
That Time I Got Reincarnated in a Fantasy Magic World!

When I died, I was given the chance of a lifetime! I get to reincarnate into any world I want with wishes. The only problem is, I don't know what world to go to! So many choices, so little time! "What's that? I can mix worlds!?" *Rubs hands together evilly* "Excellent!"

Golden_Slime · Anime & Comics
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Vampires, Dragons, and Demon Lords oh my!

""WHAT!?!"" Both Demiurge and Albedo screamed.

"I know it's strange. As a Vampire and as especially as MY subordinate, it should normally be impossible for Shalltear to be mind-controlled, but somehow she was. If I had to guess, then it was by some sort of Ultimate Skill or more likely, a world-class item.

"Then... I see. I shall prepare our forces at once!" Demiurge said as he stood from his seated position.

"Indeed, leaving Shalltear under someone else's mind control would be most foolish. Perhaps if we send Shuna, Mare, myself, Ayla, and Artoria then we could defeat Shalltear before she has time to retreat..." Albedo began to ponder.

"I see... using Ayla, Shuna, and Artoria who have Holy Magics to use against a vampire would be the most effective method, you are a 'tank' who can absorb her attacks while Mare supports from a distance. An excellent strategy Albedo!" Demiurge praised.

"There will be no need. I shall go myself." I said standing from my throne and walking past them.

"Lord Rimuru! You can't! If the enemy manages to mind control even you, then no one will be able to stop them!" Demiurge said as he ran in front of me before kneeling and pleading. Albedo quickly joined him by his side as if agreeing.

I stopped and looked at him before sighing and squatting down next to them. I placed my left hand on Demiurge's shoulder and my right on Albedo's. They tensed before looking up at me.

"No need to worry. To be honest, I've already found a way to save Shalltear. With my Ultimate Skill [Samsara] all I would have to do is kill her once to remove the mind control before reviving her. Plus I couldn't bear to watch my friends and wives fight each other to the death. It'd be too painful." I say as I stand up walking out of the room.

I lied of course. I could instantly remove the mind control of Shalltear since I could simply recall her soul using [Samsara] now that it is saved and then rebind it to her body, effectively ending the threat, but I wanted a good fight and to use this an excuse to attack the Theocracy.

I'll use [Samsara] to record Shalltears memories and then claim the Theocracy had attacked her in a kidnapping attempt. It wasn't hard to see the Theocracy doing something like this. They often kidnapped women of various species to have as slaves, so it was reasonable to assume, on the Global Stage at least, that they simply picked the wrong target.

I needed these small Casus Belli currently since, even though I planned to take over the whole world if I didn't want all of my new lands constantly rising up in rebellion and revolutions after the conquest while my loyal forces were spread thin and would have a difficult time with rebels that entrench themselves in the wilderness.

I know just how bloody long-term insurgencies can be to a population of innocent people, so I wanted to conquer and convert slowly over the course of a few years and nip any potentially dangerous opponents in the bud.

I was just lucky currently that only a very small percentage of people had any sort of nationalism in this era and that most people who simply worked in farms or as merchants or tradesmen didn't care about who they paid their taxes to, so long as they were left alone with enough food for themselves and their families.

I made my way over to my room and was greeted by Milim and Ramiris who were looking rather upset. I simply sighed before smiling and engaging in conversation with them.

"Hello Milim, Ramiris. Whats up?"

"Rimuru! Is it true Shalltear betrayed you?" Milim said with a slightly dark tone.

"No-no-no-no-no! She was simply mind-controlled is all."

"HA! Someone has the nerve to mind-control my bestie's subordinate on my watch!" Milim began throwing a mini tantrum.

I was shocked by her childish outrage and was stunned. I had no words as I watched the adorable loli stomp her feet angrily with a red face and tick mark on her head. Suddenly, something cracked.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I laughed, making Milim even more annoyed.

"OY! Stop laughing!" She yelled while Ramiris stood of to the side looking at the two weirdos in front of her.

'I came to cheer you up since I thought you would be feeling down, but it seems your fine...' She thought before sighing to herself.

I calmed down and calmed Milim down by shoving one of those comically large lollipops into her mouth quickly before looking at Ramiris who had shrunk back down to her small fairy form and sat on my shoulder.

"Since you know it already, I'm guessing you know who did it?" Ramiris asked.

"Yeah, it was the Slane Theocracy. They were using something called 'Downfall of Castle and Country'" I said.

"HEH!?!" Milim yelled

"Milim? Do you know of it?" I asked.

"Of course we do. It's one of the items those Six Great Heroes had. They used it to mind-control a few Demon Lords in the past. It kinda caused a civil war within the Ten Great Demon Lords and led to half of us dying." Ramiris said.

"Yeah! Those jerks weren't even all that fun! They killed Ramiris, Alucard, Modinaram, Enkvaros, and weakened Dino, and Dagruel! Our Pride as Demon Lords took too much of a hit!" Milim said.

