
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Movies
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186 Chs

The end(79)

Suel raised his hands, intending to touch Aaron's chest, but Aaron, quick on his feet, ducked out of reach just in time. A mischievous smile adorned Suel's face as he prepared for a playful interaction. However, Aaron, realizing the potential consequences of their contrasting powers, couldn't resist the temptation.

With a goofy grin on his face, Aaron immediately teleported behind Suel, leaving a subtle ripple in the air. The once clear sky above them transformed into a canvas of ominous darkness. The clouds gathered, swirling and turning as the atmosphere crackled with an impending storm. The distant rumble of thunder echoed through the digital landscape."What are you doing? Let go of me!" Suel exclaimed, noticing the energy building up in the darkened sky.

"I wonder what happens when something positive and negative are near each other," Aaron mused, a mischievous grin widening on his face. Suel, now realizing the gravity of the situation, shuddered in fear.

In the face of impending danger, Suel pleaded, "You wouldn't... This guy wouldn't actually do that, would he?"

All of Suel's fears materialized as he witnessed the unrelenting grin on Aaron's face. The charged atmosphere reached its climax as bolts of lightning arced through the darkened sky, converging toward Suel.

The impending shock was inevitable, and there was no denying it now. The electrifying confrontation between positive and negative energies was about to unfold, leaving Suel to confront the consequences of their playful yet potentially perilous clash.

The lightning struck Suel square in the chest, sending a surge of excruciating pain through his entire body. As both Aaron and Suel crashed to the ground, the impact created a sizable crater in the terrain. The aftershocks of the electrifying clash lingered in the air.

As their bodies settled onto the ground, Aaron emerged from the chaotic aftermath, a contagious laughter escaping him like an unruly symphony. He couldn't contain his amusement, his eyes sparkling with the thrill of the unexpected and the joy of the unconventional.

"Hahaha... this was so freaking fun," Aaron exclaimed, his laughter echoing through the broken and destroyed landscape. He sat up with a massive grin on his face, the residue of electrifying energy crackling around him like ethereal sparks.

"Let's do it again! Use that proton glove of yours, transfer all that positive energy into me, and let's dance with lightning one more time!"

His proposition hung in the charged air, and Aaron's eyes glinted with an insatiable appetite for more exhilarating moments. The experience, though painful, had ignited a wild enthusiasm within him. He was on the verge of euphoria, reveling in the unpredictability of their clash and eager to dive back into the electrifying chaos that had unfolded.

"Let play a new game...let call it hunting the game creator.... that a great idea. Let count to 10 before hunting him down "Aaron said to himself as he looks at the beaten body of Suel on the floor with what seemed to be a feral grin.

Aaron's eyes glinted with a feral madness as he stood over Suel's beaten body, a sinister grin stretching across his face. The impact from the fight seemed to have unleashed a disturbing insanity within him, casting an eerie shadow over the scene.

"One..." Aaron's voice echoed with an unsettling calmness as Suel desperately crawled away, the grim determination in his eyes mirroring his fear.

"Two..." Each number dripped with a macabre anticipation, sending a cold shudder through the air as Suel struggled to put distance between himself and the impending threat.

"Three..." The rhythm of Aaron's counting quickened, the sinister undertone growing more pronounced with every uttered digit, casting a shadow over Suel's desperate escape.

"Four..." Suel's breath hitched, his heart pounding in sync with the ominous countdown, the relentless pursuit of safety becoming more elusive with each passing second.

"Five..." The atmosphere thickened, the weight of Aaron's madness pressing down on Suel, amplifying the dread that fueled his frantic crawl.

"Six..." The numbers echoed like a sinister mantra, intensifying the chase, as Suel's movements betrayed a mix of agony and terror, his escape a desperate bid for survival.

"Seven..." Aaron's voice lingered in the air, a haunting soundtrack to Suel's harrowing retreat, the twisted game of cat and mouse reaching a climax.

"Eight..." Suel's every labored breath seemed to echo Aaron's count, the disparity between them diminishing, the inevitability of the impending confrontation closing in.

"Nine..." The penultimate number hung in the air, a malevolent crescendo as Suel's crawl became a desperate, last-ditch effort to evade the encroaching menace.

"Ten..." The final count fell like a heavy, foreboding curtain, sealing Suel's fate as the mad pursuit culminated in a chilling confrontation, leaving the outcome hanging in the air like a macabre question mark.

Aaron's feral grin widened, casting an ominous shadow on his face. "Wherever you are, I am coming," he declared with a chilling determination. The air crackled with tension as he began the relentless search for the elusive game creator, his every step echoing a sense of impending doom.

As Aaron stalked through the shadows, his predatory gaze scanned the surroundings with a relentless intensity. Suel, hidden and holding his breath, felt the weight of a truth-tinged fear settle in. The roles had reversed, and the game creator now found himself pursued by the very techniques he had once inflicted on others. Every creaking step from Aaron echoed a haunting familiarity, amplifying Suel's dread as he realized the visceral fear he had once inspired was now closing in on him.

"Why go through all that trouble for them? It's not like they did anything for you," Suel's voice cut through the stillness, laying bare the cold calculus of betrayal that seemed to define Aaron's past. "They even fear you; they would just stab you in the back like they always have done."

Suel's gaze bore into Aaron, unflinching and accusatory. "Tell me, Aaron, do you think Mitsume would be happy to see you after you save her? Or would she call you a fucking monster like they all did?"

The words seemed to echo in the silence, and for a few moments, Aaron stood there, unmoving. for some reason deep down, he knew Suel was right and that hurt...a lot.

Aaron's response carried a bitter edge, his words laced with a hardened resolve. "And what do you expect me to do...cry? I've cried enough to know that shit doesn't get any help nor pity from people. It doesn't even help anymore," he declared, the weight of past pain evident in his voice. The veneer of his insanity served as a shield, concealing the raw emotions beneath.

"I don't care if she sees me as that, considering I won't be here after killing you," Aaron continued, his admission hanging in the air, revealing a chilling determination. The promise he spoke of added an ominous layer to the unfolding drama, hinting at a tragic resolution.

"I made a promise that I plan to keep, so come here and let me shoot you," Aaron concluded, the invitation to violence saturated with a grim acceptance of his fate.

"Nobody actually cares about you, and it's your own fault. You spent time antagonizing people on both sides to the point where nobody has come to your defense," Suel added, delivering a harsh truth. The weight of Aaron's isolated existence seemed to hang in the air, and Suel's words were a cutting reminder of the consequences of a life spent alienating others.

"Boohoo, as if I would care about that," Aaron retorted with a mocking smile. The facade of indifference clashed with the turmoil beneath, a defense mechanism to shield himself from the painful reality that echoed in Suel's words.

"And what you will leave, and everyone there will resent you for ruining their chances to take what they wanted, not that they had a chance."Suel said looking at Aaron as he realize his words had an effect on him so his best plan on action was to antagonize Aaron further.

"I've experienced it enough to become numb to it, just like I'm numb to most physical torture and damage. After experiencing it so many times, I grew dull to it," Aaron spoke with a detached calmness, his eyes betraying the weight of the horrors he'd endured. "It's terrifying what could happen to a child that had to learn how to kill and survive on its own since childhood."

He paused, the room hanging in a silence punctuated only by the echoes of his haunted past.

"At this point, I have more blood on my hands than you—the perfect murderer, the perfect punching bag. If I die, then, heh, the anomaly is dead. And if I complete a mission, then that's good for y'all. I wonder what happens when the perfect monster decides to hunt down its creator. I mean, aren't y'all gods? It won't be much, trust me," he said, a maniacal grin stretching across his face. The juxtaposition of his detached demeanor and the disturbing reality of his words painted a portrait of a soul corroded by a lifetime of pain and violence.

"Now, creator, let me show you a bit of my despair, shall we?" Aaron's voice dripped with a chilling edge, a demonic grin etched across his face as he ominously closed the distance, casting an eerie shadow over the impending encounter. The air thickened with a sense of foreboding as the twisted game between creator and creation played out in the dimly lit space.

The horrified onlookers could hardly believe their eyes as Aaron subjected Suel to unspeakable torment. His actions, in their brutality, transcended the bounds of humanity, leaving the spectators frozen in shock and disgust. Aaron's smile, devoid of empathy, twisted with sadistic glee as he callously remarked, "If a 9-year-old child could take it, then so can you."

