
That Time I Got Reincarnated in a Fantasy Magic World!

When I died, I was given the chance of a lifetime! I get to reincarnate into any world I want with wishes. The only problem is, I don't know what world to go to! So many choices, so little time! "What's that? I can mix worlds!?" *Rubs hands together evilly* "Excellent!"

Golden_Slime · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

My First Quest

The last three days have been hell. Adventuring is not as fun as it was portrayed. It's a lot of walking around with annoying followers and a whiny potion maker who is constantly trying to peek into my item sack constantly.

I know Nfirea is trying to see if I have any more Full Potions, but he could try to be a lot more inconspicuous. Even Swords of Darkness have noticed, though they never said anything as they gave Shizue and me a look of curiosity. Its not every day the best potion maker in the country gets so interested in the random assortment of belongings of copper plates after all.

Shizue and I easily dealt with the ambushes of the monsters on the main road. The Goblins and Ogres are definitely regional variants unique to the Southwest since they look nothing like Jura's monsters. I tried negotiating with them using [Thought Communication EX] but they simply refused to listen.

Oh well, I killed them all and discretely dispatched another body of mine to come and find the few holdouts in the forest that aren't under my control yet. There should only be two or three more tribes since Demiurge is very good at his job, but if they don't accept my proposal this time, then I will massacre them. I can't allow for monster raids on my future cities.

Anyways, we eventually found our way to Carne Village once more and we were greeted by a much more beautiful Enri Emmott. What happened? Well after I saved the village from the Theocracy, the humans in this village all agreed to become my citizens secretly. I came back with Da Vinci and we evolved them all into a new race of High Humans. This is the unique in-between of the human genome and monsters I created when messing with the World System one day. High Humans are able to survive in magicule rich areas like monsters and gain skills just as easily without gaining a vulnerability to Holy Magic or Purified Magicules like monsters. They also have extended lifetimes, living for 300 years and they will remain young and in their prime until their 290s where they will age up until they look about 60 where they will remain for the rest of their lives.

I'm mixed on my feelings here. On one hand, they remain young, fertile, and productive for long times, but on the other... no MILFs.

I look over to Nfirea who is looking at her with a shocked expression and is beet red. He already had troubles talking to her when she was just barely above average in terms of appearance, now that she is completely out of his league I can almost see his hope to win her hand shriveling up into nothingness.

Shizue and I chuckle at this before Enri brings everyone into the village and we make our camp for the night. Enri and the rest of the town come out of their homes to thank me again for saving their lives, so we feast again all night. I purposefully have Enri close to me all night to fuel Nfirea's jealousy. I can see him fuming when he leaves the party to go 'ensure everything is ready for tomorrow'.

After a few minutes, I also slip away when the Ranger from Swords of Darkness Lukrut something-or-other gets sent flying by a punch by the village chief when he hits on the much younger and more beautiful village chief's wife.

I find Nfirea mumbling to himself about making me pick the bad smelling herbs tomorrow as revenge but I ignore that and surprise him.

"Hey, Mr. Bareare!" I call out to him, making him jump.

"EHH!?! Oh, Mr. Momon its you! Y-you di-didn't hear what I ju-just said did you?" He stammers out while sweating profusely.

I smirk and lie a bit. "No, but you asking that question makes me think you said something rude."

"Eh! No sir! I-I-I"

"Enough about that. I have come to talk to you about something."

"Oh?" Nfirea asks as he visibly exhales and calms down. He sits down on the cart and I sit on a hay bail next to the cart and we begin chatting for a while.

"Do you like Enri? Like romantically?" I say, ignoring said girl hiding behind a barrel eavesdropping.

"Eh? N-no I don't! We-we... we are just friends..." He says defeated.

I look over this guy for a minute before sighing out loud. 'This guy has got such low self-esteem and no confidence. I can relate since when I was that age I had confidence issues too, but I don't want to see this kid's awful excuse for a romance plot, so...'