"The worst part of it all was that they used it only a few years before one of the Tenma wars, so the Ten Great Demon Lords were further unprepared and we lost a lot of valuable resources. I heard that Dagruel even lost his entire city and all of his subordinates." Ramiris said.

"I see... that certainly sounds bad." 'I guess I underestimated just how powerful complete Mind control really was in a world with beings on the level of Milim and Guy.'

"The worst part though was the Dragon Lords! They thought they were so smug after they killed off the Great Heroes!" Milim complained.

"I can see that. Dragons are super egotistical after all" I said giving Milim another Lolipop.

"Well, we don't have to worry about that anymore. Milim killed their Emperor when he tried to force her to bear his child." Ramiris said.

"EH!?!" I was shocked.

"His plan was to create another Veldanava using her as the mother and transferring his soul into the child. Too bad his ego got the better of him" Ramiris smirked while blushing slightly, clearly thinking back on the event with sadistic glee.

"Wah-hahaha! You should have seen it Rimuru! He was crying and wet himself!" Milim said as she laughed on and on.

'Akasha. That guy didn't get resurrected or anything, right? He isn't sitting around as a [Manas] either is he?'

[No master. Milim shattered his soul with a stardust energy-infused {Drago Nova}, though he isn't dead. If someone were to gather enough magicules and perform a ritual, then he could be revived.]

[Notice! Quest Received! Slay the Dragon Emperor!]

[Rewards! Ultimate Skill [Kaleidoscope: King of Space-Time]




[Yes master?]

'Couldn't I just create that skill myself if I wanted it? Did you have to pretend to be a system just now?'


"Anyways, I'll deal with this whole Shalltear thing right now. I'll also do something about 'Downfall of Castle and Country' so you don't have to worry. Milim!" I said, yelling Milim's name at the East second.

"Yes Sir!" she said while saluting. She has become so cultured recently.

"When I get back I'm gonna kick yer ass in Mario Cart!" I said as I walked away.

"Wa-hahaha! You will try Rimuru!" She said as she ran back towards her room to practice playing.

(POV Change)

Shizue was sitting at a gathering of many high-ranking adventurers. There were rumors of a powerful vampire that attacked a camp of mercenaries and later the iron-plated adventurer group. She killed a lot of them when they attacked her but she let a lot escape as well.

Shizue was sure this was Shalltear due to the description that was given. She wasn't sure why Shalltear let so many flee, but she didn't let it bother her.

What she didn't know was that when Rimuru initially transferred over to this world, he made sure the lowest karma setting for the traditionally evil NPCs like Demiurge and Albedo was no lower than 100. This meant that even though Shalltear didn't particularly like humans and her personality didn't change much from canon, she wasn't quite as ruthless as before, letting the 'insects' run away in fear and only killing a few of them.

Shizue could only sigh as she continued to listen to the explanation. 'Momon' and her were already given Mythril Rank and now Rimuru wanted to use this opportunity to advance to Adimantite. Now the two of them were going to be paired up with several other Mythril Ranked adventures to hunt the Vampire down.

She wasn't thrilled by the idea. Even with Momon as her 'protection', it was clear that the Mythril Ranks were eying her lustfully. She was worried for them. At best, for ogling her, they would get out of this mission with new sexual preferences for men, thanks to Rimuru's usage of [Eros]. At worse, they would 'die valiantly while fighting the vampire' if they actually tried something.

Rimuru had already disposed of three nobles who had tried various means of winning her hand. Two tried to 'hire' her and Momon to guard them before slipping something into her drink, while another tried to use his meager status as a Baron to order her to be his 23 wife...

Shizue now remembered why she never came to this region.

After the meeting, they were paired with Kralgra and Rainbow. Kralgra's leader Igvarge had wasted no time in trying to invite Momon and Shizue to his mansion in the city. Rainbow immediately refused and left the Guild Building but when 'Conquerors of Flame' tried to refuse, Igvarge wouldn't let it go.

Shizue sighed as she saw 'Momon' shake his head in defeat. Now she would have to write a fake speech for their funerals and come up with a false report for the Guild. She had forgotten just how much work it was being an adventurer, especially as a woman.




(Rimuru POV)

I'm looking out at Shalltear, standing in the middle of a field by herself in her full red armor set. I ignore the several Mythril Adventurers drooling all over themselves as they are trapped inside an illusion where they are fighting to the death against Shalltear in her True Ancestor form while not showing them her normal state.

I had asked [Akasha] to alter the record of the world so that everyone (the adventurers and mercenaries who saw her attack them) believed that Shalltear looked like that and I didn't allow them to know what she really looked like. I changed the world system once a while ago to remove the 'Blood Frenzy' state of Shalltear and keep her looking like the beautiful loli that she is at all times.

Now I was making sure that Rainbow would remember a fight were they were completely outmatched and had to be saved by us. I even made sure that Kralga would have an 'honorable' end fighting her, even though the mounds of flesh they were reduced to were still being kept alive in my stomach.

