
That Time I Got Reincarnated in a Fantasy Magic World!

When I died, I was given the chance of a lifetime! I get to reincarnate into any world I want with wishes. The only problem is, I don't know what world to go to! So many choices, so little time! "What's that? I can mix worlds!?" *Rubs hands together evilly* "Excellent!"

Golden_Slime · Anime & Comics
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Shizue and run-up to the gatehouse of the Graveyard and see a giant amalgamation of Skeletons raising its hand into the sky. It's about to bring it down to crush the gatehouse when it is suddenly impaled in the head by a large Claymore.

The guards turn towards us, only to she Shizue jump over them and draw her sword. She coats it in Blue Flame then slams it into the floor.

"{Azure Eruption}!" She calls out as Blue flames shoot up into the sky, raining back down onto the army of skeletons on the other side of the gatehouse. She quickly swips her blade to the side, illuminated in the night by blue flame and standing on a small mound above everyone.

The guards begin to gawk in awe before I hover over beside her and call my Claymore back to me like Thor does with his hammer. I don't really need it, since I created it with [Azura Mazda] along with hundreds of other Relic Class weapons on my way here. I just wanted to look cool like Shizue. I won't lie, I had a minor nerdgasm with my Gilgamesh impression earlier plus I didn't like the fact that Shizue was much cooler than me just now.

"We are the Conquerors of the Flames, Adventurers! We are on a personal request to rescue a young man from a necromancer in this graveyard. Fear not! We shall clear out the undead on our way through. You just have to worry about any stragglers." I say as another behemoth crawls up from our left.

I simply use Yue's magic that she taught me and throw an {Azure Blaze} at it, reducing it to ash before Shizue and I jump over the gate and decimate the remaining hundreds of undead. By the time the guards return to the gatehouse walls we have already disappeared, leaving hundreds of skeletons behind.


After about twenty minutes of fighting our way through the hundreds of undead, I instantly grow tired of it.

"Forget it. I'm done. Akasha!"

[On it master!]

[Acquiring Extra Skill [Undead Control]...]


[Ah! That's it! Master, I've got an idea! You'll love this!]

[Evolving Extra Skill [Undead Control] to Unique Skill [Shadow Monarch]]


[Acquiring Unique Skill [Tartarus]...]


[Utilizing Unique Skill [Degenerate] to merge Unique Skills [Tartarus] and [Shadow Monarch]...]


[Aquired Ultimate Skill [Hades: King of the Underworld]]


Suddenly all the undead in the area stop moving and immediately bow to me. I facepalm and Shizue turns to me with a taunting smirk before obviously faking her shock.

"Oh no! Mr. Momon was the villain all along!" She said over-exaggeratedly.

"Oh quiet you... ha... [Hades]." I say as a shadow engulfs the nearby hundreds of undead and consumes them. It is different from [Beelzebuth] which is black and purple. This one is Black and Blue.

A moment later all the undead appear again in new shadow soldier armor with burning skull faces with a blue flame engulfing their heads. They are at least B-Ranked and have a few useful skills, like [Regeneration EX] and [Shadow Step]. I send them a mental command for them to hide in the shadows and lead the way to Nfirea.

We walk over and see Khajiit and his surrounding lackies whispering and doing some kind of ritual.

"Khajiit-sama, the intruders have arrived."

"Ok so whats the point n you all wearing hoods with enchantments to blur your faces if you call each other with your names?" I say with amusement.

Khajiit clicks his tongue and looks at the hooded figure who backs way in fear. He then emerges from the crowd and begins whispering a magic chant.

"Seriously? No retort? Just gonna attack me?" I say as I look at him raise his Orb of Death.

"{Heart Crush}!" He calls out a third-tier instant death spell and casts it at me. A ray of purplish dark energy shoots towards me before it hits my [Multidimensional Barrier]. The sound of energy fizzling could be heard as I stand there completely fine.

"Sorry, I have [Instant Death Nullification], though you really screwed yourself there," I say as a magic circle opens in front of me and the same energy wave is shot back towards them. This is my [Magic Reflection]. Any new magic spell that hits me is absorbed by my [Multidimensional Barrier] then shot back towards the caster. I added this little delay just in case I wanted to consume the magic with [Beelzebuth].

Khajiit mercilessly grabs one of his subordinates, the one who called his name earlier and brings him in front of him to block the shot. The young man cries bloody murder as his skin begins to burn away and he begins bleeding from all his orifices and even begins crying blood before going limp.

