
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Movies
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145 Chs

Deadman attack (2)

Time skip

Aaron strolled through the city streets, a hand casually tucked in his pocket, seemingly lost in his thoughts. Unmindful of the potential consequences, he continued his walk. However, with the temperature nearing 100 degrees, the heat began to take its toll. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, the discomfort exacerbated by the jacket he wore, creating a less-than-ideal situation for his casual stroll.

Exhaustion crept over Aaron, pushing him to seek refuge. Realizing he had no money, he muttered a frustrated "Dam" to himself. In search of a secluded spot, he wandered toward the dessert side of the city and found solace in an abandoned building. There, utilizing his futuristic tech, he fashioned a makeshift home, ensuring he had sustenance and water. Now rested and replenished, his focus shifted to the pursuit of the elusive final boss in this intricate game of challenges and unknown adversaries.

As time passed in this unfamiliar world, Aaron found himself grappling with boredom and a yearning for the familiar faces of Mitsume World. The monotony of the surroundings and the absence of the connections he held dear began to weigh on him.


As The Igarashi family was celebrating Daiji's accomplishment and praising him for it one of them was particularly quiet.

They had quite a weird scenario, Sakura had never seen a man naked before and that man seemed to have no shame.

Did he really have to ask her if she was enjoying the view, who would go walking around with that thing outside?

"Sakura-chan you seem distant is there anything in your mind"The mother said upon noticing the state of her child.

"I am fine ma, I am just thinking about the test that is coming up," Sakura said immediately pulling out an excuse out of her ass.

"If it's an exam I am sure you can do it after all you have your whole family supporting you," The mom said smiling to which everyone seemed to agree with her while Sakura just smiled.

Phew that was this situation avoided.

Time skip

Aaron sat somewhere in the assembly as it was happening, he was here for one reason, Fenix was about to crown their Kamen rider and they were showing off a brand-new stamp.

He wasn't a gambling man but if he was to guess where the villain's next attack would be this place seemed like a reliable guess and so he just sat there and waited.

He listened to the speech and all that stuff but as soon as a hole was made through the wall.

He put one of his hands on his neck and sight...they were so predictable.

He looked at the buckle he kept from his last mission and smiled, guess he was going to use this after all, he didn't want to reveal his identity too soon and with a smile on his face.

He used it, his familiar armor appeared on his body.

He immediately turn on his golden eyes and as soon as he did that all the deadman around him started to target him in particular.

"I swear to god if won't of y'all take this time to leave and just stand there and watch I am going to commit a crime"Aaron screamed as he noticed so many people just staring at him instead of running away to save their lives.

Fenix made sure to evacuate the people but Aaron's main focus wasn't the people, it was the terrorists.

He launched at them and started to fight a three vs one and that was incredibly unfair.

He could tell that individual he could beat them but as a group....they were going to blow him back to Narniah and with that knowledge.

He could win but his wounds were still somewhat fresh so he would rather not risk it.

Aaron started to make fun of them"That's a lot of makeup there lady, you sure you ain't trying to hide anything"

"In all my years of being alive I don't think I have seen such ugly villains" He said as he ducked under an attack.

"Who are you"The woman asked to which he reply.

"I am someone"Aaron said as he duck her attack.

He was then attacked by the other one...to be fair his wounds from his last fight hadn't fully healed yet reason why his body was still pretty badly scared.

Suel did some very big damage to him, he doesn't even know how he came out of this alive but that was not what he was worrying about.

He pulled out the magnum buckle...he the activated it before he opened his mouth and said"I am about to turn this place into an American school"

As those words left his mouth he started to shoot bullets at the dead man group.

Sparks flew everywhere as he continue to shoot them mercilessly.

He only stopped when he heard the sound of a woman scream, this caused him to stop and turn around, and what he saw made him look a bit surprised.

The bodies of several people lay on the floor dead and neutralized.guts livers blood cover the floor in a familiar red color.