
The cosmic war

Three friends get into a traffic accident during their trip and meet a great entity that gives them five wishes in return for participating in the Great War that brings together contestants coming from a hundred different anime worlds

Gu_zhanghe · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Where did the king go...?

While the calm sword emperor returned to his palace, Mo Wang was in a mountain training there

While Mo Wang was sensing the aura of heaven and earth and practicing calmly and with perfect concentration

It was in the realm of consciousness that the Demon King Ryumin sukuna was sitting there!

Sitting on a throne, he despises everything in this world and looks at a place in front of him!!

A dark place that emits an ominous and destructive aura that the Demon King was in awe of!

In the depths of that aura was a pure white soul like a white jade and save her soul who radiates a comforting aura to everything!

There were crimson and black chains holding her and making her not move from her place as if he was imprisoned in this space!

That Soul started to open her eyes but her pupils started to change from gray, blue, yellow, bloody and black until she settled on one color!

The original Void eyes color is dark crimson!

When his eye color stabilized, he moved his eye down, where he looked at the strings and spoke in a low, almost inaudible voice

But all those chains have been absorbed and all that remains of them is ashes, where he completely absorbed them

When he finished the chains he absorbed the ominous dark aura and swallowed it like he was drinking and eating food and not the dark aura!

Darkness is considered one of the most powerful elements because it cannot be controlled and even if you control it, you need talent to control it completely!

But swallow the darkness It has never happened before and not even the dark control geniuses dared to do it!

Sukuna looked where the ominous aura had disappeared and instead there was a black shadow standing there majestically like a great spear preparing to kill everything in its way!

The spirit continued to devour him, but at that moment one of his eyes changed to Gray and he spoke quickly and fearfully!

"The element of darkness, the sixth skill, dimensional mobility" that voice sukuna knew was definitely the voice of someone he had lived with for over five years or more, it was Arima!

The shadow disappeared from his place and when sukuna moved to check it out because he didn't see anything because of the dark mist that resulted from absorbing hisما what

He didn't completely absorb it, but he almost completely absorbed it, leaving only crumbs of food almost!

"Where did the king go...؟"Sukuna spoke where he searched all the space and found nothing

In the infinite void

There was a dark spirit dancing in that darkness bewitchingly as if manipulating the stars!

The soul moves as if embracing emptiness, moving the stars and walking with light!

She orbited the sun and was in the dark like she was the one with him she was approaching black holes like nothing!

Yes, it's the soul of Ren King who lost his body was dancing and frolicking in outer space as if nothing was not interested in life and death!

But after a while his soul turned to bright white and his eyes lost their color and returned to the beautiful gray!

As if he had lost everything, he began to move, as if he was being dragged to another place in a very strange way!

"I was with Adam and Rio on a trip, but now I'm here. what the hell is going on?""Ren spoke as he looked at the vast universe around him

/ The host has moved successfully|

|I've got five wishes from who? / ؟؟؟؟

1. copying ability

2. system

3. Space Control

4-control the darkness

5-Body Evolution technique|

"What's moving?" What the hell, don't joke with me " it seems that Rin has lost his memory due to an unknown reason

While Leo was cursing and wanting to find out what was happening he was transported to a planet that soon looked like Earth!

When he arrived on the planet, he was introduced into the body of a teenager at the age of about 15 and he suddenly looked at himself!

"What is this?" Have you really moved Is this for real"That was Wren's thinking right now. he couldn't really believe his transition."

While Rin was noticing his body, he took out a mirror from his pocket and looked at his face, it was a young man

He had a scar on his right cheek down a little bit near his eye and he had a facial burn on his left cheek

"Where am I now?""Ren spoke and was looking around as he was in a big city and there were a lot of posters

|The current host world is: Heroes Academy|

"A really beautiful world" when he found out in which world he was, he replied with a beautiful smile that had never been seen before!

