
The Ape From Space

Imagine waking up to darkness, groggily realizing you're in space. I was not an astronaut, I'm a damn janitor for shit-sake, but rapidly learning about memories not my own... at least I think they weren't. I know three key-points that have me on edge. One, I was now a weakling Saiyan warrior named 'Kron'. a stupid name... Second was that Saiyan's were real, or I was self-inserted by some cunt. And three I was a hairbreadth away from the suction of space in an attack-Ball... God damned where am I heading? and fuck space! Disclaimer: I Own Nothing, except Artwork lol ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Editing the earlier chapters.

Warrior988 · Anime & Comics
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148 Chs

First Time On Namek.


Inside my personal 'Ginyu' marked attack ball, leaving Frieza Planet no.79 and heading towards Namek. After this Namek business, seeing as there was A way for these ships to be tracked, I planned on blowing the ship up and heading through space back to A planet I had eyed up on the list of planets that were in line for conquering. There I would remain until Ginyu called on me. Getting away from Recoome and Jeice took much time, these two being the one's I talked with the most on the team, I tell you, getting beat up by Recoome while he roasts me then afterwards asks if I want to go eat lunch is. Burter and I got on well enough, though he is more of A serious guy then the rest of the squad minus Ginyu himself.

Space… I am definitely getting used to traveling through space, hell, it was becoming A mundane part of my life now and that is big for me. I hated it the first time when I had awakened in space or I should say I was terrified of it, but now… it wasn't as interesting as the Star wars lore but in terms of getting from A to B, it is now a common thing with me and I was no longer terrified now. It helped that with my technique 'Aura Sphere' I can survive within space, is definitely the reason why.

"And look… look at that… I see A familiar looking planet, wow… so this is... and in the flesh so-to speak. Namek..." staring in awe at the magnificent and green planet which I have seen multiple times in my life, on television and I was about to step on it, for real.

"I still have to deal with the Namekian's and by 'deal', by not killing them. Well, lets see if I can do their tests or something…" entering the atmosphere of the planet, the ship being engulfed in the blazing inferno of the entry into the stratosphere, I contemplated how I would go about collecting the dragon ball's and I wasn't here to hurt these people. But then there's my 'PTO Ginyu' uniform and wearing such A uniform while being friendly will give these Namekian's an idea that others who wear similar uniforms are also friendly and therefore they will be surprised when they get slaughtered for the dragon balls or handing them out instead, when Frieza inevitably arrives for his wish. 

"Actually… I might just be over-thinking it, I'm pretty sure Namekian's have A ability to sense for evil… or something along those lines hence why they chose not to hand the ball's over to Frieza in the first place…" The attack ball touched down, ripping past A cliff and heading straight through another cliff before impacting the green ocean of the planet. The ship continued to sink In which case, it was perfectly acceptable. Channeling my inner Ki, powering up, I exploded outward and the ship was ripped apart while water immediately surrounded me and was also been effected by my power. The water around me begun to boil and I blasted upwards out of the ocean, hovering in the sky.

"Now, lets check around here…" my green scouter was turned off and will remain off for now while I'm on this planet. Instead I felt around me and looked for the right place to start, that being the man himself… Guru, the grand elder Namakien.

"He is… either by himself- that way… in that direction, two small powers together." My Ki wisped around me as I took off in the direction the two life-forces are in, hopefully they are the right ones.


Nail, I sense someone approaching us. A strong power, not evil though not pure of heart…" he said, eyes closed but still looking in the direction where Nail stood next to him. Nail replied

"Should I get rid of this person Guru.?" his raspy voice filled his sharp ears. Guru retorted.

"No, bring him unto me. This one, I have been warned of by the North Kai. I will need your help too Nail, let us wait until you bring him to me before I… explain the details. Now go Nail, await this person outside my domain." he asked, coughing here and there while saying some of the words as he really is getting too old. Sitting on his throne, Guru awaited the arrival of the nameless warrior. 

"Hmm… this one is fast, he is almost here…" He felt out the persons life-force, it is massive as if… no, but could it be?.

"...As if this ones soul was once two, like my peoples ability to join and become one…" really, it was strange seeing it in A non-Namekian but who knows, maybe other races in the cosmos have A similar ability, like his people… Time passed by quickly, he continued to monitor the person, seeing if he changed course or not but still, the being approached his and Nail's position, as if he knew where they were. 

"...this being must have the ability to sense out life like and my people do, another ability similar to my people. Maybe this one is A Namekian from my clan?" waiting for A few minutes later, the being was almost upon them. Landing outside, which he could feel, he awaited both Nail and the unnamed person, they both come up the elevator A few minutes later.