"Dude... so not cool," I say with a sweatdrop.

"Someone like you, who uses their subordinates like tools!" Shizue says while her hair droops over her face making her look dramatic. "DOESN'T DESERVE TO LIVE!!!" She yells as white flame engulfs her blade.

"{Radiant Blaze}!" She says as a giant fireball the size of a house and carrying Holy Energy flys towards the group.


A dozen bodies fall to the side, charred and dead. Khajiit has major burns on his body and is still alive. It seems he used a {Wall of Skeletons} to block most of the fire but was still burned by the insane amount of purified magicules in the fire.

"Tsk! You bitch! I'll enjoy turning you into my undead toy!"

"A-are you a necro?" I ask with hesitation.

Shizue narrows her eyes and looks pissed even more. Khajiit doesn't deny my claim and even flushes slightly before shaking his head side-to-side to snap out of his delusions.

"It seems I have no choice. Clementine hasn't returned yet either. Come! Skeletal Dragons!" Khajiit yells as he summons three Skeletal Dragons. I notice that these Skeletal Dragons have [Magic Reistance] and [Magic Jamming] which makes them the 'enemies of mages'. Of course, magic at our level is still too much for them.

Khajiit begins casting buffs on the Dragons and Shizue looks like she is about to charge them but I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her. She looks at me for a minute before nodding and calming down. Unfortunately, Khajiit mistakes my actions for hesitation and uses the remaining magicules to empower all the Dragons with even more buffs.

"Heh! Now, what will you two do? Magic won't work on these Skeletal Dragons and they are even stronger now than they were before! As a matter of fact..." Khajiit says as he pulls out various magicule restoration potions and chugs them.

"Greater Undead Summoning! {Death Knight!}" He yells as normal Death Knight is summoned. It takes over the body of one of the dead cultists. The Death Knight then uses a skill of some kind to turn the rest of the bodies into Squire Zombies.

Khajiit is now laughing maniacally. He is having trouble breathing due to his glee. He composes himself before casting even more buffs on his new Undead. Once they are all buffed up, he looks towards us again and waves his head as if to tell us to attack.

"DIE! Kill them, my slaves! Make sure to keep the girl's body as undamaged as possible." He said as he licked his lips.

"Ok, I'm done. You disgust me. [Hades]" I say as all of his undead are instantly converted and to my Shadow Soldiers. I let him cast the buffs earlier because when I took them over, they will become permanent status increases rather than buffs.

The new Shadow Dragons and Shade Knight and Squire Shades all bow to me. I remove my mask and show Khajiit my evil smile.

"Now then. You wanted to do something rather unsavory to my woman just now didn't you?" I speak in a chilling tone while releasing a fraction of my aura. Not enough to kill him, but enough to force him on his knees then his belly as though he was under the pull of 50x gravity.

He opens his mouth to say something but I simply open a [Beelzebuth] bubble inside his chest and consume his lungs. He tries to cough up blood and he feels unimaginable pain in his chest. He can't even release his pain by getting the blood out of his stomach without lungs. His eyes shrink in fear while the Shade Knight slowly walks towards him with his Shade Squires.

They all raise their weapons and impale the bastard as he tries to scream but can't without lungs. He writhes in agony for a while before he finally succumbs to the pain and dies. I then create a Hollow Mage out of his corpse and create dummy corpses with [Azura Mazda] to turn into the guards. Now the corpses can be stolen but they won't be able to be revived.

Shizue and I walk into the crypt and free Nfirea from his enslavement. I take the Crown of Wisdom off Nfirea with [Beelzebuth] to free him from its effects without killing him or destroying the item. It's going to be my souvenir for this mission since I don't really need a mind-controlling item, especially if it can't be removed without destroying it or killing the host.

I heal Nfirea with some healing magic and we walk outside. I quickly put on my mask before several adventurers and numerous guards come running up, only to see the devastation from our battle (not really, the ground was just broken up due to the Skeletal Dragons emerging from the ground).

They begin to cheer as they also saw the hundreds of broken skeletons on their way to here and assumed that that was all of them. They never even considered Skeletal Dragons nor a Death Knight appearing.

I raise my fist into the sky and let out a victory cry, which the others also mimic as the Sun comes over the horizon.




I sit on my throne as Demiurge appears in front of me. I summoned him back since I wanted to give him something.

"AH! Rimuru-sama. It is my greatest and deepest of pleasures to appear before you again."