Aaron, his demonic grin undiminished, walked away from Suel's battered and seemingly lifeless body. The relentless assault had left Suel broken, his spirit shattered along with several bones and even organs. The grim aftermath painted a picture of absolute brutality, and as Aaron moved away, a chilling calmness settled over the scene.

Pulling out a magnum gun, Aaron approached Suel's limp form with an unsettling purpose. The room hung heavy with the aftermath of despair, and without a word, Aaron pressed the cold metal of the gun into Suel's mouth. The silence was deafening, broken only by the ominous click as the barrel met its destination, a macabre punctuation to the harrowing spectacle that had just unfolded. The air itself seemed to recoil, holding its breath in anticipation of the irreversible final act in this twisted tale.

"Haha, this is so good. I feel so high, so good... Look at you, wondering how all this happened. The truth is, I made all of this happen. I made all the plans, I tricked each and every single one of you," Aaron declared with a feral grin, reveling in the chaos he had orchestrated. The revelation hung in the air like a malevolent mist, settling over the bewildered onlookers.

"Imagine that on your record... You were being played like a marionette while I was controlling your actions. Isn't it funny? The game master was being played by the player," he taunted, his words a haunting echo of the twisted satisfaction he derived from manipulating the intricate threads of the macabre narrative that had unfolded.

Suel, likely in a state of denial, faced Aaron's accusation. "Tell me, Suel... When you saw the 'I fucked your mom' sign, you just thought it was the stupid anomaly being stupid, didn't you?" Aaron's voice dripped with a sinister satisfaction. "You didn't expect for me to use it as bait to get my hands on a vision driver."

"You didn't expect the stupid anomaly to have a plan, did you?" Aaron remarked with a twisted smile, the satisfaction in his voice underscoring the unexpected cunning hidden beneath the facade of chaos.

The revelation of a calculated scheme disrupted the perception of randomness, leaving Suel and the onlookers grappling with the unsettling realization that the "stupid anomaly" had orchestrated events with a purpose.

With a sudden, brutal motion, Aaron smacked Suel's face against the unforgiving concrete, emphasizing the vindictive intent behind his actions. The revelation of the twisted scheme left an unsettling taste in the air, a realization that the seemingly innocuous had been manipulated into a strategic move in a dark and calculated game.

Aaron seized Suel by the back of his head, cruelly pulling him up to display the bloodied and beaten figure to the camera. With a cold triumph in his voice, he declared, "So, this is your game creator. A man that was supposed to be your apex, and yet he fucking lost."

The macabre showcase laid bare the defeated and broken state of the once-powerful figure, a stark contrast to the expectations placed upon him. The camera captured the aftermath of the brutal confrontation, immortalizing the fall of a supposed apex, a chilling testament to the unpredictable turns orchestrated by Aaron's twisted machinations.

"When I am done with him, I will hunt each and every single one of y'all, and that is a promise," Aaron declared with a sinister grin. However, the atmosphere shifted abruptly as a dagger appeared in Suel's hands, and he thrust it into Aaron's chest. Astonishingly, Aaron didn't even flinch; instead, he turned his head toward Suel with a chilling smile and asked, "Did you expect this to hurt?"

The eerie calmness in Aaron's response contrasted sharply with the violent act, leaving an unsettling sense that Aaron's resilience went beyond the physical, delving into a realm where pain and consequence held little sway.

"If you have the energy to stab me, it means you have the energy left to fight, right?" Aaron's words, laced with a feral grin, sent a shiver down Suel's spine. In that moment, the realization hit him—this was about to be a brutal beatdown.The anticipation of what was to come hung in the air like a storm, and Suel braced himself for the impending onslaught. Aaron's eerie calmness in the face of pain hinted at a reservoir of strength and ferocity that transcended the physical, and Suel was about to become the unfortunate recipient of that unleashed brutality.

Aaron ruthlessly smacked Suel against the unforgiving concrete, the impact echoing through the space. "Floor, meet game creator. Game creator, this is floor. Y'all will be getting very familiar with each other," Aaron sneered with a sadistic satisfaction, turning the violence into a grotesque introduction between the battered game creator and the unyielding surface.

The ominous tone of Aaron's words foreshadowed a relentless beatdown, painting a grim picture of the fate that awaited Suel in the brutal encounter.

