
The Ape From Space

Imagine waking up to darkness, groggily realizing you're in space. I was not an astronaut, I'm a damn janitor for shit-sake, but rapidly learning about memories not my own... at least I think they weren't. I know three key-points that have me on edge. One, I was now a weakling Saiyan warrior named 'Kron'. a stupid name... Second was that Saiyan's were real, or I was self-inserted by some cunt. And three I was a hairbreadth away from the suction of space in an attack-Ball... God damned where am I heading? and fuck space! Disclaimer: I Own Nothing, except Artwork lol ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Editing the earlier chapters.

Warrior988 · Anime & Comics
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148 Chs

One Year Passed.


Living in A routine again felt relatively accommodating to me. Remembering my job in my 'past life' that was much more boring than the literal special forces life I now lived. Now though, captain Ginyu and his force with me included had just finished practicing our damned rehearsal for our poses at least, for today at least. I would not risk trying to 'run' from this crazy group of bastards though, I was exactly where I needed to be. Fighting against Ginyu while he has the ability to snatch my body was A terrifying existence and I have no such protection unlike, certain 'canon' characters. But one year had gone by since I sent Winter and Salem off onward to Earth encase I get her killed while Frieza was around on that planet named Kanassa, one year gone quickly while you had A routine and work is the biggest routine. Salem and Winter, from what I am told by Salem via the Grimm bug inside me, both of them arrived on Earth ten days after I last saw them and are currently blending in A city called 'West City'. I remembered from my past life that 'that' city is where the Capsule corp building is located in and from what I'm told, Winter had no problem blending in and learning the language in order to blend in, she also mastered the language that I and the rest of the PTO force use or I think the language is called 'basic', known by many species in the galaxy that are space faring... maybe she just learned one language... can't be too sure though unlike star-wars, everyone in the DBZ universe spoke the same language so maybe it's like that.

"Hey Kron! Concentrate man- Hyyahhaa!!!" Jeice yelled out, launching A beam of Red-colored Ki towards Recoome and Burter. Snapping out of my thoughts, I currently was in A spar with Jeice on my side, the spars were A common part of my new regime while I worked undercover. Soon, A couple of days and I will have an opportunity to go on leave, and it was well earned what with the new dance moves I had to learn for the team. The genocides the team inflicted to A few powerful races that resisted normal 'PTO' grunts were few and far between with most missions we were sent on had to do with dealing with overpowered space pirates who stole from Frieza's clients. Most of them were stronger than Vegeta was when he first went to earth so the fights were interesting… for pirates and gangsters.

I would be heading for Namek which was ranked minimal on the planet rating and therefore unimportant for the PTO exploitation with it having no resources deemed worthy for exploitation… if they only knew, heh… Once I wish back Blake and Weiss, I'll wish them to planet earth so they are with Winter and Salem, then I will have to wish on behalf of Salem and strip her of her immortality…

"...If its possible though…" I muttered, after-imaging behind Recoome, launching A swift kick to his head and then began to brutally lob him with multiple punches. I gotten A little stronger since first fighting with Recoome as I held back in that bout. I haven't checked yet and at this point, I was content enough to just continue having my power condensed to 63,000 while with these guys. There will be opportunities to train by myself later on.

"-hiyaaah!" Burter appeared behind me and started to lay into my back, sending me crashing down onto the ground by the hit.

"...Shit, wow… you got me."I mocked, getting up from the ground, I begun to launch homing Ki-blasts at the to behemoths of the squad, while Jeice was also among them and my sparring team-mate this round. 

"Hey! Bastard, watch out for me!" Jeice yelled out, my ki-blasts pelting into Burter and Recoome, exploding on impact. I suddenly was the target of two Ki-beams, one red and one blue hit me, exploding.

"...heh, get up Kron. The captain want's to debrief us." Jeice said to me, I slowly stood inside A massive crater, I was heavily wounded, though I could still move around and thanks to my unlocked aura plus my high Ki, I would heal in A matter of minutes.

"...Right, lead the way… Jeice." he smirked before blasting off to the others who stood at the top of the ledge. Flying up quickly, I landed next to Recoome who punched me on the shoulder jokingly. Yeah, comradeship with these guys came easily once I proved myself worthy of the fifth spot on the team with Recoome being the one I had got the closet with though he still was sadistic whenever we fought against each other, it was hard trying to keep these crazy mutants at arms length. 