"In that case, I guess I can take her for myself then. It wouldn't be too hard to get her since I saved her life." I say as I stand up from my position and take a step towards the party again.

"NO! You can't!" He shouts. I can sense Enri jump slightly. She was a little depressed when he said he didn't like her romantically but then become slightly anxious when he told me to stop.

"Oh? So you do like her?" I say with a smug tone. I ignore the other villagers also hiding on the other side of the house we are behind as they became deathly quiet, though it seems Nfirea doesn't notice.

"...do." He wispers.

"Hu!?! I can't hear you!"

"I said I do like her!" He says a little louder.

"Only like her? Not love?" I say in a slightly elevated voice.

"I DO! I LOVE ENRI SO DON'T TOUCH HER!" He yells before quickly covering his mouth, realizing her screamed it at me.

"Ho! Hear that Enri?" I say as I turn to Enri who walks out of the shadows, much to Nfirea's shock.

"EhHHH!!!!!" Nfirea shouts before being shut up by Enri running up to him and kissing him.

"I love you too, you dunce!" She says before they embrace.

The villagers all run out from the houses and begin cheering. I can see Shizue smiling while leaning against the house and the Swords of Darkness are all cheering while holding tankards of alcohol, clearly buzzed.

"Whooo!!!! Nice confession boy!" Peter yells.

"So romantic!" Ninya blushes while saying.

"Took them long enough! Hey boy if you need some advice-" Lukrut says before being smacked by Peter.

"Don't hurt her now brat!" Dyne says.

"No! My Enri-chan!" Her father cries out before being smacked by his wife.

"Good for you. Nee-sama!" Nemu yells as she runs up and hugs them.

"EH!?! EH!?! EEEEEHHHHHH!?!" Nfirea cries out like some kind of harem protagonist.


The night finally ended with a big celebration of the new couple. Enri was acting very clingy, holding onto Nfirea's arms so hard I'm surprised he didn't lose circulation. The man in question nervously sat at the front of the largest feast table and was congratulated by everyone in the village hile looking like he wanted to cry. An introvert becoming the center of attention was always an entertaining thing to watch.

Or maybe it was my sadist side coming out again.

Anyways, as dawn peeked over the horizon we all began to stir. The villagers began their relaxed lives as they watched the Golems I lent them picking crops and tending to the fields. I saw the children playing a rudimentary version of Tennis I had created for them last night while their parents were mysteriously absent.

I'm sure the lingering smell of sex coming from their homes have nothing to do with it. I guess the romantic atmosphere of last night, coupled with their energized, young, and beautiful bodies has made them 'tired'. They must have 'partied too hard'.

Anyways, it wasn't until mid-day when Nfirea limped his way to our cart. He was muttering something about needing to make more stamina-replenishing potions soon or else, but I simply told him to drink a Full Potion that I give him.

He was shocked beyond belief but accepted it. He continued into the forest where we spent the day scavenging for potion-making ingredients and various medicinal herbs. When Shizue and I were alone with Nfirea, he turned to me and bowed.

"Thank you for everything you did yesterday, Mr. Momon!"

"Hu? Oh, no problem. I like helping people when it benefits me."

"Um.. what do you mean by that, Mr. Momon?"

"I have a proposition for you, young Nfirea," I say, trying to not shift my face to one of All Might. Of course, I forgot that it wouldn't matter because of my mask, but that's not important.


"Move to Carne and oversee the potion-making industry I'm going to start there."

"EH? Your creating a potion-making industry?"

"Yes. I am, for my master. This village is located at a very important and strategic junction. It is in the perfect place between the Great Forest of Tob, the Re-Estize Kingdom, and the Empire of Baharut. My master is already creating a highway to here from the Forest of Tob and the Azerlisia Mountains."

"Then why create a potion crafting place here? Why not a fortress? Plus, I'm sure that your master knows this village belongs to the Kingdom of Re-Estize right?"