With a relentless fury, Aaron began to rain punches on Suel's face, the force of each blow breaking not only the mask but also his own hands. The sickening sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the air as the gruesome spectacle unfolded. Through it all, Aaron's bloodied visage emerged, a testament to the brutal toll the assault was taking on him.

"Fight back, don't die on me yet. I have so much more to do with you," Aaron's words, spoken with a disturbing mix of sadism and anticipation, hung in the air like a sinister mantra. The one-sided violence continued, creating a disturbing tableau of torment and suffering that seemed to have no end in sight.

The grim scene took a bizarre turn as Aaron, wearing a twisted smile, wiped blood off his gun before placing it in Suel's mouth. "Open wide and let me blow my load into your mouth," he sneered, the sadistic edge in his voice cutting through the air. The atmosphere thickened with confusion and horror as Aaron initiated a game of Russian roulette, pushing Suel's life to the brink once again.

Suel, looking at Aaron with a mixture of terror and bewilderment, witnessed the unsettling spectacle unfold. Aaron's unexpected declaration of "No homo" brought a momentary pause, only to be shattered as he pulled the trigger, releasing confetti into Suel's mouth.

"Look at you swallowing another man's load," Aaron taunted, his laughter ringing out in a twisted display of psychological torment. The macabre game was a calculated attempt to break Suel's mental health, a disturbing strategy to rid the world of this malevolence without resorting to outright killing.

The room, now tainted with a surreal mixture of laughter and horror, bore witness to the psychological warfare that Aaron had unleashed, leaving Suel teetering on the edge of sanity.

Aaron lowered himself to Suel's level, his voice a sinister murmur near Suel's ears. "Admit you lost, and I will make your end painless," he whispered, the words hanging in the air like a malevolent promise. The proximity of Aaron's voice intensified the psychological pressure on Suel, forcing him to confront the grim reality of his defeat and the offer of a seemingly merciful end.

Suel, broken beyond belief, both mentally and physically, managed to muster a feeble admission, "I... lost..." The words, uttered with defeat, hung in the air, a stark acknowledgment of the relentless torment he had endured.

Aaron grinned in response, a sadistic satisfaction etched across his face. The viewers, a mix of horror and sadistic entertainment, witnessed the culmination of a psychological and physical onslaught. Some recoiled in horror at the grotesque spectacle, while others, disturbingly, found entertainment in the twisted drama unfolding before them.

Amidst the grim scene, blood splattered everywhere, and the metallic scent of iron hung heavy in the air. Aaron, poised to deliver another punishing blow, suddenly stopped. The sharp report of a gunshot echoed through the space, and Aaron looked down at his shirt, recognizing the ominous presence of blood seeping from his chest.

Without warning, he collapsed onto the floor, seemingly unconscious. In the chaotic aftermath, a woman rushed over to Suel. "Suel-sama, are you alright?" she inquired, concern etched across her face. Swiftly, she administered some kind of pill, providing relief to Suel in his battered state. 

Suel stood up, a mixture of exhaustion and determination etched on his face. He cast a cold gaze at Aaron. "To think that an Anomaly almost killed me, I will have to make sure this never happens again. No... not just an anomaly, just a monster," he declared with conviction.

Ensuring the threat was neutralized, Suel shot Aaron two more times before turning away, accompanied by his assistant. The gravity of his injuries compelled Suel to seek proper medical attention urgently.

The live-streamed event left the viewers in a collective state of shock, the aftermath of violence and the twisted display of power lingering in the air. Aaron's lifeless body sprawled on a pool of blood became a haunting image, a grim testament to the dark realities unfolding in their world. The echoes of the violent encounter would reverberate in the minds of those who witnessed it, leaving a chilling impact on the virtual audience.

Aaron subconscious."Welcome to..." The angelic lady's warm greeting faded as she recognized Aaron. A momentary pause hung in the air, and her expression shifted, a subtle mix of surprise and reservation replacing the initial warmth. 

The atmosphere in the pure white room became charged with an unspoken tension as Aaron, the anomaly, stood before her. The encounter hinted at a deeper narrative, leaving the nature of this celestial realm and Aaron's presence within it shrouded in mystery.

