
The Caged Beast

I was living my life peacefully when one day a certain someone fell right in front of my house. That Certain Someone told me that my name... And due to that certain someone, my life has changed.

Jatin_Zadoo · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Certain Someone

When I saw the book, I was amazed and shocked at the same time.

Now I really wanted to know

"Who really was this old man?"



When I was thinking this, there was a knock at my door.

When I opened the door, I saw two members, Rau and Zel, of the Society of Magicians on the door.

I asked them, "What are you two doing here?"

Rau asked me did something happen here.

I told them everything.

They said, " Show us where the old man is."

I took the members of the society of magicians inside my house.

Without looking, I pointed at my bed and told them " Here see, he is the old man I was talking about."

The two members got angry and told me "Where is the old man and are you lying and making up these stories?"

Huh.......Me......Lying......Making Up Stories...

Why would I lie and make up stories?

They told me to look around.

To my surprise, When I looked around, the old man was neither on the bed nor anywhere in the room.

But the Ancient Magical Book was still there on my table.

I pointed at the Ancient Magical Book and told them " Hey Look, The book."

I guess, in hurry, the old man forgot to take his book.

Both of them were amazed and shocked to see the Ancient Magical Book like I was when I first saw the book.


What is this book doing here?



Zel approached me and used a binding spell on my hand and said, " You thief."

Then they told me "Let's go to the palace and in front of the Society of Magicians."

When we reached the Palace and in front of the Society of Magicians, Zel was ordered to put me in jail for ten days.


After some time, I was thrown into jail.

When I asked for the reason, the reason they gave me was that the book that was in my house was one of the fourteen Ancient Magical books that are needed for restoring the life of the magical beast.

Zel left.



I was alone in the jail thinking to myself, " Why I helped that old man?"

Will this helpful nature become the reason for my death?


Suddenly there was a loud noise and all the guards started running outside.


A loud noise of .....Thud............

The Old Man was standing right in front of me again.

He asked me," Why didn't you say anything in front of the Magicians?"

I gave him no reply.

I angrily asked him " Where did you disappear?"

He replied, " I was searching for something and I'm sorry that I and my book is the reason that you are in this jail."

He added, " Don't worry, I will help you."

He used two spells, Unbinding spell for my hands and an unlocking spell for the lock, and that too without a magical book.

I was again astonished and amazed to see these tricks.

I asked him, " Who are you really and how can you do these things without a magical book?"

The Old Man replied, " Wait for the right time and right place."

The Old man said, "Will you help me in finding my Magical Book?"

I replied, " No, why would I help you?"



I ran outside and I saw a huge dragon not that far from the palace.

The tail of the dragon was not that far from me.

This time, the Magicians were fighting him so killing this dragon was an option but my magical book was in the underground library of the palace and I can't perform magic without my magical book, unlike that amazing old man.

I was thinking all this when suddenly a portal opened in front of me and the Old man appeared again.

When I looked at his hands, there were two books in his hands and I recognized that one of them was mine.



The old man then gave me a choice "EITHER LIVE HERE OR COME WITH ME."

I replied, " I know what your book is capable of, I will never come with you."

The Old Man chanted a spell,




and pointed his foot towards the dragon, the dragon froze in its place.

The other magicians used swords and sticks to break the ice but those sticks and swords had no effect on the iced dragon.

After seeing the other magicians, the Old man chanted another spell,




and again pointed his foot towards the dragon, the dragon turned into dust.

Everyone was happy that they are safe now.

This time, I was not astonished by the spells as I knew those spells but by the fact that he was not using his hands to cast a spell.

The Old Man's magic was too strong, I guess he was the strongest magician that I had seen.

I couldn't imagine how powerful his magic would be if he used his hands.



The Old Man gave me the choice " LIVE HERE OR COME WITH ME."

I wanted to say, " I want to come with you but I don't know what was stopping me from saying this."

The Old Man said, " I will return tomorrow, You have 24 hours to make the choice."

So, My name is.......

I guess there is a right time and right place for that too.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<CHAPTER END>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

You don't know when the past will come and haunt you, So try to enjoy the present.

Jatin_Zadoocreators' thoughts