
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Movies
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145 Chs

First impression (1)

Aaron stood in front of the spa's door, contemplating the nature of his demanding job. Shaking off these thoughts, he entered the bathhouse. As he stepped inside, he observed that it was a family-owned establishment, a detail that intrigued him.

"Welcome to the Iguarashi bathhouse," a friendly teenager greeted him with a smile. The atmosphere suggested that his presence had stirred some curiosity among the locals.

Remaining somewhat reserved, Aaron eventually spoke up, "I just need a bath, and I heard this place offers some good baths." His words conveyed a desire for relaxation, and the teenager seemed ready to assist him in making the most of his visit.

The teenager greeted Aaron with a warm smile, guiding him toward the bathhouse. Inquisitive, the teenager asked if Aaron was a foreigner.

"You could say that I am," Aaron calmly replied as he entered the inviting warmth of the bath. Swiftly shedding his clothes, he immersed himself in the soothing water, feeling the tension in his muscles begin to dissolve.

While Aaron relished the relaxation, his mind wandered, lost in thought. Unintentionally, his eyes flickered with an unusual energy, a golden hue emanating from them. The peculiar occurrence added an unexpected mystique to the serene atmosphere of the bathhouse.

Pov change

Inside a base, a celebratory atmosphere filled the air as people gathered to honor someone named Gifu and his fiancée. However, the festivities were overshadowed by a glowing console in the middle of the room.

The console emitted an ominous energy, and its purpose seemed clear—it sensed something in the world that could pose a threat to its impending rebirth. A sense of urgency loomed as the console sought to eliminate this potential problem before it could materialize into a threat. The celebration carried an undercurrent of tension as unseen forces plotted behind the scenes.

Pov changed back to Aaron.

Aaron looked at the news and heard them talk about another dead man attack, he didn't know what that was.

Anyway, he just got out of his bath and walked around butt-ass naked, he found no need...as he was looking around for his stuff.

He bumped into someone, Aaron stumbled a bit before getting back his footing he then looked at the figure in front of him before saying "You alright.."

However, the person did not answer and stayed shocked, Aaron then looked down before realizing he was butt-ass naked but instead of covering himself he just smiled and said" Enjoying the view"

He jokes smiling before covering himself back up, she had long run away, he might have scared this girl for life but that was none of his business.

He probably won't ever see her again, as he wraps himself in a towel someone else enters the room but he does not bother to look and keeps changing until he is done.

Once he was done, he stretched his body a bit before going outside.

As he walked outside the bathhouse, he noticed the same teenager who greeted him getting scared by something and acting a bit crazy.

"You hit your head or something kid," Aaron said bluntly.

Upon noticing the teen didn't see him Aaron eyes then started to glow a strange yellow color that only he could see.

He then notice something floating next to the king assembling like it was towering over him.

That probably why the kid was scared.....

"So that how a devil looks like....I expected better"Aaron said disappointed seem lying going back to his old self as his tired self started to leave him.

"Wait...you can see him to"The teenager said upon noticing that Aarok could see the being next to him.

"Yep, the white black body devil that looks like it's on a diet...I see it and frankly, I feel disappointed..."Aaron said bluntly.

The demon in the room said nothing only staring at Aaron's eyes with a look of confusion and fear, something about those yellow eyes screamed out danger.

"Ikki, protect me"The demon said hiding behind the teenager no known as Ikki.

"Get away from me," Ikki said trying to avoid the demon.

Meanwhile, the family in the room looks at Aaron a bit intrigued. Could he actually see a person demon?


Aaron let out a sigh before candidly speaking, "Have you ever watched a cringy YouTube video where someone claims to have a monster inside them and wants to let it loose? Well, that's basically your situation, and that white-haired fool is your, anyway... I need to get some stuff done. This demon problem won't get fixed on its own." With that, he walked away, ensuring the teenager was okay before continuing his journey to tackle the impending demon issue.