"Heh, you took our attacks like A boss." he laughed lightly, Burter spoke up adding in his two cents.

"Next time, maybe have the foresight to dodge. You Saiyan's sure take A beating though…" he growled, standing arms folded while the Captain walked on over. All of us snapped at attention when the body-snatching Ginyu awaited the squad to calm down.

"Alright men, this will be our last session before your allowed to be on leave- calm down men, I'm not finished." he spoke louder when Recoome, Burter and Jeice hollered, I yelled briefly, excited to finally be able to at least revive my two girls and at least help Salem out… oh, and getting away from these crazy bastards for A spell didn't hurt as well. I would of course, knowing how to, erase my travel log on my Attack ball for the trip or just blow the thing up, no sense in Namek being found out as something interesting to visit or be found to be A traitor or something along those lines.

"Men, you have one week of leave time, including the newbie, When we return for the new year, our benevolent lord should have A job for us though if he doesn't we will return to planet Frieza no.79, any questions?" he glanced around, his eyes scanning each of us. I was curious of something though and so I spoke, first by asking something trivial.

"Should we keep our scouters with us, encase we are needed for A mission?" Ginyu replied immediately after I asked.

"Yes, newbie that goes without saying. We might be needed so keep them with you. Anyone else.?" I spoke up again, this time about my main concern, for canon that is…

"Captain, that Guldo character is still trying to take my spot on the force-" he is A weakling of course but he play's A important role in canon. "why not take him on as A sixth member-" I continued, seeing if i could get him to see my reasoning.

"-Sixth member, my squad is fully formed, unless… Kron… is this another way of asking for more pose practice! You're a benefit to the team heh... 'truly'. But tell me this though, we all know that he… hates you because of his and Vegeta's rivalry, what does he bring to the force besides an extra fighter or are you trying to win some favors with him?" nope, no favors, I was worried about the scene where Krillin or was it Gohan, attempt to destroy the dragon-ball on Namek, even though it was less than likely it can't be destroyed, I was still worried about it. Can't have that, I spoke up.

"His ability to stop an instance in time will come in handy in tight spots, where our powers would only hinder us, Guldo's ability will be A boon for the team." Ginyu heard me, Jeice and Burter were glaring my way, I believe they are pissed because we would have to 'adjust' our posing routine. Recoome just smiled without a care in the world… of course he wouldn't care, he used to do ballet.

"I will consider it, but you make A fine point that he will become an excellent edition. Fine, I will relay the request for A sixth member to lord Frieza. Anyone else… then dismissed men.!" Ginyu blasted upwards, while the rest of us begun to follow after him in A tight formation. Recoome yelled out to my in mid-flight.

"Hey Saiyan, you want to come with Burter, Jeice and I? were going to out to planet-" Interrupting him, I replied loudly so he could hear.

"-Nah, I'm going to train some more." he grunted and replied jokingly.

"Heh… right, I've heard of the Saiyan's been obsessed with getting stronger but you actually prove them stories. Heh… heh…" Recoome laughed whacking me on the back and Burter and Jeice smirked, looking at me with barely concealed laughter… heh, asses.

(Winter Schnee-POV)

Life on planet earth was much more peaceful than her home-world. No Grimm, uh, besides Salem appearance-wise. Both of them stuck together being strangers on this planet, Salem's appearance wasn't that strange to others on this planet as there were many different races living together, animal-like people being one of them. After locking up their ships, taking the data-storage with her and than making sure she had the remote for each before burying them, they headed towards the nearby city or metropolis which as she and Salem learned the language over time, was called 'West City'. Being A bum, inside an unfamiliar city, slowly working her way up while they both got themselves situated took time. They both knew how to speak and write what everone esle spoke, the dialect still was tricky speaking.

"Have you heard anything from Kron, when is he coming here. Its been A year, what is he waiting for?" she asked the ancient-immortal, sitting inside her apartment she and Salem lived in. Getting A job on this world was simple once she could understand the people, learning to harness 'Ki' was A bit more harder to learn. She did manage it though and as she is A soldier, she first wanted to try and get A job in the army. That was shot down though when she found she loved fighting using her newly unlocked Ki. 

"He relayed to me that he is going to implement his plan on having your sister, the other girl revived and my immortality removed. He couldn't explain more as his 'undercover' work has him surrounded constantly by subordinates or teammates. Just know he may have an opportunity to bring back your sibling at least." Salem had remained the same, using her magic abilities to get around at first, she learned through reading Winter's mind and was able to speak with the natives now, with Winter forbidding her reading her head for anything else, she only let the Grimm-like woman to do so once and thankfully she didn't feel the woman prod at her head again. 