"Indeed, but Re-Estize will not exist much longer. It will become my master's newest province"

Nfirea begins to sweat and puts some pieces together. The rumors of the Demon King of Jura have already circulated and with a little bit of manipulation using multiple spys spreading only the rumors that I want, I have a relatively decent reputation as the only demon lord who isn't entirely evil.

"Y-your master... he's-" Nfirea begins to shake profusely and points towards me.

"Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest." I finish his statement and Nfirea collapses onto his ass while looking at me with a mix of horror and disbelief.

"Don't look at me like that. Calm down. Think! Nfirea! Think! If I was evil, would I have wasted time with your romance plot?" I say while quiet casting {Lion's Heart} to remove his fear and {Calm Mind} to calm him down.

Shizue looks at me with a raised eyebrow but continues picking herbs while listening in.

"Your right..." He says before sighing and I help him back up.

"The Re-Estize kingdom is corrupt. Every year, thousands of peasants are drafted to fight in a war they have no business fighting for while being treated like animals by the aristocracy who starve, beat, and rape them. The only person who cares about you and your girlfriend's happiness is the Golden Princess, who has no political power and will soon be married off to some sick nobleman whose only interest in you would be to rape Enri due to her beauty.

A Syndicate of powerful criminals was allowed to grow to such an extent that they now threaten to overtake the economy of the Kingdom. Nearly half the population is addicted to drugs of various kinds and the heir to the throne is a man-child who can't keep his dick in his pants. This Kingdom will collapse into Civil War before the year is up and that's if the Empire doesn't take it over this year."

Nfirea nods. Even he, an introvert, has heard of the rumors about the state of the kingdom. All he can go is nod and internally dispair at the fate of his country and begin to worry about how to protect Enri and his Grandmother.

"However, there is another way. A Demon Lord, known for his just rule and fairness. One whose people, human, demi-human, and monster alike praise for his endless wisdom and grace. Who cares for his people. Who would congratulate you on your new dating status. He has taken an interest in this Kingdom. He will save it!"

The sun pierces the canopy and bathes me in golden rays of light as I hold my hand out to him.

[I didn't think you had a god-complex, master]

'Shut up! I'm just trying to recruit this guy! Also, Shizue! I can hear you snickering over there!' I think.

"D-do you really think so?"

"Of course!"

"Then... I'll do it! Me and Grandma will move here and become the potion masters of Carne!"

I smirked under my mask as we shook on it. 'Now to solidify this, all I have to do is let you get kidnaped.'


The way back to E-Rantel was rather anti-climactic. I would talk with Nfirea about the various types of potions created by the newly evolved Hobgoblin Sentan in Jura. I tell him that he will be moving to Carne soon to oversee the construction of the Alchemy Production Complex and Alchemy Academy next week. Turns out the guy name Chinese Alchemy is actually rather famous in the world for being one of the best potion makers in the world. Nfirea is excited to meet them.

Shizue talks to the Swords of Darkness about the various Dungeons in Tempest and how it's more profitable there than this personal request. She is probably trying to get them to move there, but she doesn't know that Ninya can't leave until (s)he rescues (her)his sister from the nobles.

I can't tell (her)him that Sebas picked her up yesterday since I need her to find out later. I've noticed how intelligent she is and that she is good with children. She was playing with the children of the village last night rather than drinking with her party, so I deduced she would probably become a good teacher.

There is a severe lack of teachers in my nation, especially if I am going to incorporate millions of people in the next year or so. Hopefully, reuniting with her sister will convince her to give up on being an adventurer and when I reunite her with her sister.

After entering the city again, we separate again. I tell them to escort Nfirea home while I turn in our request. Hopefully, I can get back before they encounter Clementine and Khajiit. Shizue and I then leave and return to the shop only about 15 minutes later after running into Lize, Nfirea's grandmother.

Not going to lie. It was slightly annoying as she slowed our pace by a while.