"Come closer young one." he spoke, finally breaking the silence which filled his home. Nail also moved closer to him, his protectiveness warmed his heart. He had a feeling though that he would not need to worry about this person though.

"My name is… Kron. I have come to you your planet because I seek to use your dragon balls. May I ask your names, so I won't have to call you, 'hey you'." he added, arms folded, glancing at the young man, he definitely looked strong, both in boday and spirit.

"My name is Guru, this is Nail. Now tell me why you want to use the dragon balls." he asked, seeing as King Kai told him that someone was coming to his planet in order to make use of them, he needed to make sure this… Kron was the same one mentioned by the Kai-godling who made contact with him hours before.

"...I have two uh, people I care about to bring back uh, to this dimension. I also have A promise I made to another in regards to her curse. If you allow me to use the dragon balls and make my wish, uh… down the line I will assist your people if there comes A time that you and yours are threatened." hmmm… that is, the North kai mentioned the two people, the third wish though, A curse… he seems to be 'selfless' in his wants of using the dragon ball's. hmm…

"...I see." he contemplated what was said and before he could coe to A decision, Kron spoke up again.

"if your having trouble believing me, uh, is there A way for you to know for sure?." he asked, hesitantly. He sounded worried.

"...Come closer, young one." this Kron, looked to be fighting an internal battle before, finally, he approached slowly. Nail looked to be cautious of his approach but remained where he stood. Kron stood over to Guru's left and he lowered his meaty hand onto the top of the young mans head. Searching his feelings, he now knew the young man was telling the truth, he could feel it. This young man was really interesting… his memories though, some of them are strange, as if he's lived 'two life's'. Guru didn't check these memories deeper and only skimmed over them as he respected the young man's willingness to trust him to read his mind. while he's been through much and- he has A lot of potential… hmm… Guru struggled really hard with this 'Kron' but in the end, he managed to at least confirm what he needed. The Truth.

"...I see, you have lived A strange life. A peaceful existence… but do not worry, I didn't delve too deeply. Just enough to know that who you 'portrayed' yourself as was the truth. Your mind has, from what I could gather from your surface thoughts, a lot of gaps inside, as if someone has tampered with your mind… You must not have realized that some of your memories have been removed or maybe you've just forgotten-"

"-What, I can't… I don't understand...-" he must not have realized he had 'gaps' in his memory, Guru interrupted him before he could begin to panic.

"-It is alright young one, I cannot 'unlock' or show you these memories, it is hard enough to read your surface thoughts, let alone your entire mind. What I can do however is grant you this-" he reached up with his other hand over his head and Guru removed the one-Star dragon ball from it's resting place.

"Take this, and… I have gotten A good feel for you and your power. I believe you have some power, tucked away. I could unlock this for you… for A price." he bartered with this Kron, seeing what he would do.

"What can I offer you then. For this 'potential' of my power's you can unlock within me.?" he asked questioningly and Guru hummed aloud.

"That... when the time come's, you will come to our aid… I believe you understand what I mean-" he said almost knowingly.

"-Oh right, I uh…-" having caught on, he saw enough from his surface thoughts to know they might be in trouble in A few years, maybe longer.

"-Relax young one, I understand much about you and yes, your secret is safe with me. No one should have to know much and yet, try and change it and for the good or for no selfish gains. You have toed the line… marginally from what I could see, but you done so in order to help those who mattered to you." Guru saw the young man in front of him trying to remain in control of his emotions, Kron then sighed out loudly… in relief…

"Now come… I will 'unlock' your potential…" he placed his left hand over Kron's head again and then focused.

"...hrh haaaa… hmm….-" he continued to focus, then from out of the young man, A burst of Ki shot out of him, like steam and the heat increased dramatically inside the room.

"-whoa, I uh…. ahhhh-" Kron looked to be feeling what Guru himself felt. Then, ten or more minutes had passed and the expulsion of Ki that shot out from Kron had reached it's peak… Guru had found and unlocked every last ounce of potential he could from him.



"...haaa haaa ugh… harrruh haaa!" she launched another white-colored ki-blast while she continued to push herself, training around the mesa on the same continent she lived at, in the wilderness. 


The small explosion landed at her intended target, after how many tires. Winter was improving in her usage of Ki slowly. Finished with her usual workout, using training she done when she was still on her home-planet, Winter realized how much more training she could now do, much more time and not to mention, her endurance was improved with her foundations of Ki, that training made everything much easier.

