
The Demon King's Immortal Vessel

Fate was a normal child living with his mother when he encountered the dying Demon King. Fast forward to a couple of years later, he is immortal and in prison. He spends his waking hours wondering how he would be killed each day.  One day nearly eleven years after the supposed death of the Demon King, a woman suddenly appears in his cell and promises to break him out. Of course, he doesn't believe her, they were in the inescapable dungeons of Euthania. She couldn't break him out of these dungeons, let alone, all by herself. It was impossible. Somehow she succeeds but that's just the beginning of his problems as everybody wants a piece of him. How long before he is caught and returned to the prison or would he find a haven or better still, awaken the powers of the Demon King and protect himself?

DrewDakoy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


Fate pushed the door open with one hand while the other held the tray. As soon as the door opened, Fate froze and the tray fell off his hand making a loud sound as the plates hit the ground.

Beside the counter in the huge kitchen space was a bent-over demon. Her legs were spread open and between them was another demon. They both turned to look at him. 

Fate immediately reddened as a lot of emotions passed through his face. Even in his embarrassed state, he could not help the pique of curiosity that popped up as he wondered what they were doing.

"I am sorry," he called out and fled back the way he came.

He kept running until he was completely out of range. He stopped and rested his hands against the way. He needed to catch his breath. As soon as he was breathing normally against he quickly made his way to his room.

As he walked, he thought back to the scene and he felt excited about it. He shook his head, somehow it felt wrong to think about it and he concentrated on making it to his room without any incident.

He breathe a sigh of relief when the door to his room finally appeared and he rushed in, closed the door, and rested his back on it.

"Are you okay?" V asked.

"Ahhh! What are you doing here?" He yelled.

"You don't want me here?" 

"No, no, no. You just scared me. That's all. I wasn't expecting to see you here." He approached the bed where she was seated.

"Unlike me. Where did you go and why are you acting as though someone chased you all the way here."

He took a seat and scratched his head laughing awkwardly. "I went to return my plates and somehow missed my way coming back."

V frowned, "That's not enough reason to run."

"I figured I will get here faster."


"What about you? How did your meeting go and what happened to your dress?" His pitch went a notch higher as he stared at her from head to toe.

"Not badly."

"Okay… What did you talk about?" Fate asked and leaned closer with hope in his eyes.

"Nothing important."

He glared at her, "Whatever. I wasn't expecting you to tell me anyway." He threw himself in bed and faced the wall.

"Where did you say the kitchen is?"

"I didn't."

"Where is it then?"

"It is hard to explain."

"Would you take me there then? I am starving."

Fate groaned out loud but he stood up even though he took his time. They walked most of the way in silence and then suddenly Fate stopped walking.

"Take this right and the second left."

She turned to look at him. "You are not coming with me."

"I rather not. If you need me, I'll be in my room."

Fate did not wait for V's response before he started walking away. He was not pissed that she didn't tell him what the discussion with Lili was about, he was pissed that she did not acknowledge his efforts to make things much more comfortable for her. He didn't look back even once as he walked away.

V watched the boy go without saying a single word. Something was obviously wrong but she did not care enough to ask and she set off in the direction he had pointed.

She got to the kitchen in no time, the doors were different from the nearby ones and the door was slightly open but she could see the inside until they got close enough.

She sighed as she realized why the boy had refused to follow her all the way. She stepped on something as she walked in, she looked down at her feet and saw a broken plate and a tray. 

There is only one person who would be shocked by a sight like this enough to let go of whatever they were holding, it confirmed her suspicions.

The noise alerted the busy demons and they both turned to look at her. 

"I am just here for some food." She said at their glares.

The one with her fingers deep in the other demon made to stand up and V immediately raised her hands. "No, don't worry. I will get it myself just point me in the right direction."

The fact that they were doing this in the kitchen was something that bothered her but at least they were rubbing their juices all over the counter. She doubted she could recover from such a scene.

The demon glared at her but she pointed behind the counter and V slowly made her way there. She didn't hide the relief she felt when she saw how tightly closed the pots were. Good to know, she wasn't getting Demon juices in her meals.

The demon who had her upper body resting on the counter had the face of someone receiving utter bliss. She didn't stare too much at her expression and fetched her meal and quickly made her way through the kitchen.

If this behavior was completely normal. She wondered how long she would last here before she lost her mind. Not very long, she was sure.

She got back to the room to find the boy sleeping. She did not make a sound as she sat on the floor and ate. The food was okay, a little cold but she knew better than to not eat properly.

She glanced at the boy as he slept. He looked much better than the first time she had seen him but he was still skinny and very short. However, his body weight looked closer to skinny than it did malnourished.

She tried to think of a bright side for them to spend longer here. He would have added the necessary weight which was the most important part as the journey to her home was long and treacherous since they couldn't follow legal means.

She had to keep him safe no matter what and she intend to do her job. For now, she knew she had to lay low and do as the Queen said. Dealing with an archdemon was not something she was ready for.

She grabbed her right boob. Hopefully, with this, the Queen will have no choice but to let them go at some point but the problem was when exactly.