Of course, when we get there, we find the lights out and the smell of blood in the air. Shizue and I quickly change our stances and she rushes into the back room while I guard Lize. I hear various clangs and clashes as Shizue is engaged in a fight against someone.

A moment later, an orange streak rolls out of the room and turns her heels to run away. Shizue jumps onto the counter and ignites her sword. Rage apparent on her face.

"You won't get away!"

The woman, covering in blood and wearing bikini armor made out of bronze, iron, and silver adventurer plates sees me and smiles evilly. She pulls out her Stilettos and activates multiple martial arts before dashing towards me at full speed.

"Die for me, Copper-Plate!" She yells.

Clementine thrust towards me at remarkable speed, she was at least an A-Class in terms of danger, but I simply smirked while inspiration suddenly hit me.

Suddenly Clementine was hit by a flying sword thrown at her at Mach speed, slamming into her gut, impaling her, and completely nailing her limp body to the floor. She barfed up at least a liter of blood as she was now pinned to the ground by an ornate longsword. Shakily she looked away from the longsword and towards me.

"Mongrel! Who gave you permission to look at me!" I say as another Yggdrasil Weapon is shot out of my stomach and a divine-class spear runs through her eye. For a brief moment before impact, she tries to squeak out a beg for mercy, but she is instantly cut down.

That's right. I am using [Beelzebuth] to replicate Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon by ejecting the various weaponry from my stomach at Mach speeds. Lize takes a step back and falls in fright, though she quickly gets over it and looks towards the counter area. She can just barely make out streaks of blood.

Shizue walks out of the back room with a heavily injured Ninya. It seems we interrupted her torture. She is crying and missing an eye. Shizue forces her to drink a full potion which instantly restores her body. Ninya is shocked and amazed before seeing Clementine nailed to the floor, dead.

"Ninya..." Shizue says but she is interrupted by Ninya running up to the corpse and kicking it multiple times while shouting and crying. Shizue walks over and begins to hug her. While this drama is unfolding, I move to the back room and look at the now Zombified party.

They begin to 'awaken' before I hit them all with {Brilliant Radiance}, a Holy Magic spell, and purify their bodies. I then pull out a Yggdrasil Ressurection wand and revive them. They are still a low-leveled party, so it will take a few hours for them to wake up.

"Nfirea! Is Nfirea here?" Lize asks in a panic.

"It seems he has been kidnapped. From how messy this scene was, it appears that they were in a hurry. It's possible that it was by some kind of Necromancer. Nfirea is said to be able to use any magical item, even those with restrictions."

"Yes, he can! It's his Talent! Was he targeted for it?" She wonders.

"Care to make a request, Lize Bareare? I'm an adventurer and a Majin, as you saw earlier."

"I'll make the request!" Ninya says as she walks in while still crying.

"Unfortunately this is an offer for Lize only." I say while looking back at her.

"Anything! Name your price!" Lize yells before Shizue can say something.

"I've made a deal with your grandson earlier today. When I bring him back, I want you to accept it unconditionally. Ask him for the details. We don't have much time."

"Alright!" She said without hesitation.

"Now then. Lize, run to the guards and tell them that a powerful necromancer has kidnapped Nfirea. They will mobilize because the E-Rantel Graveyard is full of powerful undead and letting a necromancer running around will spell disaster. Don't forget to mention your grandson's talent. He wouldn't be kidnapped if they weren't planning something. I will follow and that it is likely their base is in the graveyard" I say.

Lize nods then runs out of the shop. I then turn to Ninya. "Ninya, watch over your team."

"Your right... I have to bury them..." She says somberly.

"They are alive. I revived them." I said as I held up the wand.

"{Appraisal Magic Item}" She says as my wand glows and her eyes go wide.

"They will be groggy and weak for a while, so make sure they are comfortable. Let's go Shizue" I say as I walk out the back door. I don't turn back to see Ninya crying tears of happiness and bowing towards me.

Here is a new chappy.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts