
The cosmic war

Three friends get into a traffic accident during their trip and meet a great entity that gives them five wishes in return for participating in the Great War that brings together contestants coming from a hundred different anime worlds

Gu_zhanghe · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

The beginning of cultivation

"So are you telling me, Nidam, that Ryu and Arima, who is the first to move between us or whoever, have gone to other worlds and I'm still here?"

[Correct ]

"So what are you waiting for, Let's Move Me Too?"

[You will lose your memories and strength, but you will get 3 Wishes ]

"Agree "

Naruto began to feel dizzy until he lost consciousness

"So you're telling me that I'm going to reincarnate in a goddamn cultivation world dominated by the Sons Of Fortune, the sky, and the DAO lover, and I have 3 goddamn wishes that are true."

"Exactly, it seems that you understand your situation, and now let's make your wishes without wasting my time."

"As for my first wish, I want a physique that has not passed through the history of this world and is very strong."

According to my second wish, I want Nidam

For my third wish I want to "

He was silent for a while, then asked the God in front of him:

"Am I of a certain destiny or not?"

God's response

"When you move into that world, you will automatically become self-sufficient."

"So for my third and final wish, I want to be without destiny, against heaven and the DAO, so that the concept of luck does not affect me."

God said

"If you are a person against the DAO and the sky, you will not be able to practice the laws because you are against the DAO, and you will not be able to break through when you reach a certain level, because you are against the sky and you will not go through the Thunder tribulation."

"Is there really no solution "

The Old God sighed and said

"Although it will be considered 4 wishes, but I will make you break through with struggle points and buy rules with struggle points as well."

"All the heroes who have a system are advancing in agriculture with a system, why didn't I have this advantage?"

"It would have been available to you automatically in any other world, but the world you will go to is very complex and powerful, even a person at the level of a half-immortal can destroy planets, while the ten main gods can destroy several universes with an idea, so everything simple needs a great effort in this world, and you, by penetrating using the system, the path becomes easy for you, destroy cults and penetrate an easy subject, so the laws of the world went against me, but now no problem, it will go unnoticed."

"Well, send me now."

At the moment our hero found himself in the body of a person with internal injuries and can hardly move at the moment the memories of that body began to come back let me tell you his story

Because of his talent in the demonic path, he entered a demonic sect, and because of his talent in the demonic path, the leader of the sect made him refine the body of the invincible heavenly demon, and although he succeeded in refining it, he was killed by a Buddhist farmer at the height of the emperor's world, he refined a body called the Golden body of Arhat, which is considered one of the most powerful Buddhist bodies, and with it he can become one of the most powerful Immortals in the future, or even a God

After he had absorbed everything he said

"O Nizam, where are you?"

[There is, host, Do you want something?]؟ ]

"Is there a starter pack or something? my fucking body is ruined."

[There is a starter pack, does the host want to open it?]؟ ]

"Open it."

[The host has been awarded

Cultivation in the level of bone refinement

Understanding of the law of the sun and Moon

Ashura fighting spirit

Does the host want to merge with this stuff؟؟ ]

"Merge with her "

Immediately he began to feel that his body was getting stronger and he knew that this was the stage of body refinement and then he felt another high-purity power in his body Qi and eventually his bones became stronger and stronger until he reached the peak of bone refinement after which he felt that he merged with something that he could not use right now it was

"Status "

[Name : Gu lingtian

Age: 17

Agriculture: the world of bone refinement (third class )

Physical strength: 7500

Speed: 6700

Agility: 8690

Spiritual power: 10000

Physical structure: the structure of the eternal God / the body of the invincible heavenly devil

Cultivation technique: the devil devoured the worlds ( incomplete )

Fighting spirit: the fighting spirit of Ashura

Inheritance: none

Rules: sun and Moon (not activated)]

"I seem to be considered a little too strong," he told me, " but the world of Agriculture in this world."

[Body refinement World ( 3 layers )

The world of Qi training ( 3 layers )

The world of bone refinement ( 3 layers )

The world of element training ( 3 layers )

( These four stages are actually one stage divided into 4 levels and this is the first step on the way to cultivation, and when you finish all of them, you will have achieved the first step on the way to the peak, the body refinement stage, if you refine a good foundation in it, your body in the future will be very strong as your cultivation progresses, either Qi training, it depends on the purity of your Qi at that stage, and it is what determines it in the future, bone refinement, it is to activate your bone structure, such as the divine da bones, etc., and finally training elemental is for you to discover the elements that you have and practice on them in the future, when you finish these four stages, awaken your physique )

Fake kernel World ( 4 layers )

The world of the true core ( 4 layers )

The world of the Golden core ( 4 layers )

(The world of Nucleus formation is divided into 3 stages when you complete it, according to the purity of your nucleus, the purity of your Qi will increase, and this is the second opportunity to purify your Qi )

The spiritual world of the sea

The world of the nascent soul

The King's world

The emperor's world

Predecessor world

The monarch's world

The ruler's world (the peak of the mortal world )

The beginning of the Immortal World:

The half-Immortal World

The world of semi-immortal

The fake Immortal World

The Immortal World

The world of the earthly immortal

Heavenly immortal realm

The immortal's Golden world

The immortal's astral world

The world of the Immortal King

The immortal Emperor's world (the peak of the Immortal World )

The beginning of the world of Gods:

The half-god world

The world of Semi-gods

The world of the fake god

The world of God

The real world of God

The astral world of God

The world of the God of creation

The world of the God of ancestors

The world of cosmic gods ( there are only 10 in this world, and if someone wants to break through to this world, he must be at the peak of the ancestral god and kill one of the cosmic gods, and this world is considered the peak of martial arts ) ]

"Shit, I'm just lying at the bottom of the well."

Sigh ....

"Anyway, I'm going to find a place to go with the help of Nizam."

After 3 months

Within three months, Gu became in the third layer of the world of element training and discovered that his elements come on




The fire


The wood

The metal





The time

All the elements come from the structure of the eternal God, but death, darkness and evil from the body of the heavenly devil, who is invincible and time is the reward of struggle, he tried to penetrate into the world of the nucleus many times, but he was failing, it's not easy because he is the enemy of the DAO, but it's impossible, so he chose to collect points from killing monsters in the end and he is a first-class monster who stretched out his hand and shot a lightning ball that killed him and continued to kill monsters

After a few hours

"I have passed the 100 thousand points and finally, Nizam, i want to break through."

Suddenly he began to feel a great strength in his body and a little while later he received a Nidam notification

[Congratulations to the host for breaking into the world of fake core layer one, the host was rewarded with 500 million high-level Soul Stones and 5 divine core formation beads ]

"Dear Nizam, let me see my condition."

[[Name: Gu lingtian

Age: 17

Agriculture: the world of the fake kernel (first class )

Physical strength: 28000

Speed: 17600

Agility: 18500

Spiritual power: 50000

Physical structure: the structure of the eternal God / the body of the invincible heavenly devil

Cultivation technique: the devil devoured the worlds ( incomplete )

Fighting spirit: the fighting spirit of Ashura

Inheritance: none

Rules: sun and Moon ( inactive) - darkness-death-evil-Fire-gold-wood-metal-lava

- Lightning-blood-space-time ]

"I've become stronger. Well, how many points do I have now?"

[ 500 points ]

"Buy a transfer roll and take me to the nearest city."

[Why don't you go to one of the major continents to be in a powerful sect ]

"What are the main continents?"

[Xichuan continent

Jin Dan continent

MU Hai continent

Xuantian continent

Gushui continent ]

"I remember that the original soul of the body is from the gushui continent, I can't fight the Gu Family now, so no."

[ But there is the most powerful sect in the world ]

"Where is the second strongest sect?"

[On the xuantian continent, let's have a sect