort out things about Charlotte Linlin, and Red once again focused on the development of the fruit's ability.

This is also the only way he can strengthen himself at present, and it is still too early for him to be armed.

The only thing left is the development of physical skills and fruit ability. The former is definitely impossible to do on his own. Although the martial arts have been brilliant, it is undeniable that after living a good life, the killing skills in martial arts will be superfluous.

Now, most of the martial arts that are left are a set of fancy clothes.

The true descendants may not be able to get the essence, let alone the previous life Red was just an ordinary person.

If you want to practice real physical skills, you still need to find a reliable teacher. Red intends to pull the banner of Rocks and ask other combatants for advice.

This matter cannot be rushed now, and it still needs to be raised at the evening banquet. I believe that no one will refuse at that time.

For the development of capabilities, Red also has a lot of ideas.

Extracting the opponent's moisture, strength, and even pulling the opponent's attack away is only the most basic development in Red's view.

No matter how deep it is, it is like extracting souls, etc. He also has some ideas. These things can't be rushed. If you don't lay a good foundation, no matter how big your brain hole is, it's useless.

There are still decades before the real plot begins, and Red doesn't need to worry too much.

Right now, the most important thing for him is to lay a solid foundation.


"Red, I have good news for you!"

At noon, Charlotte Linlin rushed in, and of course, she did not forget to bring lunch to her son.

This is the meat of the top sea kings, and it is very beneficial to the nourishment of the body.

"Captain Rocks will hold a special banquet for you tonight..."

Listening to the news brought by Charlotte Linlin and eating the meat of the sea kings, Red's face was flat, as he thought, Rocks was standing for him.

In this way, the matter of apprenticeship and art is more secure!

"Damn, what treasure did the captain give you!"

Suddenly, Charlotte Linlin asked, and there was even a single light in her eyes.

"Just a devil fruit, I have eaten it, it is the extracted fruit of the superhuman type!"

With that said, Red showed Lingling his use of fruit extraction, first to extract the moisture from the air, and then to extract the heat from the moisture.

Finally, the small ice pick appeared in front of the two of them, and then Red pulled away from the space near the ice pick, making the ice pick dance with his mind like a mind.

Red planned to destroy something to show aunt, his attack method, but thinking that this is Rocks' territory, he can only play some fancy things.

Fortunately, Charlotte Linlin is not a fool. Although she is only nineteen years old, she is extremely sensitive to fighting.

In the blink of an eye, you can see the extraordinaryness of this extracted fruit. Although it is not a top-level fruit, it is definitely not comparable to those ordinary fruits.

Just such a more magical fruit, it can even auction 500 million beri outside and give it to a three-year-old child as a gift, which is enough to show Rocks's arrogance.

Red concealed the Golden Crow Fruit, not because he couldn't trust his mother, for fear that his mother would snatch his treasure.

It's just that after getting the extracted fruit, Red has a huge plan in his mind. Before the plan is implemented, it is better that no one knows about the Golden Crow fruit.

"Hey, but mom, how did you know that Captain Rocks would give me the treasure?"

Suddenly, Red remembered the key point. In the morning, Charlotte Linlin just told herself to see Rocks, and she didn't tell her the Devil Fruit at that time?

"Ah, Captain Rocks will give us a present when we become senior combatants. Shiki's dry ten, the Newgate guy's shocking fruit, including helping me suppress my eating disorder, are all treasures given to us by Captain Rocks. "

After hearing this, Red suddenly realized that it was so.

It's no wonder that Charlotte Linlin, who has suffered from eating disorder since she was a child, hasn't had a disease in the past three years. It turned out to be because of Rocks.

In his heart, Red guessed that this eating disorder had something to do with his dizziness in the first three years, and it was a disease caused by the excess of soul power over the load of the body.

It can be seen from herself that Charlotte Linlin has a certain talent for soul power. Therefore, it is not impossible for her to break out of eating disorder when she was a child without the ability to obtain the devil fruit. Maybe when she grows up, the eating disorder will disappear.

Later, after obtaining the soul-soul fruit ability, the soul became more powerful, and the hidden danger of eating sickness continued.

Rocks helped his mother to solve the eating disorder, perhaps also using the strange ability similar to the dark fruit.

They can seal a space as their storage room, so sealing some souls is probably not a big deal.

Therefore, in those years on the Rocks Pirates, Charlotte Linlin did not get sick again. After the Valley of Gods War, her steel balloon talent reached its peak, and the huge soul power brought by the Soul Soul Fruit was controlled.

In addition, the birth of the three super Homies and multiple Homies shared a lot of Aunt's soul power, so a sober Aunt can achieve the Four Emperors.

After getting old, her soul power may no longer increase, but her body strength is declining, and her phagocytosis will come back again.


The banquet was in the evening. After lunch, Charlotte Linlin left in a hurry, leaving only Red and Sun Prometheus in the room.

"The power of extraction is really a good thing!"

Red muttered to himself, causing the sun Prometheus to look at him suspiciously.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more important thing to deal with." With a smile on Red's face, Prometheus, who was staring at Red, was trembling all over.

Looking at Red approaching him, Prometheus questioned, "What's wrong, Red?"

Without answering, Red walked slowly towards the supreme Homies, the corners of his mouth raised, "You really want me to die, right! Sun Prometheus, no, you should be called Homies Pandora."


A huge power of soul slammed directly on the body of the sun Prometheus, and a force called Overlord Color swept across its flame-like body.

The shivering Prometheus wanted to refute two sentences, but he murmured twice but couldn't say anything.

In the previous life, there were many questions about the aunt and the nun in One Piece, and some even believed that the nun did not die, but used the soul and soul fruit to live in the aunt's body in a "snatch" attitude.

The usual four emperors are dominated by nuns. Only when an eating disorder breaks out, the nun's soul is suppressed, and the real Charlotte Linlin takes control of her body.

As for the nun's former Homies Pandora, it was also hidden in the body of Prometheus.

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This chap was really hard, there was a couple of points that needed to be investigated.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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