"Well, there is an opportunity in A couple of years to make enough money to live off of. Seeing as we need the money and I'm rearing to test these abilities full use, I was going to enter martial arts tournament in two years and try and earn money that way. Until then hunting has been an excellent way of making money and I can do that while training my new strength." Winter explained, with her aura, she could heal quicker and now with her ability to now use Ki, that passive healing ability was much more stronger from her aura. At the moment, she could throw small Ki-blasts at stationary targets and imbue her swords with Ki so they cut better but that was it, her endurance increased and Winter was able to fight much longer too. Flying was still A in-progress though. 

Hunting was what she first started when they first arrived on the planet, there being no Grimm, it didn't mean that the planet was safe. Plenty of beasts and… reptiles roamed the wilderness and like her home-planet, the wilderness is vast filled with roaming giant beasts and large edible monsters with teeth the size of her sword… or larger.

Salem nodded, before replying.

"That's smart young lady, well I'll tell you when you get back if Kron has any new information." she then reclined backwards on her bed to which Winter sighed at the lazy lady. Leaving her apartment and locking the door, the spare key left hanging inside where Salem could use, she headed off towards the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. There was the matter of the data-storage device she has still inside her room, many of the technology on it she couldn't understand though now she could read the words. Maybe she would sell it to one of the technology corporations on this world…

Heading outside, she dressed in her specialist clothing minus her sword which was inside A new specialized casing, the law didn't appreciate her walking around armed the first few times she went armed around the city.

"City… I've seen it almost everyday since arriving here and yet, it still impresses me with its grandeur… I wonder, will this be Remnant one day, what with all the technology they gained access to?" she spoke aloud, not worrying in the slightest in being overheard as she spoke her home-planet language to the curious glances she got from passersby.

"So… I'll continue to train today like I have been doing, in two years I will enter the 'grand martial arts tournament'. I'll also decide which company wants to buy that data-device and use the money from that to live off on for sometime." She headed out, intent to head to her usual training ground outside of the city in the mountains for the week, living off the land.

(Weiss Schnee-POV)

"Come now ladies, come take A break, you've earned it." King Kai yelled out, the three of them barely able to stand from chasing Bubbles around. Blake and the woman named Raven, who they were told by her was Yang's mom wasn't faring much better than them, though she was here longer than Blake and her, she couldn't tell A joke to save her life and consequently, King Kai didn't want to train her until about the same time she and Blake arrived and begun our own training under this interesting person. Weiss and Blake arrived to the planet five years ago, it had been eleven years since they died and the woman Raven arrived six years ago, having died the same ear as them though much earlier than they did. 

King Kai first got them used to the planets high gravity first by having them try and catch his monkey 'Bubbles'. At first Weiss thought he was making fun of them but as time went by and after every attempt they continued to get much closer to succeeding in the capture of the monkey, Blake was the first to realize the training they were undergoing, their speed, under high gravity begun to slowly tone their bodies but they still haven't caught 'Bubbles' yet.

"Alright… can you stand Weiss." Blake huffed, sitting on her ass as she too huffed in exhaustion. Weiss wheezed out A reply.

"...Yeah, well. At least we're making some progress." Weiss said. Raven finally gathered the strength to stand and scoffed at the two of them.

"Your stronger, but not by much. Hurry up girls, I'd rather continue training but that… blue man will only moan until we eat with him." she grit her teeth and sighed, her breathing still A little heavy as she made her way over to the house. Weiss and Blake, mocked the woman who gave birth to their friend behind her back and finally, found their own strength allowing them to stand. 

Walking into the home and taking A seat at the table, the assortment of foods really lit up their faces, even Raven looked ravenous at the spread though they needn't not to eat being dead, the taste was still good enough for doing so. After their meal, Weiss spoke up, wanting to know about… something that bugged her for the longest time.

"Sir, are we to continue to chase this little monkey of yours, you've taught us a lot in between our attempts, five years worth for us while we spent six years traveling to your home. We have endured your teaching in the basics of your own fighting stance as A basis for our own, trying to catch that monkey, taught in the basics of what you call Ki and even taught the ability to sense life-forms with Ki. A brutal time of trying to catch your little runt of A monkey gets very boring." she questioned, Blake and Raven also looked on interested in the conversation, King Kai glanced at her, not speaking for A moment as if contemplating the answer. Finally, he spoke. 