"...haaa, another few… more and then I'm ready to have A lie down. Haaaa…" she breathed out, Winter felt gross and covered in sweat. Camping out in the wilderness was not A new experience for her, being in the Atlas army but unlike the tense situation when camping on her home-planet, what with the Grimm everywhere, here on tthis planet, well, she only had to deal with the occasional predator trying to eat her. No hordes of Grimm hounding her at every turn. Earth is… nice. Winter would have begun her sword training and then finished for the day when her new phone, smiliar to the scrolls where she came from rung up from where she placed it, in her tent on A fold-up table. 

"it can't be Salem ringing me, I haven't been gone for more than A few days- huh? Oh right, this must be someone from Capsule corp." she decided to find out the number for that company as they really seemed really advanced, though she didn't yet have any of their products, not yet anyway. Picking up her phone, she answered.


"-Is this Winter Schnee, we've been informed, here at capsule corp that you have something of interest to sell to me."

"Yes, this is Winter Schnee, can you tell me whose speaking. I see you've found my add in the paper." she asked. The man on the other end, gruffly replied. Winter swore she also heard A cat meowing in the background of the mans call.

"Oh, right. My name is- hang on, Ah… Bulma- -dear, I'll be with you in one moment. Ah yes, well… call me Dr. Brief, the president of Capsule corporation. Also, I'm the head scientist- Yes, Bulma, in A minute. I'd like to invite you in, to appraise over the 'technology' you wish to sell to me and then I'll see what kind of worth I can offer you." the man, said, there now was some girls voice slightly heard in the background along with the occasional cat noise. Winter replied, trying to ignore the background noise coming from the call.

"Well, yes I can be there within three days as I'm currently out in the wilderness. But yes, I will come." She said, wiping her brow, the sweat accumulating was making her itch.

"Excellent! I assume you know my address, not to be arrogant nor anything like that but if you don't, I believe you will find the location easy to find. Until then Miss Schnee." He said, Winter replied quickly.

"Bye." she hung up and placed her phone back down on the table. Sitting down herself, she sighed before gazing up into the sun-kissed sky, watching the clouds roam across it.

"...Things… are looking up. Kron you bastard, you better hurry up and get back to me- shit, what am I thinking…" she leaned back but then raised her arms to stretch-

"-Phew… I better take A dip in the nearby lake. It's better then smelling this horrid."


An hour later, While roaming with Nail I was able to track down and collect the dragon ball's. the man was skeptical of me at first but with Nail there I was fine in the collecting of the wish orbs, merely his presence put the various villages at ease whenever I was spotted at each of them. I didn't have the ability to use telekinetic powers and neither was Nail being A warrior-type Namekian so he had the bright idea in taking A few of his people with him to help carry along the balls. Once gathered, the ball's were placed in A pile. One of the Namekian's who helped us, an elder guy who, shit… damn, this guy was that old man who uh, had the idea in blowing up the scouters in 'canon'. yeah what was his name?

"Excuse me Mr Kron, we now have all the Dragon Ball's. I'd like to send our people who gave us A hand in carrying the dragon ball's back to their villages, if that is alright." the elder Namakien spoke and i nodded, answering the man respectively.

"...Uh, yeah, that's alright sir… Umm, whats your name anyway, sir…" I asked respectively, I like this old man within 'canon' but seeing as this is now my 'life' now, I at least wanted to know the badasses name, seeing as I have forgotten or never knew it.

"...Ah, I am called Moori." Yeah, that was it. Right. The elderly Namek turned to the four men minus Nail and told them in their native language something, these men nodded and giving me weird or guarded looks, left in the directions of their villages.

"Alright. Moori here will summon the dragon. Once done, you will tell your wishes and he will translate it to the Dragon 'Porunga'." nodding at Nails words, Moori already begun to speak 'Namek' over the dragon ball's in an dramatic display. Moori finished speaking and I was about to witness something spectacular, something I had only seen while on A PC or T.V screen. 

"...??" the Namakien Moori was speaking was over and his hands were held up over the ball's. Then… The ball begun to light up… The skies dimmed to darkness and out of the dragon ball's A bright yellow light shot upwards, illuminating the dimmed sky then expanding into the shape of… the Namekian Dragon, 'Porunga'.

Covering my eyes briefly from the light, I watched as the now formed dragon, an phsyically imposing stature begun to speak in A roar, loudly so we could hear it. I started humming the theme before realizing what I was doing, stopping A Nail's questioning look, Nail spoke up.

"Thou who hast gathered the dragon ball's, now speak forth thy wishes. I shall grant thee any three wishes, which-soever art within mine ability" the dragons voice boomed, of power and authority could be easily picked up in its tone of voice.

"Tell Moori your first wish and be quick about it Kron." he grunted, waiting for me to consider what I wanted done first. Fine… this is it...

