
The Caged Beast

I was living my life peacefully when one day a certain someone fell right in front of my house. That Certain Someone told me that my name... And due to that certain someone, my life has changed.

Jatin_Zadoo · Fantasy
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9 Chs


When all of this ended, I found out that my book was in front of my feet, I picked the book up and started to walk towards my house.

I reached my house and started thinking.

Huh... I have to make a Choice between Living here and going with that old guy.

But I don't know the reason why that old man wants me to accompany him.

A part of me is telling me to go with him and the other part of me is telling me to stay here.

Also, that old man found my book and gave that book to me and I even took the book without thinking about the consequences.

And now I have to think about,

"What will the Society of Magicians do when they learn about the disappearance of both the books?"

They will blame me again for the disappearance of the books.

I guess I will go to the Palace and return my book to the Society of Magicians.



At the same time in the Palace,

The society of Magicians came to know about the disappearance of both the books.

One of the members of the society of Magicians said, "But, how is this even possible, no one can reach the palace's underground library without the key?"

The Elder replied, "The one who can teleport can do this easily without the help of the Key."

The members replied, "But teleporters can't teleport to unknown places,

Does the Teleporter know about the palace's underground library?"

The Elder replied, "There were only five individuals in the past who knew about the Palace's Underground Library and could use teleportation magic, if it's one of them then we are in trouble."

All the members got a little worried and said, "Why, why would we get into trouble?"

The Elder replied, "No, not 'Us' but 'Him' and then in the future, 'Us'."

The Elder said, "All of you go to his house at once."

and shouts,


All the members .... Him…...Huh...him....

We have never seen the Elder getting this concerned about him.

The Members replied, "We will try our best to protect him."



I was about to reach the palace but I saw that many magicians were leaving the Palace.

I heard one of the Members say, "Let's go to his house."

My House…...

I think all of the magicians will try to capture me, that's why they are going to my house.

But before they capture me, I will reach the elder and tell him everything that I know, I hope that he would believe me and my story.

I waited for all the magicians to leave the palace.

When all the magicians left the palace, I sneaked in.

When I reached the Elder's room, I saw that the Elder was talking with the Old Man.

I thought, "Why is the Elder talking with the Old man?"

I heard the elder, he was saying, "I leave him in your care and remember this will always be the place where he can return to."

The elder was talking about me.

I was about to say something but the Old Man used Teleportation and both of us teleported, not that far from my house.

The magicians were still near my house.

But a messenger came, he delivered a message and all of the magicians started returning to the palace.

I said, " Why would you teleport me with yourself?"

The Old Man replied, "We need to leave tonight but before that Let's go to your house one last time."

I replied, "What do you mean by 'WE', I'm not going anywhere with you."

The Old Man said, "We will talk about this later, we don't have time and for the time being just try to listen to me, let's go to your house first."

The Old Man continued, " The Magicians were not here to capture you but they were here to protect you."

I replied, " Protect me."

The Old Man replied, "It was the order from the Elder to protect you at all costs."



At the same time in the Palace...

The members of the Society of Magicians were all in a state of panic.

An unfortunate event had taken place in the palace.

One of the members said, "The Elder is dead and there is a message, I don't know who has written the message but this feels like a message for the Society of Magicians."





At the same time, in my house, I am asking the Old Man, "What do you mean by "we don't have time"?"

The Old Man handed me a letter and a photo, this letter and photo were from a guy named "Ian Aeon."

The Old man said, "Read this letter and tell me do you remember anything?"

I replied, "No, I don't remember anything but only that this person has the same surname as I have, what does this mean?"

The Old man replied, "Only the surname, don't you remember anything else after reading the letter and touching this paper."

I replied angrily, "No, Should I remember something?"

The Old Man replied with a soft tone, "I guess the Memory spell ...Never Mind."

You remember your name, right, can you tell me your name?

I replied, "Why, first tell me your name."

The Old Man replied, "My Name is "Stur M. Frei", now tell me your name."

I replied with My name is "Enzo Aeon".

The Old man said, "No, no, no... this is not your name."

Your mother gave you a name,

which was

"Lucian Aeon"




How do you know my mother, and how do you even know my name?

Hey, Old Man, who are you really?

The Old Man was about to say something, but someone attacked my house with an earthquake spell.

The whole house started to break down.

The Old Man teleported me and himself to somewhere else before the whole house broke down.

This place was unknown to me.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CHAPTER END >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

So, My Name is Lucian Aeon and this is my story.

How my life changed after a certain someone fell right in front of me.

Chapter 4 is where it all starts.

The Unknown will become known.

The Journey is difficult, let's end this journey together.

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