"You are not supposed to be here," the angelic lady declared, her gaze fixed on Aaron. His response was a confident smile,

As the angelic lady uttered the words,chains materialized around Aaron's body, emitting an unknown energy. These chains tightened, wrapping around him with an otherworldly force, and began to drag him back toward his physical form. Aaron's descent was swift, and as the chains pulled him back, he opened his eyes once more in his own body.

A mild disappointment flickered across Aaron's expression, a sign that whatever realm he had briefly entered had rejected him. 

As Aaron noticed the two people walking away, he swiftly removed his gun from his side and shot the woman in the head. His smile grew as he turned his attention to Suel, uttering, "This wasn't the kind of head you expected, huh?"

Suel's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, his expression reflecting the astonishment of seeing Aaron alive when he was presumed dead.

He then walked over to him before he looked at Suel,he then smile before saying "you should have aimed for my head."

After those words left his mouth, the sound of two bullets being fired off was heard.

Aaron looked at the camera before giving a bloody smile.....

Pov change.

Inside the Kamen Rider headquarters, the reactions were a turbulent mix of shock and horror. Chirami, who had thought as Suel as an unstoppable chessmaster, as fitting for the man running the DGP, was beat. By the anomaly of all things, for him, it was like seeing a god get killed by a blundering buffoon

Keiwa's mental state teetered between horror at the brutality of Aaron's actions and a deeper concern for Aaron's own condition. The visible display of Aaron's injuries, with bones exposed and bloodied, stirred a different kind of fear. The haunting words he had uttered, particularly the reference to a child enduring similar torment, lingered in Keiwa's mind, casting a shadow of unease.

He still remember what Ace had said earlier,....

"Aaron..... Was he really....?"Keiwa said opne looking at the scene.

 "He wasn't. It was easier for him to make everyone else believe in what he doing. So it wouldn't be as hard on either of us."Ace explained...

As for Neon, she was nothing short of mortified for how she had treated him. Given Beroba, Ziin and even Kyuun's behavior, she would have figured that people from the future were off, but never to the extent where a young man such as Aaron would have likely gone through many betrayals and possible heartbreaks

Out of all three of them Ace was the one who got the situation the most,He saw through all of Aaron plan,he wanted to break Suel spirit and also break his body and it seemed like he wanted to make everyone think of him as a monster but he didnt let Aaron do that as he explain what Aaron was doing as the fought when on.

This was the least he could do considering all this man did, because of him it will be easier to kick of the dgp now that their game creator were gone.

POV change

Beroba was having a field day with this,this was beautiful,everything she ever wanted served to her on a silver platter.

And considering from the anomaly wound,he would be out for a while meaning that she has no supervision over and she has nothing to fear.

She could do anything she wanted but before she could think further.

On the screen she heard Aaron said "If yall think yall just become free remember,I still have the goddess in my possession and her power are fully back...yall better be gone before i make my wish"

"Come on"Beroba said pouting,and he just ruined her future fun,Michinaga on the other hand although hated Aaron gut,was not against his action.

He got rid of the dgp and even if he wanted to do it himself,he didnt wasnt to piss about it.

"Tch"Michinaga said.

Pov shift

Mitsume watched Aaron bloody body and felt bad.....why go through all of that and as soon as those thought passed through his mind,she rememeber a sweet memory of him.


"I promise ya,i will make sure you get to live with your son no matter what,my little goddess."Aaron said with a grin as he patted her head as she blushed heavily.

She couldnt help her heart from beating faster and faster,she was flustered.

The words coming out of his mouth was able to make her feel this way....should she....

Flashback end

She wished now that she had said how she felt but maybe she would have the chance as the figure of Aaron fell on the ground.

As the figure of Aaron crumpled to the ground, Mitsume found herself grappling with a sense of regret. 

As Aaron's body began to vanish, a serene smile adorned his face. The enigmatic figure seemed to welcome the inevitable embrace of death with open arms. The ethereal disappearance left behind a lingering sense of mystery and finality, marking the end of his presence in this realm.

Far from the aftermath of the intense struggle, an unknown figure stood, their face adorned with a calm expression. Gazing up at the sky, their demeanor suggested a quiet contemplation. The only audible sound was a soft utterance, "Aaron,"







Suel body twitched on the floor