"Ha-ha-ha-n -.. N-.. He's evil, run away," Ren heard a voice and looked, and then he sees crowds of people running away from the place

There was a person with a white ice body shooting ice at all the humans here and it looks like a robber

Ren looked at him as he walked into a restaurant and wanted to rob them

Rin looked around and saw with a spear close to him where he saw that there was a hero in front of the villain and he seemed to urinate on himself out of fear!

"Beautiful spear" rin moved and grabbed the spear and looked at the size of the spear, it fit him a little well

Rin grabbed the spear and looked at the villain in front of him as he turned his hand back and wanted to throw the spear at him!

"Eyes of emptiness, acceleration" rin grabbed the spear and a crimson aura shot out with the spear and flew off at great speed and slithered into the villain!

The spear went off and destroyed the restaurant door and went off until the villain was stabbed and he had destroyed a table with her

Rin looked and moved over there to that table and wanted to apologize to the owner of the table where there was someone sitting earlier!

Rin looked at him and saw a teenage girl his age who had green hair color and a beautiful body with beautiful white skin with bright eyes

"I apologize Ma'am for the mess I made, as an expression of my apology, please accept my invitation to have some food," Ren spoke and was bowing to that girl, expressing his apology in good faith

"It's Okay, I don't need it, I didn't even ask for anything," the girl said with a smile, looking at Ren

"Well, we can go to eat together, since I'm hungry," Ren said, and the girl agreed, but before he set off, he went to retrieve the spear

'Although it's not for me, but I'll take it , if I meet a friend, I'll compensate him then,' Rin thought and continued his way as he looked at the villain, he was unconscious

But surprisingly, he did not get any injury because he made a block of ice repel the blow and endure it

While Rin didn't put any force into the spear, he just increased his speed even more

'The system copied his ability,' Ren said, ' and he was feeling a little excited looking at the person in front of him.'

/ The ability has been copied|

/ Ability: winter master

She can control ICE, turn air and gases into ice controlled by the host, and create many skills through it|

'Very nice' Ren completed his route with the girl and set off to another restaurant where he was incredibly hungry

'Haven't I eaten in years or what?''Rin felt very hungry and continued his way with the girl!

"My name is Ren, what is your name Ma'am," Ren spoke as he looked at the girl who was a little shorter than him

"My name is aenko, you look so strong, are you going to enter the Champions Academy?""Enko spoke, smiling at Leo's face

'What a nice girl,' Ren smiled in response to her question and was looking in front of him as he found a restaurant for meals

And he said, " yes, I'm going in, and it looks like we're not going to meet again, we've arrived at the restaurant."

The two entered where Rin and enko finished the food, said goodbye to enko and went on his way

"What system is my identity in this world?""Ren spoke as he looked at the road and the posters of the heroes in front of him

/ The host's parents, one of the richest people, died a while ago and the host inherited all their wealth|

'What a lucky day today,' Ren laughed as he looked at his luck today as he had moved to another world and has a skill that makes him invincible and also has a good background!

'Maybe I will become the strongest in this world,' Ren thought with joy and enthusiasm, looking at the sky, which was incredibly beautiful

/ The mysterious entity is interested in your thoughts and what will happen in the future|

It was a really weird message that Ren looked at and ignored really weirdly, "I don't care if you're interested in me."

Ren's words were expressing his inner thoughts and he went home

"Right, how do I know the way home?""Ren's face turned pale as he looked at the road and the many streets

/ The host can use his memory|

"Right, Body Memory, What an idiot I am," Ren said jokingly, and moved into the house, and when he arrived, he began to train his body

The world of the Academy of Heroes is considered to be abilities, but abilities depend on the body, it can be likened to the worlds of Agriculture, where the dantian must be created in order to be able to use spiritual energy

Rin began to develop his body as every part of his body was screaming in pain and his bones, flesh, muscles and everything inside him was tearing and regenerating

The reason for the renewal was the ability of the "winter Master", where Ren created the skill of renewal by ICE and was training with it

Where the body development skill was destroyed, while the ice skill regenerates the body, which means the development of the body never stops!