
The Devil Inside(mha)[dropped]

Follow the Mc on his journey to find himself in a world with super powers(quirks), Will he become a hero or villain. *this is for fun, I’m super bored during this quarantine. * don’t own MHA ****MY IMAGE IS FROM DANGAN RONPA I DO NOT OWN IT. IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN AND CHANGE IT COMMENT. *the anime for the photo is https://***.crunchyroll.com/danganronpa-the-animation If you enjoy the story, review it and drop some stones. Don’t write hateful comments or reviews. I do accept critical feed back and comments that can help make this story better. If you don’t like it give reasons why and how I can improve.

Damz · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

School and surprise

The week past by quickly and it was already the first day of school for Damien. However Damien didn't join the school when the year began. He transferred in the middle of the semester.(Japanese people only have summer for a couple of weeks I think or maybe a month)

He woke up early in the morning and got dressed in his school uniform(karasuno's school one).

When he got dressed he went to the dinning table and had breakfast with Nemuri. They watched the news and talked about what Nemuri was going to do today. She made a dirty joke about "finding some people to play with" but Damien just stared at her without making an expression. This caused Nemuri to blush from embarrassment. Time went by and it was finally time to go to school. He was going to teleport at first but was told that he could not use his quirk without a hero license. This caused him to frown slightly but he got over it and walked to school.

When he got there he had to go to the office to sign in as he was a transfer student. When the bell rang the teacher brought him to his classroom. Before they entered Damien could hear the students talking about who their new classmate will be or whether it would be a girl or a boy. When he walked in they all stopped talking and looked at him.

"Now class we have a transfer student. Go ahead and introduce yourself" the teacher said.

Damien did want to be bothered by questions so he didn't bother forcing a smile so he had a cold face as he introduced himself "I'm Kayama Damien". After he introduced himself he went to an empty seat in the back of the class with three other empty seats. He of course took the window seat as that's where the strongest breeze would hit him. Damien thought after his introduction people would leave him alone but he heard the whispers of girl who were talking about him. He heard "isn't he so good looking", "ya wasn't he the one who came here a week ago with that older lady","ya I knew he looked familiar". He sighed and just ignored the gossiping and waited for the teacher to start his lesson. Midway through the lesson he got bored so he just spaced off and thought about what they should call their assassin group they are making.(give me name ideas. I was thinking phantom troupe or something like that but idk yet)

The day went by fast and when he got home he saw Nemuri was still working. He took a shower as it was a hot day and he was covered in sweat. After he finished taking a shower he messaged his friends Jackson and David about the name he chose.

(The * will mean messages from now on)

Damien * What do you guys think about the name "(you guys give me some options)"

Jackson and David * sounds good

David* we could start the group when we finished settling down with school and stuff

Damien and Jackson * ok

After he finished texting his friends he heard the door open. He knew it was Nemuri so he went to greet her.

"Hey, how was hero work" Damien asked.

"Today I caught some idiot trying to rob a store. But anyways, how was your first day of school" she asked Damien.

"It was boring. I'd rather listen to you drunk" Damien told her.

"I think I heard you wrong brat" Nemuri said with a tic on her forehead.

During this past week Nemuri and Damien grew a lot closer. Although it was only a week Nemuri filled in a empty part of Damien heart. She played a big sister and a motherly role. Damien lost that when his family kicked him out and abandoned him. During the whole week Nemuri took a break from hero work just to get to know Damien better. Damien knew this as he understood heroes were busy but for her to do that made Damien got an even better impression of her.

——-time skip one week———

Damien was at school and when the bell rang the teacher told the class something.

"Class we have two transfer students. Come in kids" the teacher said.

When the two kids walked in Damien was shocked and happy. It was David and Jackson.

The first to introduce himself was a boy with red short hair and a handsome face. He introduced himself as "Jackson" and went to sit beside Damien in the back. The next student to introduce himself was a brown haired boy who was a little tanned who was also rather handsome. He introduced himself as "David" and went to sit beside Jackson. The three were now sitting together and all the girls were whispering to each other about how the three best looking boys were sitting together. They all ignored this and Damien went on to ask "why didn't you tell me you were coming to this school"

"We wanted to surprise you" Jackson said while David nodded.

"Well it's good that we're all at the same school" Damien said.

They nodded but Jackson asked Damien something he was curious about since they all started talking in class.

"Damien you seem a lot happier now, does it have something to do with the Nemuri you're staying with" he asked.

Damien didn't notice that he was changing but he didn't deny that Nemuri, although he met her recently, is fun to be around. "I guess, it's never really a dull moment with her around" Damien answered Jackson.

Jackson just said "it's good to see you smiling more. When we were at our old 'school' you didn't smile a lot". (School= code name for base for those who didn't get it)

Class went by the same as usual and the three were close to sleeping as they already learned this years ago. They decided to pass the time by using their quirks as Damien made a small shadow stick man and Jackson made a blood stick man. They put them in Jackson's desk and made them fight. "Winner gets five hundred yen" Jackson stated.

"Ok" Damien said while they both took out the five hundred yen.

After two minutes the stick man made of darkness came out victorious. Jackson gave Damien the money as they went for round two. The winner of round two was again Damien and he won another five hundred yen. Jackson didn't want to lose so he wanted round three but this time he cheated as he slipped a note to David to boost his stick man. The note went unnoticed by Damien and when they went for round three Jackson finally won and got his five hundred yen back. He wanted to play another round but Damien declined as lunch was about to start.

At lunch they ate lunches they packed and caught up with each other. They talked about the people who took them in and about how their lives were with them. They wanted to minimize the amount they talked about work at school as they never knew who would over hear them. And like that 5e day ended and they went their separate ways.

When Damien got home he noticed Nemuri cooking so he decided to take a shower and get dressed in his panda onesie Nemuri got him. At first he didn't want it as he thought it was childish but when he put it on he felt like he was on clouds. It was very fluffy and comfortable and he would even go to school in them if he had a choice.

5ey had dinner together and talked about their day. Damien told her he made two friends and Nemuri congratulated him by saying "*sniff* *sniff* they grow up so fast. Before I know it he would start hitting on me" Nemuri said.

Damien knew she was teasing him again and didn't want to just let it happen so he got up from his chair and walked towards her. She was looking at him as he walked towards her, grabbing her chin, lifting it up to make eye contact with him and saying "you never know, I might start now". Damien tried his best to be as seductive as he could but Nemuri just said "try saying that when you're not wearing a panda onesie".

Damien returned to his seat feeling defeated and continued eating dinner. After dinner they watched a movie and before they knew it it was already twelve in the morning. They called it a night and went to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed and please let me know what name you want for the group. Also I said I was going tell Jackson’s and David POV but I wanted to make a whole chapter to it and didn’t want to rush it.

If you liked the chapter and the story leave a review, some stones and a comment.

Thank you for reading as always and have a good night.

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