
The Devil Inside(mha)[dropped]

Follow the Mc on his journey to find himself in a world with super powers(quirks), Will he become a hero or villain. *this is for fun, I’m super bored during this quarantine. * don’t own MHA ****MY IMAGE IS FROM DANGAN RONPA I DO NOT OWN IT. IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN AND CHANGE IT COMMENT. *the anime for the photo is https://***.crunchyroll.com/danganronpa-the-animation If you enjoy the story, review it and drop some stones. Don’t write hateful comments or reviews. I do accept critical feed back and comments that can help make this story better. If you don’t like it give reasons why and how I can improve.

Damz · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

New family

*call with nezu*

Nemuri didn't know what to do so she wanted to ask advice from someone smarter than Aizawa. So she called the principal of UA, Nezu. Nerumi called him and when he picked up she told him about what happened and how it happened. Nezu was a little suspicious so he checked Damien folder. He went over it a few times and noticed it was brilliantly hacked into. Even Nezu the smartest creature in existence had to go over it and double check the file to notice it was hacked.

"Nemuri, the file was hacked. This boy is t who he seems he is. He may make up things about himself so be careful. Who ever he is he didn't want anyone to know about him. But don't kick him out keep him near you and decide whether or not he is safe to be around. You did say he wanted to be a hero and his quirk was quite powerful right" Nezu said.

"Yes, he sowed me and Aizawa his quirk. He was able to construct an object with what he called 'darkness'. And he did say he wanted to go to UA, and he must have a reason why he doesn't want anyone to know about him. I'll watch him closely and notify you Nezu" Nerumi said while hanging up the phone.

*back to original timeline*

It was the morning after the shopping spree and Nemuri called a school where he would enrol Damien. But before that happened she called an orphanage to adopt him and gave him her last name. They arrived at the orphanage as they didn't allow her to adopt over the phone. When they arrived they did a short interview for both of them and gave Nemuri the paper work to sign. After signing the paper work it was now official. They were now family and Damien felt a little bad to lie to her after all she's done for him these couple of days. But that thought quickly left his mind as he thought about making it up to her when he become wealthy. (Thorough he is an assassin he is a human. He didn't choose to be an assassin, is what either kill or be killed. He still has some emotions left and could still feel bad. Especially when Nemuri treated Damien kindly)

"Nemuri one-san, I'm happy we could be a family" Damien said with a genuine smile.

"Me too Damien. Now how about we celebrate at the arcade" Nemuri asked.

Damien nodded and they arrived at the arcade at started playing games together. After a while Nemuri suggested to have a competition to which Damien accepted. They played to see who could make the most basketball shots, who would come first in a racing game, and even air hockey. And these were all won by Damien.

"Listen you brat, lets go for round two" Nemuri said with a tic mark on her forehead. She couldn't believe she lost to a twelve year old in everything they played.

"You know you'll lose again right" Damien said with a mocking expression.

"Fine how about the crane machine. Who ever gets a stuffed animal first wins" Nemuri said with a smile as she thought he wouldn't be able to get one.

"One-san, you know you're going to waste a lot of money on this right" he asked worrying she'll end up spending too much.(he like money a lot and doesn't like wasting it. Too much of it on one thing)

"Yaya, I'm a hero I make a lot anyways" Nemuri said while walking towards the machine.

"You're a hero" Damien asked.

"Ya, wait didn't you know. I'm the r-rated hero Midnight" Nemuri said puffing her chest out proud.

"R-rated isn't something to be proud of or is it" Damien asked confused as he didn't know if that was something someone would want to be called.

"You're a kid so I doubt you know the pleasures of an adult" she said sagely.


Damien just walked towards the crane machine with Nemuri following behind him. When they reached it Nemuri went first and the end result was..... nothing. She then gave a mocking smile to Damien saying "let's see you try".

Damien put the coins in and started moving the crane. He found a stuffed animal he wanted which was a pug and went for it. It picked up and moved it towards the space you could drop it. They both had sweat dropping down the side of their faces. 'Careful, careful' and he finally dropped it getting the stuffed animal. He looked at it and was proud. 'I was more concentrated on this than on one of my last missions' he thought while handing it to Nemuri.

"Why do t you keep it" Nemuri asked.

Damien shook his head and went on to say "I don't need one. This is for you. I want this to mark the first day we spent as family".

Nemuri held the pug in her hand and hugged it tightly. She then said"fufu, aren't you a little young to flirt".

Damien noticed she tried to tease her m so he teased her back. "For now I am, but not in a couple of years".

Midnight got flustered as she didn't expect a twelve year old boy to tease her back. After the arcade they went to have fun at a karaoke place. She sang many songs ranging from different genres such as anime songs to American rap.

When they finally got home it was already 9pm and midnight still didn't call the school as she was having fun with Damien. The fun didn't stop though, when they got home they ate dinner talking about many things and opening up to each other. After dinner they made popcorn and watched movies until two in the morning.

They finished with the movie and finally called it a night. They went to their separate rooms after saying goodnight to each other and Damien fell asleep with one thought 'I'm glad we chose this plan'.

Nemuri in her room called Nezu who was still doing paper work at school.

"Yes Nemuri" Nezu asked.

"That brat is certainly evil" Nemuri said.

"What happened" Nezu said in a serious tone.

"That brat beat me in all the games we played and didn't give me a chance. But other than that I'm starting to like the kid more and more. I don't think he's a villain and I think he's been warming up to me" Nemuri told Nezu.

"That's good to hear. Well I have to go do some more paper work. Let me know if anything happens" Nezu said while hanging up the phone.

Drifting off to sleep Nemuri thought about how fun the day was and thought 'I'll beat him next time' while falling to sleep.

The next morning Damien woke up at 11am to hear midnight talking on the phone. "Yes, I can go in this afternoon. Yes he is twelve. Ok thank you. Bye".

"Whats happening" Damien asked confused.

"We're going to meet with a school I'm enrolling you into" Nemuri answered.

"What school" he asked.

"My old school. Karasuno high" Nemuri answered.

"Get ready we'll go for lunch before the meeting" she told him.

Damien nodded and went to change. He put on a white sweatshirt, black jeans and Nike running shoes. He got a rubber band and tied his hair into a loose bun and walked out. As he was walk to the living room he got a message from Jackson and David telling him they got a place to settle down. He messaged them back telling them he settled down as well and is getting put into school. Both David and Jackson told him they were going to school in two weeks and asked what school he would be going to. He answered them saying Karasuno high.

Damien then walked to the school with Nemuri as it was a ten minute walk from her apartment. When they got there Damien was getting many stares from the girls as he was very handsome and thanks to Nemuri's good fashion sense he looked like he had good style.

They walked into the office and were greeted by the principle. After doing the paper work they accepted him and told him he would start first year of middle school.

Hey guys thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. For those worried that he will warm up to her too quickly don’t worry he won’t too fast but remember Damien at heart is still only twelve. He may be a assassin but he also wants to be loved and cared for.

Nemuri treated him nicely so far and spent a lot of time trying to get to know him better. Next chapter will be a one week time skip and will have a Jackson POV.

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