
The Eldest Son of Charlotte

Replacing Perospero as the eldest son of the Four Emperor Aunts, can Charlotte Red King reign supreme in this age of evildoers? "This era doesn't belong to anyone, it's all under my control." - Charlotte Red King said. This is fan translation. I do not own any of the characters of this work

JustPatato · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Extracted Fruits

"It is indeed a supremely sharp knife, it seems to be called Tyrfing, and it is also a demon knife."

Looking at this treasured sword that is sought after by thousands of people, there is not a trace of pride on Rox's face. With his strength and realm, although the supreme sword is very important, it is not the key to determining the outcome. He is not a swordsman.

"Is the demon blade TyrFing?", Red thought thoughtfully, the world of One Piece is the work of Oda's painstaking efforts, which incorporates many world elements.

It is not unacceptable to have such a demon sword in Norse mythology.

But it was the name of TyrFing that made Red lose his mind about this knife.

"Extinction, decline, infighting."

Thinking of the curse of this demon knife, Red shuddered. Of course, the reason why the so-called curse of the demon sword will be fulfilled is only that the master's strength is insufficient and his mind cannot control his weapon.

"One day you will find the right weapon for you, and these two knives are not for you."

Rocks's tone was very flat, stepping over murakumoguri and TyrFing, he finally reached the high platform.

Above the high platform is a device similar to a bookshelf, with dozens of devil fruits placed in pieces.

Devil fruits that are worth at least hundreds of millions in the outside world are as common as snack fruits here.

These dozen high-level fruits alone are enough to replace several top-level warships.

"You don't need to look at the bottom three floors, they are all garbage, and only the five fruits above are matched with your fruit."

The number of fruits placed on each floor of the bookshelf is different, and the bottom three floors are the most.

The five fruits that Rocks refers to are placed on the top two or three layers.

As for the first floor, there was an iron box, and it seemed that there should be some good things in it.

"Little devil, don't be too greedy, what is there is my most precious harvest!"

As soon as he mentioned Red, who was like a small bean, Rocks placed him on the high platform on the bookshelf, so that he could choose the devil fruit more.

"Captain Rocks, I don't know these fruits, please introduce them to me."

Now that he understands that Rocks really wants to give himself the devil fruit, Red is also unambiguous and plays the trick directly.

"That golden-red diffuse stripe is the power of the sun. This fruit is more suitable for you. I got it in the land of flowers. It is in the form of animal type, phantom beast, bird and bird fruit, and three-legged golden crow. The one place with him is the natural-type soil fruit, which has the ability to connect with the power of the earth. In order to get this fruit, I slaughtered a former naval admiral and lost a lot of energy, ahahaha..."

Rocks laughed wildly, as if proud of his collection.

"The remaining three are superhuman-type fruits, the retrogressive fruit, the magnetic fruit, and the upper rank of the squeezed fruit, extracting the fruit. Choose which one you want, I'll only give you a minute, kid. "

Hearing the names of these five Devil Fruits, Red's heart surged. The two most precious ones were not heard of by later generations, but the other three were considered famous.

In Red's impression, the user of the retrogressive fruit was the subordinate of the most miserable general Z, but his good ability was used up, but the bug ability to go backward for 12 years really made him a little moved.

The magnetic fruit is owned by Kidd, who is a supernova alongside Luffy. The extracted fruit does not appear, but Smoothie, who uses his subordinate to squeeze the fruit, is one of the three generals under the aunt's command.

"It's really fate!" Red laughed, he didn't know if there would be Smooch and others in this life.

"I choose... to extract the fruit."


With a wave of rocks's hand, the extracted fruit flew into Red's hand, and the Golden Crow fruit came to him along the way.

"I would prefer you to choose this phantom beast, but since you've already made your choice, I won't stop you. You can take this fruit back with you, maybe you'll be able to use it someday."

Saying that, Rocks kicked the beaming Red out of the daytime space.

"Thank you, Captain." The surrounding environment flew around, and when he came back to his senses again, Red returned to the captain's room.

He grinned, holding the extraction fruit in one hand and biting it hard.

Really unpalatable!

Red gritted his teeth and swallowed the devil fruit he chose.

"Ahahaha!" Rocks laughed wildly, "Boy, just one bite is enough to gain the power of Devil Fruit!"

The embarrassed Red seemed to regret it, but his heart was laughing wildly.

Captain Rocks, I know that!

"Go on, boy, wait for the evening to attend the banquet you officially joined."

"Follow Captain!"


Red back to her mother's room, Charlotte Linlin is not here, she has her own job.

"Extracting fruit? Ahahaha!", Rocks laughed wildly, while Red's reaction was exactly the same as his.

"Extraction, there is more than water that can be extracted in this world!" Red gritted his teeth and clenched a fist with one hand. The sound of space breaking surging in his palm, a small vacuum appeared, and then filled the air The air fills the void again.

The development of Devil Fruit depends on the individual. Red, who has read so many online novels in his previous life, may not have a rich imagination, but he can always learn from it, and this is enough for him.

"Rocks, really is a mysterious man!"

It's also funny to say, and fortunately it's Rocks, otherwise Red might have a few more dads out of thin air!

In the past life, fans of the sea speculated whether the aunt had a child with Kaido, and even speculated that she had an affair with Shiki, Newgate and others.

Until he knew that he became Charlotte Linlin's eldest son, Red was also worried about his mother's emotional problems.

However, it turned out that he thought too much. Rocks could not allow his senior crew to mess around. It was not how tall he was, but that he was also afraid.

This rule existed long before Charlotte Linlin got on the boat. After all, the strength of the senior crew members who can be recognized by Rocks will never be worse than that of the generals of later generations, and many of them are even at the level of alternate generals.

Although Rocks is strong, he has not reached the peak. In case the husband and wife are the two main enemies, he may be able to defeat them, but he will have to pay a great price.

Besides, the ambitionists on this ship are not one or two...

However, it is impossible for Rocks to abstain from all the senior crew members, he is only afraid of senior combatants.

All the officers understood this and never dared to go beyond the norm. For these senior crew members, there are so many attractive people on the sea, why bother to provoke someone who is similar to their own strength, and may even wear a hat to themselves.

In this way, Perospero, who should have been born on the boat, maybe the product of his mother's depravity after being seduced by her father.

His father may be Longbread or other low-level crew members, but it is not a powerful role anyway.

In this life, because of Red, Charlotte Linlin put all her feelings on this child and gave no opportunity to other men at all.

Rhett felt that he needed to let Charlotte Lingling continue to keep herself clean, otherwise it would feel really bad to have dozens of fathers.