
The cosmic war

Three friends get into a traffic accident during their trip and meet a great entity that gives them five wishes in return for participating in the Great War that brings together contestants coming from a hundred different anime worlds

Gu_zhanghe · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Meeting of geniuses

After a while Billy Yutian opened his eyes and was looking at the place around him with a cottage on a lake and beautiful flowers and trees were around

The chirping of birds and the movement of the wind, as well as the sounds of animals, which gave the person entering it a feeling of calm and purity around

"All I remember is that I fainted from the power of his aura, but why am I here?""Billy Yutian looked around and checked his sword, but he didn't find it

"Have you forgotten?" You have become my disciple, " the quiet sword Emperor spoke as he held the chaos separator sword

"Your student?" ... Oh, I remembered, then will you train me to defeat that monster, " Billy Yutian said, waiting for the young man's answer

"You can call me a teacher, and my name is Zhu yuan, the emperor of the quiet sword, one of the great emperors, and I will train you on the sword from today."

"So how did you get the sky separator sword," Qu Yuan spoke as he looked at him

"Well it's like that ..."Billy Yutian talked about how he got the sword and coming to the sacred domain

"Heavenly Emperor?" Is he back"Zhu yuan smiled as if he had met an absent old friend

"Well, get ready from now on, your training begins," Zhu yuan spoke, and the place has changed, it is now in front of a waterfall

Two years have passed since that time and Billy Yutian has been practicing on his hands

He took two months to clear his mind and merged it with the sword

He took three months to develop his expertise and use his sword

Five months of learning the skills of sword steps, body harmony and swordsmanship

The rest of the time he practiced compatibility with the chaos separator sword and increased his strength explosively

/ Congratulations to the member "Billy Yutian" for breaking into the class of the Saint|

/ A reward from the unknown entity:

Develop the talent of the sword into a "unique: high"|

Billy Yutian felt an explosion of energy erupting inside him as he felt his strength increase countless times

"The unknown entity?""Billy Yutian was shocked by the presence of a gift from an unknown person

"It doesn't matter," he completed his training, where now he can show the Holy Body, where his body was a

A human with purple wings, a destroyer, holding a purple sword in his hand, and it was very large

Billy Yutian sensed the instability of his strength but at that moment he felt completely calm and the violent energy stabilized

"Great Dao calm, stability" a white light came out from Zhu yuan's hand as the light shot to Billy Yutian and his aura became suspiciously calm

"What is this, Sir?""Billy Yutian spoke about the great DAO that he is using now

"Each of the great emperors could use their Dao partially and use it often" Zhu yuan spoke of the great Dao

The great DAO can help a person train it or destroy it, also depends on the great emperor using it

If Zhou Yuan had bad intentions, Billy Yutian would be dead by now

"Well, it looks like you're ready, there will be a competition among the emperor disciples in two months, prepare yourself from now on," Zhu yuan spoke and disappeared from his place

"Two months?" All right, enough time, " continued Billy Yutian, who acquired the skill of refining "chaotic thunderstorms" from the level of the sky

Allows him to refine his body and soul with the chaotic thunderstorms he got from the chaos separator

Billy Yutian completed his refinement and training

Two months later

Billy Yutian and Zhou Yuan arrived where he was behind his master with his white clothes and looked at the competition venue

There were one hundred and ten rooms in the place, one hundred for the ancient emperors and ten for the great emperors

While the arena had five places for students to fight

"Hui zhuyuan, it looks like you got a disciple right?""A soft voice spoke behind Zhu yuan

"Qing'er?" That's you, " Zhu yuan looked back and saw a 20-year-old girl who was white-skinned with honey eyes and yellow hair

"It's fun you've come, but where's your older brother?" Zhu yuan spoke as he looked at the back of Qing Yun where there was a girl in the prime of life around the age of 18 with the cultivation of a saint

"Your student or Qing Hui's student?""Chu yuan wondered as he looked at the girl

You didn't know her?" She's the girl that you're fighting my brother over to make her a schoolgirl for You, " Qing Yun spoke proudly

"Hahaha I had really good luck today! Today I'm going to make this disciple of mine defeat that bastard's disciple, " Chou yuan spoke with relish

"Hearing this from someone who was competing to take my disciple, you haven't changed, calm sword Emperor!"A rough voice spoke and stood next to Qing Yun

It was a man in white clothes with a muscular body and a machete behind his back

"Slaughter scythe Emperor, what a scoundrel you are," Zhu yuan spoke as they completed their walk and went to eat and continue their conversation

Billy Yutian kept looking at the incoming students as if he was planning something

"Because there are three of them who are rivals of me, the student Qing Hui and two of the men," he looked at two men, one had a sword on his back and the other had no weapon."

The day was over and Billy Yutian went to practice in the dead of night and he saw someone else with him in the arena

The man who had a sword on his back!

"My name is Billy Yutian, brother, what's your name?""Billy Yutian spoke while waving his sword and using sword steps

"Yan Huang, disciple of the ancient sword Emperor," Yan Huang spoke softly as he looked at this young man next to him

"It looks like we both have a Master Sword specialist," Bill Yutian said as he looked at the person in front of him

"Well, I hope to face you tomorrow, don't lose to anyone else," Billy Yutian spoke with arrogance and enthusiasm for the fight

"Talk to you too," a smile appeared on Yan Huang's face gravely!

Billy Yutian completed the warm-up and went on his training!

Competition day

The competition started and everyone was in their seats and the rules were:

1-not to kill

2-exit the arena, faint or withdraw until the competitor wins

3-do not use tricks such as poisons and murder weapons

The disciples of the great emperors were sitting on ten benches in front of the competition arena and everyone was looking at them

The competition provides for the qualification of one hundred students so that the top ten who can challenge the ten geniuses remain

Billy Yutian looked at all this with disgust and said, " Damn, I came for a fight and now you're telling me to sit here like an idol?""

"I agree with you, Mr. Billy," said the student Qing Hui, who was cleaning her black scythe

Billy Yutian completed his look and focused on Yan Huang his rival who challenged him yesterday as he was defeating everyone in front of him with three moves

'Is he officially challenging me?''Billy Yutian looked where above their seats was a specific number Billy Yutian's number was three

While looking at Yan Huang, He looked at another man with an impeccable muscular body and was beating everyone with just five moves

Number five was Qing Hui's schoolgirl Choi Luo the genius of the scythe!

Billy Yutian waited until the disciples ' qualification was over as both of those two succeeded!

"The ten successful students, please choose the genius you are fighting in the next match," the referee said, looking at the students in front of him

"He chose the third genius, Billy Yutian," a young voice spoke from behind the youth and it was Yan Huang

"Finally finally, I came, I was going to die of boredom, Yan Huang," a flame of enthusiasm appeared on his face and appeared in front of him in a jiffy

"Let everyone out, this is my prey," Billy Yutian and Yan Huang spoke together as the rest came out and the fight was going to start soon




Start " the referee spoke and the two moved quickly as each of them pulled out his sword and rushed to the other

Yan Huang waved his sword as he stabbed towards Billy's chest but was repelled with one hand and the chaos separator sword shot to his neck but he turned around a little

"Graceful and balanced movements," Billy Yutian spoke, let go of his sword and set off again as he attacked his stomach but

"Shadow steps, shattered sword" Yan Huang spoke and appeared behind Billy Yutian and sent out another sword attack

"Sword Shield, destructive Thunder sword" a shield appeared behind Billy Yutian and a purple Thunder aura shot out from behind the shield and headed towards Yan Huang

"This is what I call a fight," Billy Yutian spoke as he appeared behind Yan Huang and was sent another thunderous attack but...؟

She was repulsed with one finger and the opponent's sword was in front of his pupil separating a very small space

"Enough playing," Yan Huang said, and continued with his sword, " and he wanted to clear his eyes."

"Chaos separator, destructive Thunder Phoenix" a small palm-sized Phoenix shot out from the edge of his sword towards his chest where Yan Huang disappeared

'I was going to die from this..؟'Sweat appeared on his face and the tension and also the terror of his opponent

Did you know that?""Billy Yutian spoke where his eye had been hit by the sword and he can't see!

While Yan Huang was missing one arm, he was bleeding crazily from his shoulder

"Is it a draw?" Of course not, " Choi Luo spoke as she looked at the battle in front of her calmly with an undetectable shock in her eyes

In the room of the great emperors

"Is this your student?" Brother, " someone spoke next to Zhu yuan in the room of the great emperors

"Yes, he is also a Heavenly Emperor," Qu Yuan spoke, as in front of him was the Heavenly Emperor, the most powerful emperor in the original story

In the ring

Both of them did not stop rushing and each one was waving, stabbing and cutting with the other's sword, but not one of them lost or surrendered

"Can we end this in one fell swoop?""Billy Yutian spoke as he looked at Yan Huang

"Okay, you got it," Yan Huang said no nonsense because of the cuts, bruises and injuries where he felt he was going to faint

"Chaos separator, thunder of the sky dragon"

"The skill of the sword, the sword flying in the sky"

The two of them talked as the aura was coming out destructively and even almost destroyed the barrier that an ancient emperor had put up!

A brilliant purple dragon shot out from Billy Yutian's sword and was flying beautifully and terrifyingly at the same time

While Yan Huang's sword was changing color to Azure, dazzle everyone with its beauty and set off to kill that Dragon!


The two auras collided and dust spread everywhere and everyone couldn't see!

"Heavenly eyes, shapes are changing," the Heavenly Emperor spoke as the dust disappeared completely, he had transferred it to another place completely!

Everyone looked at the square where both Yan Huang and Billy Yutian were standing there motionless!

Billy Yutian was a loser with his arms and sword on the ground and wounds filling his body as his clothes turned from white to blood red!

While Yan Huang was a loser with two eyes and one arm, his posture was similar to Billy Yutian but standing with the help of his sword!

"Draw... It's a draw.. Isn't it?'"Billy Yutian spoke in a hoarse voice as he looked at his opponent

"It is so.. Brother, " Yan Huang was no better off than he was when!

When Yan Huang's voice came out and he heard it, the two fell to the ground

"It ended in a draw," the referee spoke, breaking the silence that hung over those present

All the emperors present and people from different places were in a fuss about this duo!

"Well, you didn't disappoint me, Billy Yutian," the calm sword Emperor spoke, and he took the two and walked out of the competition

"Qing Hui, next time bring your student to see who is better at training juniors," Zhu yuan spoke and disappeared from his place

"It's really annoying, isn't it?""Qing Hui spoke as he looked at the Heavenly Emperor

"Did you know what he did?""The Heavenly Emperor spoke with a smile

"Yes, he was testing his new student," Qing Hui spoke, smiling at the thought of his old friend

"What a nuisance," the two smiled and laughed at Zhu yuan's thoughts