
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Movies
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145 Chs

The end of the road (80)

In the weeks that followed the intense confrontation and apparent demise of the anomaly, the repercussions unfolded across the futuristic landscape. Despite the temporary relief from the threat, the future people found themselves facing a new peril. Drones, relentless and unwavering, hunted them down, forcing many to make the difficult choice between leaving their current refuge or facing the dire consequences on the backwater planet.

The once relatively stable situation turned into a chaotic exodus as the future people scattered, seeking safety back to their homeland.

As Ace walked through the city, his attention was suddenly drawn to a figure standing in front of him. To his surprise and disbelief, the person before him was none other than his mother, Mitsume. The unexpected encounter sparked a mix of emotions in Ace, ranging from astonishment to joy. Mitsume, in turn, looked at him with a warm yet slightly hesitant smile, as if uncertain of how he would react to her sudden appearance.

"Mom..." Ace uttered, his voice filled with a mixture of surprise and genuine warmth. Without hesitation, he rushed toward Mitsume and enveloped her in a tight hug, a tangible expression of the emotions that had surged within him. Mitsume, in turn, reciprocated the embrace, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken bond that had endured despite the challenges and uncertainties they had faced. The reunion marked a moment of connection and relief in the midst of the unpredictable circumstances that had shaped their lives.

In the quiet moment of their embrace, Mitsume took a step back, holding Ace at arm's length. Her gaze, filled with both regret and sincerity, met his. "Ace," she began, her voice carrying the weight of the confession she needed to make. "I... I need to apologize. I know I abandoned you as a child, and I can't express how sorry I am for leaving you alone."

Ace looked into his mother's eyes, absorbing the depth of her remorse. After a moment of contemplation, he spoke with a surprising maturity beyond his years. "Mom, you had no choice but to do it," he said, his voice carrying a compassionate understanding. "I may not understand everything, but I know you did what you had to do. We can't change the past, but I've grown up, and I forgive you."

Mitsume's eyes glistened with gratitude and relief as she heard Ace's forgiving words.

. The sunlight painted a golden hue over the scene, casting long shadows that danced around them as they stood on the porch.

Ace, his eyes reflecting the brightness of the day, held his mom close, a subtle tear glistening in the corner of his eye. The gentle breeze played with strands of their hair, creating a tender symphony of rustling leaves and whispered words.

His mother, feeling the weight of emotions in the air, wrapped her arms around him, offering a comforting haven. The sunlight highlighted the contours of their embrace, capturing the essence of a shared connection that transcended spoken language.

A tear fell down Ace eyes,he though that he would never see her again but here she was in his arms,he completely ignored the look people gave him and just held his mother in his arms as she held him close to her.

"Let's make up for lost time," Mitsume said, her voice filled with a mixture of joy and determination. She held her son in her arms, embracing him tightly as if trying to bridge the gap of all the moments they might have missed.

The air seemed to carry a sense of renewal as mother and son shared a promise for the future. Mitsume's words held the weight of a commitment to cherish each moment, to create new memories, and to build a connection that transcended any lost time.

Ace, feeling the warmth and sincerity in his mother's embrace, reciprocated the sentiment with a nod. The tears that once lingered in his eyes now gave way to a hopeful smile. The shared resolve between them painted the beginning of a chapter where the passage of time would no longer be a barrier to their bond.

Time skip

Aaron stood before the mirror, a reflection of resilience and strength despite the evident toll on his body. As he tended to his wounds, the sight in the mirror revealed the raw reality of his recent ordeal. Deep lacerations crisscrossed his skin, some still appearing freshly opened, the crimson evidence of a brutal encounter.

With a determined expression, Aaron worked methodically to close the wounds. Each motion was precise, a practiced ritual born from a lifetime of survival. The metallic tang of blood lingered in the air, a reminder of the violence that had transpired. The process was a silent testament to Aaron's ability to endure and mend, a solitary act of self-recovery. The mirror bore witness to the scars etched across his form, a visual narrative of battles fought and wounds healed, a testament to the resilience that defined him.

As Aaron continued his self-care routine, a somber sigh escaped his lips. His reflection in the mirror mirrored the weight of his thoughts. "If it wasn't for Rui saving my life, I wouldn't be here right now," he murmured,

"Let's hope that this is the last time this happens," Aaron uttered, the sentiment heavy with a desire for respite from the relentless cycle of danger and violence. With a smooth motion, he secured an elastic band around his hair.....

Aaron suddenly felt something and his smile vanished.

"Can't i have a moment of peace?"Aaron said annoyed as the figure of a man appeared infront of him.

Aaron stood there looking at the alien being in front of him, this had to be some kind of joke.

It wasn't even funny anymore, for fuck's sake, he just finish saving the world where Mitsume lived.

He almost fucking died to Suel and now he has to deal with this, now that he thinks about it.

Why the fuck did a celestial need his help for, he is no god, he is no super powered alien.

He doesn't have cheat codes running through his vein, that honor goes to Naomi.

He is only fucking human so why; out of all people he is now getting interrogated by a celestial.

Out of all people in the universe why did he has to be a fucking celestial?

Aaron. Looked at the man standing in front of him before saying.

"Your dear holiness, the fuck you are doing in my house."

"Watch your tone boy "The celestial said with a smile.

"I mean you are the one, that teleported my house, why should I be kind to an intruder."

"You do know that I can erase your existence right "The celestial added.

"Go ahead try it, see if I give a fuck" Aaron added nonchalantly.

He did not care about that fucker at all.

"You are just as bad, as the other celestial said yet you are nothing like father"The man said holding his temple.

"I know for a fact you are not here to say hi, you celestial may be nice, but you are not that nice "Aaron added to which the celestial just smiles saying.

"I need a favor from you."

"A celestial needing a favor from a human, that a first "Aaron said nonchantly.

"I want you to go to that world and kill a demon "The celestial said with a serious face.

"Isn't that technically your job, you do know that most demons can put me in a close casket funeral before I realize it yeah" Aaron said nonchalantly.

"Also isn't killing demon your job, why are you throwing that on me" Aaron said nonchalantly.

"The timeline it is in, is connected to the one that you have just saved, all I want you to do is go there and fix it "The celestial asked.

"And what do I have to gain from risking my life "Aaron said nonchalantly.

"A favor from the celestial race "He added to which Aaron just sigh saying "you aren't leaving even if I say no, so yeah yeh, although I would like it if you gave me something so that I don't get pack up like a grandma falling down some stairs "Aaron said nonchalantly to which the celestial just smiles before putting his hands on the boy head.

A glow emanated from his finger before he said," It is done."

"I swear to God if you just went through my memory that is fat no "Aaron said to which the celestial just vanishes leaving Aaron there.

"Guess time to save another fucking place "Aaron said nonchantly opening his watch and calibrating it to the world that he was going to.

He at least hoped that he fixed this soon, the chance of him being found are close to zero and even then.

He will just see what this world as to offer.

"Rui please sent me to the world of the coochie devil "Aaron said to which a purple Hair girl that look quite sad to see him leave just nodded before pushing down a switch as a bright light fell on Aaron body and he vanished.

Time skip a few seconds

Aaron appeared in front of a hot spring and upon further inspections it seemed to have a tv and that all he needed.

Maybe some of the news may reveal the current state of this world to him.

This new world might be fun after all.

A/N finna take a one week break and then come back with the new world,yall can try and guess it but i think it was quite obvious