"Apparently, your time on my planet won't be for much longer. Someone in the higher echelons of my people have deemed you three worthy of training under me. I… don't know all the details though. Suffice to say, until the one who is to resurrect you back has done his job, you'll continue to hone your Ki and speed and spar with each other. My lectures you've endured while chasing my 'Bubbles' has given you the understandings of what Ki is, different from your own abilities you three call aura." King kai said, this one to resurrect them… she had an idea who this was and asked.

"You mean Kron right." to which King Kai nodded, his antennae twitching suddenly in the same direction while he looked to be in thought. Finally after A tense moment, King Kai responded.

"Hmmm… that Saiyan is currently on his way towards the planet Namek… normally the Namekians will not allow bad people to use the Dragon balls-"

"-Kron isn't bad!" Weiss shouted suddenly before she felt embarrassed at her outburst, Blake nodded at her proclamation. Raven scoffed, continuing to eat what remained of lunch, still interested in the conversation but not enough to add to it.

"-He is not bad at heart, but that doesn't make him A good person either at least what I have observed. He's currently working under A tyrant, most Saiyan's are blunt and to the point, this one is much too calculating for A Saiyan. I will have to get into contact with the Grand elder 'Guru' and ask for A favor on behalf of this Kron… Ah well, I'll deal with it, now off you three girls go. Bubbles won't catch himself." he chuckled, watching the eldest woman scowl in reminder that they haven't caught 'Bubbles' yet. Weiss and Blake groaned before Blake spoke up, stretching A little.

"Right, lets get back to it Weiss. The soon we catch that monkey, the more used to this planets gravity we become and surely we will be strong enough to give Kron A spank on the butt, its been eleven years." she said seriously, before realizing the words she last spoke and both of them laughed wile Raven only complained.

"...Young love-sick brats…" Raven said. Weiss laughed at Blake's proclamation, ignoring Yang's bitch of A mother.

Raven arrived on King Kai's planet, ealier than Weiss and Blake though not by much and even though she couldn't tell A joke to get her training started eariler, she managed in the end, around the same time as them two girls. 'MC' beleives he's where he needs to be, Winter And Salem have made it to earth. Until next time.


(Battle - Powers)

-Kron/MC = 61,124(68,000 Total-Supressed)- Oozaru(X10) = 680,000. Wrathful State(X10) = 680,000.

-Raven - In Other World = ??

-Yang = 63? - Semblance enhanced = 75? Spring Maiden = 875?

-Blake = 58? - In Other World = ??

-Weiss = 57? - In Other World = ??

-Adam = 96?(present)

-Junior = 24?

-Twins = 22?

-Roman = 31?

-Mercury = 45?

-Emerald = 44?

-Winter = 96

-Ruby = 44?

-Pyrrha = 80?

-Jaune = 45?

-Lie_Ren = 59?

-Nora = 64?


Known KI-Move's

-(Tyrant’s Wave) = An AOE attack, purple wave of Ki. Best for close to medium range, multiple opponents. The More Ki charged, the more range it covers.

-(Royal Spear) = An long range beam of purple, the end of the attack resembling an 'arrow head'. the beam take's time to charge. Best for Long range, multiple opponents. Can be charged for better damage.

-(Double Sunday) = An attack remade from being an favourite of 'mc', fires two beams of purple Ki at any target in front of opponent. Best for short and medium range. Can be used on one or two opponents at once.

-(Aura Sphere) = An activation passive ability, created by 'mc' to be used as A sort of training/survival technique. Allows user to breath in any location one cannot usually. 'Mc' has upgraded this technique to be able to take damage, like an shield.

Current damage-types taken- physical, KI.

Shield strength-low.

-((Modified)Saturday Crush) = Raditz Technique recreated is charged with one hand or can be charge with two hands, The KI forms A ball of purple energy that discharges on contact. It is capable of homing in on the target if the user is capable enough with manipulating Ki and paralyzes on contact, the explosion doing minor damage. Currently still been worked on by 'MC' to increase time of paralyzing effect, charging time? ((and damage recieved by target?).

-(KI manpiulation) = An instincial ability to manpiulate ones KI. 'MC' has so far been easily able to create or 'recreate' abilites using user's KI.

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