"Demiurge, you have served me faithfully and dutifully. You have brought results that are most impressive and I wish to reward you for that. Come here." I state as Demiurge approaches me.

I then place my hand on him chest and transfer a weaker version of [Shadow Monarch] to him. Demiurge widens his eyes and bows deeply.

"For my lord to transfer to me one of his Unique Skills! I am beyond euphoric, my lord! I, Demiurge, offer you even greater devotion!"

"Good. Good. There is something I need you and Albedo to do."

"Has Lady Albedo returned already my lord?"

"Yeah, she came back today. Who knew she would accomplish her task so quickly, though I'm sure she was rather frustrated..." I say with a hint of wonder.

Albedo finished her 'mission' in just three days. I thought it would take a few weeks but I guess keeping her away from me was more effective than I thought. She thoroughly beat down all the Ice Giants and Frost Dragons who resisted and brutally killed those who refused or caused trouble.

In fairness, I do the same thing. If someone refuses to bend the knee to me and will be a problem in the future, then I do the same, so I rewarded Albedo upon her return with a one-on-one night in the sack which is unusual for me who prefers threesomes and foursomes.

Anyways, I gave Demiurge the corpses of the dead Frost Dragons and Ice Giants for his [Shadow Monarch] Unique Skill and called for Albedo. She walked in much more confidently than before and she was positively glowing with the smile she had on her face.

"Rimuru-sama! Thank you for everything last night! I will work for the rest of my life to maintain your deep trust and appreciation!"

"Good. Now for the important thing, I talked about earlier." I said.

"What is it, Rimuru-sama?"

"Demiurge, I will be going back to the Royal Capitol of Re-Estize tomorrow to receive accommodation from the King. Of course, I would be required to bow during this ceremony-"

""WHAT!?!"" The both of them yelled at once in rage. Their aura erupted and one of the Homunculi Maids instantly passed out due to this.

"Those insolent creatures would have Lord Rimuru bend the knee!?!" demiurge growled.

"It seems we underestimated the foolishness of the Kingdom! Shall we destroy that kingdom for their foolishness!?! Reduce it to dust?" Albedo continued.

"There is no need for that, though it is true they will need to be punished, I have a way to kill three birds with one stone," I said which caused the both of them to calm down.

"Demiurge, you shall take all of the Shadows I acquired earlier today as well as the new corpses I just gave you and attack the capitol as Jaldabauth. Specifically, target the Eight Fingers. The Crown Prince is highly corrupt and is dealing with them. Capture them and kill them. Your pretense will be collecting souls for your Demon Lord Evolution.

Albedo, you shall organize a raid on the noble's treasuries throughout the Kingdom. Team up with Akatsuki and have them all stolen on the same day and at the same time. You will then contact the Golden Princess and arrange for a meeting between myself in my Demon Lord Persona to meet with the king the day after the raid."

"If I may? Why make this meeting?" Albedo asked.

"Because one of my Majin will be mortally wounded in his territory fighting Jaldabauth," I say with a smirk.

"All this to avoid bowing hu? Fufufu. I underestimated you, master" Da Vinci said as she walked in.

"Not at all. The Eight Fingers has started harassing Sebas and his new ward. It is time to deal with this problem once and for all. Plus this will give me the Casus Belli to join the Empire's side in the war next month."

"I see. What about the humans making their way here from the Baharut Empire?" Da Vinci asked.

"The Workers right? Let them come. A few of them are in desperate need to visit your experimentation chambers." I say with a wicked smile.

Unfortunately, I didn't recreate Neuronist Painkill so I have no official torturer, so giving Da Vinci people to experiment on is the next best thing. At first, I was hesitant to ask her to do this, but then [Athena] (since this was before the evolution to Akasha) reminded me that Da Vinci was a Magus from Fate. Human Experimentation was one of the tamer things she has done.

"If that is all, then if you would permit me to answer a question, I would be eternally grateful," Demiurge said.

"Go ahead."

"Why is Shiroe-san, Benimaru-san, Lady Frey, and Sir Carrion not here? They are surely important enough to include in this discussion."

"Oh they are busy dealing with a major threat to Tempest," I said.

"Major Threat?" Albedo asked.

"Oh yes, I forgot that you both weren't at that meeting. Albedo you were sleeping and Demiurge, was still in the Albion Hills. Well, the gist of it is that Shalltear has been mind-controlled."

What's this? A double release? Yes! Yes, it is.

I wanted to celebrate the fact that Wednesday is my 24th birthday and give this as my present to you.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts