
The Eldest Son of Charlotte

Replacing Perospero as the eldest son of the Four Emperor Aunts, can Charlotte Red King reign supreme in this age of evildoers? "This era doesn't belong to anyone, it's all under my control." - Charlotte Red King said. This is fan translation. I do not own any of the characters of this work

JustPatato · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

My Name is Red King, Charlotte Red King

My Name is Red King, Charlotte Red King

In the past, Red was skeptical about this statement.

But when he was fully awake, inheriting Charlotte Linlin's soul power made him understand everything.

The soul is extremely illusory existence. The reason why Red dared to say that he has Aunt's soul talent is that he can see the souls of others.

As long as Red wants, he can enter a state of "spirit" and can see the souls of all people.

This ability is somewhat similar to the yin and yang eyes of the previous life, but there are also differences.

Red can detect a person's strength by virtue of his soul perception. The greater the power of the soul, it almost represents the strength of the person's strength.

Likewise, in Red's perspective, each person's soul takes on a different color. The color of Charlotte Linlin and Prometheus is similar to red, but this red is mixed with a little black, which indicates the impurity of the soul. This may happen to a pregnant mother, but Prometheus How could it be possible to get pregnant!

Combined with the speculations of some post bar gods in the previous life, Red estimated that the nun and Pandora did not die, and were still stored in the bodies of Charlotte Linlin and Prometheus.

However, because of Rocks, the nun did not dare to control the body of the aunt, but it was different for Pandora, whose soul dominated.

In Red's past memory, Pandora wanted to kill himself many times. You must know that the current Charlotte Linlin regards Red as a treasure. Once Red dies, Linlin's emotions will collapse. Even if the nun can't control the body of the steel balloon, it will not fall into her hands.

The most obvious example is that Pandora let the low-level crew members insult Reed, including the fact that the soul just recovered yesterday, and Red, who returned to the room on time, was half an hour late. A lot can happen in half an hour!

In the beginning, Red didn't intend to tear his face with Pandora. Although he was Linlin's favorite son, no one would punish his partner who had followed him for many years because of his three-year-old child, especially this child was dementia before yesterday.

Red, who got the extracted fruit, did not have this fear.

"Ba, tyrannical color!"

Prometheus, no, it should be Pandora who cried out in a trembling voice.

It is not only the soul that suppresses him, but also the imposing manner of the emperor.

Rocks are right, Red is a born king, and he has had this tyrannical domineering since he was born.

In a dizzy state, he doesn't understand what overlord haki is, and he can't use it unless he encounters a life-and-death crisis. Red, who now has an adult consciousness, can easily unleash this power.

And like Red's conjecture, there is a certain relationship between the overlord and the soul. Many characters can't release the overlord until they are ten years old, just because his soul strength is not up to the level, the old man can't release the overlord or the overlord lasts. The lack of time is also related to the weakening of the soul and body.

For these requirements, Red has no concerns. It can be said that he is the only person in the world who has both a strong soul talent and a steel body talent.

"Really, if it wasn't for Captain Rocks, you could live a few more years, but with the power of extraction, I still want to end your hidden danger as soon as possible. As for your master, don't worry, I will send you to see her in a few years. "

The right hand was gently placed on the top of the sun Prometheus's head, and the power of extraction was activated, acting on the soul.

Red, who entered the "spirit" state at the same time, found that the black color attached to the soul of Prometheus dissipated.

The soul of Pandora slowly gathered in Red's palm. For Red, who initially controlled the fruit ability, the transformation speed was very slow, but he now has time.

Half an hour later, the real Prometheus came back, and when he looked at Red, he could not speak, and Red also ignored him.

Withdrew his right hand and looked at the black soul ball, Red grabbed his right hand and directly destroyed Pandora's sanity.

"it's all over!"

Red smiled.

But when he withdrew the power of extraction, an accident happened. Pandora's soul ball was indeed broken, but the soul power in it did not disappear. With the disappearance of the extraction power, the purest, colorless and transparent soul power was directly integrated into Reid's arm. Felt that his life level had been sublimated a little.

"The power of the soul will return to the master, and when the master passes away, will this power merge into the nearest object?"

Thinking about it, Red has a little more understanding of future plans.

"Red, Red, can you please don't tell mom about this."

Prometheus trembled, and he naturally understood what was going on. It did not complete Charlotte Linlin's protection task, but instead allowed Pandora to occupy the body and almost killed Red several times. This behavior is already a crime that deserves death.

Prometheus doesn't want to die, even if it's just a Homies, a soul creature.

Red, whose thoughts were interrupted by Prometheus, smiled, took back his overlord color, and patted its sun head lightly.

"Don't worry, this matter is a secret between me and you, but you can call me Young Master in the future. The name Red is really weird!"

"Follow, follow orders, young master!"

Even if the overlord color is removed, Prometheus is still trembling, which can destroy his own ruthless man. At this moment, Prometheus's fear of Red rises to that of Aunt.


"Today is a banquet to celebrate that Charlotte Red is joining us. Today is the biggest day of the Rocks Pirates. Let us cheer today."

Holding a glass of wine, Rox raised it high and started his speech before the banquet.

"Now let today's protagonist, Charlotte Red, say a few words. Ah ha ha ha!"

After finishing a glass of wine in one sip, Rocks's fruit ability activated, sucking Red onto the high platform, and he jumped off himself.

The crew was stunned by Rocks's actions, but they also respectfully listened to Red's speech. At this moment, Red represented Rocks, and he had a supreme position on this ship.

"Uh, I'm just a kid, I don't know what to say, let's talk about one thing I've always wanted to complain about. Captain Rocks, I respect you, but the name you have given me is so strange. I want to change my name here..."

Where Red's words stopped halfway through, Rocks didn't care, as if he had expected this situation, "Whatever you want, the men in the sea really should have a good name."

"Captain, Red means red, I like this gesture, so I will be called HongKing (Red King) in the future, Charlotte Red King!"

The name is also his biggest nostalgia for his previous life.

"Hong? Hong?" The Great Pirate King laughed out loud, "Captain Rocks, the word for Hong in my hometown dialect is indeed Hong, so I don't know where this kid knew it.

"The red king, the king named red? Hahaha..."

Ochoku laughed wildly, and Rocks laughed too. At this moment, everyone on the Rocks Pirates recognized the person and named Charlotte Red King.

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