"The first wish is to Revive Weiss Schnee onto the planet-" uh Remnant… whats their planet's name anyway? That can't be the name can it?, she died too and many people must have went to her funeral there and I wouldn't be there to explain what happened. And beside Ironwood and Ozpin knowing none else would know how she miraculously revived. plus Winter is on planet Earth as well.

"-Earth." I finished telling Nail the first wish. Nail nodded, turning to Moori and then the elder Namak spoke in the Namekian language.

"...??" Moori finished speaking and then the dragon spoke loudly, I smiled A genuine smile for the first time in A while, not counting Recoome's jokes mid-fight.

"Understood, I shall grant thy first wish." Porunga's eyes glowed much more fiercely deep crimson and A could hear A slight high-pitched sound, I knew what that sound was. Heh, must have worked then…

"The second wish is to Revive Blake Belladonna onto the planet Earth." I spoke to Nail and he relayed it to Moori as to make sure what I said was properly translated. Moori finished relaying the wish to the dragon.

"...Understood, I shall grant thy second wish." And Porunga was able to do this wish as well, by the way his eyes lit up like A Christmas tree. Now, Salem… lets get this over with.

"My third wish is to remove the immortality placed on A woman named Salem. If your having trouble pin-pointing her location, she's on earth." I added her location as an afterthought, hoping that none other had the name Salem but the dragon should know who I'm speaking of right? Nail relayed this wish much more slower and Moori spoke to the dragon. After A tense amount of minutes, the dragon spoke.

"...Thy wish cannot be granted, thy curse has been placed on her by beings that surpass thy own power to grant." shit, that figures… well, what else can I do? Wait maybe 'that' is an idea… though I had no idea what will happen, it is something and I did promise the woman although I don't owe her nothing. Fine, I'll 'that'.

"...Nail, tell the dragon this…" I spoke slowly, Nail nodding before relaying it to the dragon through Moori who was the one speaking to the dragon.

Winter is living on Earth and training, might even make some money for herself and Salem to live off on.

Guru hasn't seen much of 'MC' memories, just surface thoughts and 'might' have seen their future... Guru would want to have his children training somehow though I'd reckon he would host more tournments for his people, in order to strengthen his warriors, they even do tournaments for wishes, at least from what i read on Wiki. 'MC'' had his 'potential' unlocked by the man and now 'MC' has made A promise to help the Namakien's in their time of need so theres that... Not sure how much 'potential' 'MC' has but I was thinking his base power X100 and have that as his new base level? Not sure et though, give me some ideas if you have A better idea, write A comment. Thanks for reading.


(Battle - Powers)

-Kron/MC = 61,124(68,000 Total-Supressed)- Oozaru(X10) = 680,000. Wrathful State(X10) = 680,000.

-Raven - In Other World = ??

-Yang = 63? - Semblance enhanced = 75? Spring Maiden = 875?

-Blake = 58? - In Other World = ??

-Weiss = 57? - In Other World = ??

-Adam = 96?(present)

-Junior = 24?

-Twins = 22?

-Roman = 31?

-Mercury = 45?

-Emerald = 44?

-Winter = 96

-Ruby = 44?

-Pyrrha = 80?

-Jaune = 45?

-Lie_Ren = 59?

-Nora = 64?


Known KI-Move's

-(Tyrant’s Wave) = An AOE attack, purple wave of Ki. Best for close to medium range, multiple opponents. The More Ki charged, the more range it covers.

-(Royal Spear) = An long range beam of purple, the end of the attack resembling an 'arrow head'. the beam take's time to charge. Best for Long range, multiple opponents. Can be charged for better damage.

-(Double Sunday) = An attack remade from being an favourite of 'mc', fires two beams of purple Ki at any target in front of opponent. Best for short and medium range. Can be used on one or two opponents at once.

-(Aura Sphere) = An activation passive ability, created by 'mc' to be used as A sort of training/survival technique. Allows user to breath in any location one cannot usually. 'Mc' has upgraded this technique to be able to take damage, like an shield.

Current damage-types taken- physical, KI.

Shield strength-low.

-((Modified)Saturday Crush) = Raditz Technique recreated is charged with one hand or can be charge with two hands, The KI forms A ball of purple energy that discharges on contact. It is capable of homing in on the target if the user is capable enough with manipulating Ki and paralyzes on contact, the explosion doing minor damage. Currently still been worked on by 'MC' to increase time of paralyzing effect, charging time? ((and damage recieved by target?).

-(KI manpiulation) = An instincial ability to manpiulate ones KI. 'MC' has so far been easily able to create or 'recreate' abilites using user's KI.

Warrior988creators' thoughts