The entire team was rapists. Their mansion was hiding a massive sex slave/ prostitution ring that was enjoyed by many of the local officials and adventurers alike. The most sickening thing of all though, was that the slaves were all former adventurers, singers, and other famous people from throughout the city who 'died' in mysterious ways.

Needless to say, I took their dossiers, journals, and ledgers while freeing the slaves and erasing the damage done to their bodies and minds. I allowed all of them to keep their 'memories' though I erased them first then fed them back to them like servants on the Throne of Heros receive them in Fate. They got the information of what happened to them as though they were reading a book so that they wouldn't have any trauma but they would understand the tragedy that befell them. Most asked to be relocated to Tempest to like peaceful lives and some offered their services to me and became witnesses to the Kingdom's injustice.

I sent the witnesses to Renner, who protected them politically and who will use their stories as an example to the people why I need to purge the nobility when I invade, though she mostly needed to use them to convince Climb that she sided with me due to the injustices the people are suffering from under noble rule and how it is ok to follow me since I have everyone's best interests at heart.

After giving Shizue enough time to tie up Rainbow and to beat up their bodies and break a few of their bones so as to make their injuries believable, I left her to guard them. Can't have the 'witnesses' all get eaten by wildlife while I'm off fighting can I?

Now, I have several ways to counter Shalltear. I could consume her now with [Beelzebuth], remove her soul with [Samsara], counter her mind-control with a created copy of the World Item made with [Azura Mazda], or even just have Akasha remove the mind-control by manipulating the World System to remove all the magic in the general area.

But there is one major flaw with all of those.

It's boring.

"Shalltear! I'm going to attack you now!" I yell as I instant-cast a Super-Tier spell.

"{Megiddo Grandia}" I shouted as a gigantic wave of water gathers into the sky before separating into a dozen different lenses. Light gathers in the first lense before it gets focused more and more until a huge laser of heat rivaling the temperature of the sun slams into Shalltear with a


Dust coves the battlefield and no one can see the results of the attack. Of course, with [Magic Sense] they could see that Shalltear was clearly fine, but that's beside the point.

"Yeahahahaha! Rimuru-sama! that really hurts you know! How did you do that? You gave me Holy Magic and Light Magic Resistances!?!" She laughed at me.

"I know, that's why I hit you with a Physics Magic Spell!" I said before summoning Yoru.

"Oh what a pity! It seems today will be my last day! Oh well, I'll look forward to fighting to the bitter end!" She said as she charged towards me.

I smirked before jumping in the air, doing a few acrobatic spins before slamming down into her with my fist. Shalltear was surprised as she thought I would strike with my blade, so she prepare to counter that, but when I punched her in the face using a feint, she was unguarded and throw hundreds of meters away to the treeline and smashed through dozens of trees before her momentum cam to a stop.

Shalltear spit up a small amount of blood before summoning her household and beginning to kill them with her lance to heal herself while dashing back towards me.

I smirked as I saw Shalltear come out of the treeline. Blood still flowing from her mouth to the chin. She was pissed.

"Rimuru-sama I am shocked! I didn't expect a man such as yourself to hit a woman in the face!" She said, trying to rile me up.

"As a great man once said, 'I yearn for true gender equality, so I have no patience for someone who talks about female privilege when it suits them, then complaining about someone 'not being a man' when its convenient.'"

I see Shalltear click her tongue before charging at me again. My blade meets her lance and I use my weapon's greater control to push her body to the side. I then summon another weapon, the Takemikazuchi MK 8 I had from when I looted Nazarick all those years ago and swing it with my open hand, ready to decapitate Shalltear.

"Tch! [Negative Impact Shield]!" She yelled as one of her extra skills activates and blocks my strike.

"Oh yeah. I forgot that since the transfer, your skills became Extra Skills so you can use them as long as you have magicules and without cooldown." I said to myself before jumping away t create distance.

Shalltear smirked then summoned hundreds of [Holy Lances] to bombard me with. She even cast {Maximize Penetration Magic} to bypass my [Magic Reflection], though they still don't have the power to get past my [Multidimentional Barrier].

"{Black Rain}" I say, creating a new tenth-tier magic spell out of nowhere.

I fire off hundreds of tiny droplets of black water, each containing enough black lightning to vaporize a large building, all aiming at Shalltear. She avoids most of them but she is still hit by one, which causes a chain reaction where all of the lightning within is released, arcing to another droplet and releasing its lighting, making her get hit by all of the lighting in the attack despite the fact she dodged all but one droplet.


I hear Shalltear scream and spasm before she instinctually used [Magic Destruction] do escape, though when she does, she is hit by another {Megiddo Grandia} which slams her into the ground and begins to burry her dozens of meters under the surface.

Unlike in Yggdrasil, Vampires are technically still alive here, meaning she needs to breathe. I jump backward and throw down a new poison I created with Yggdrasil and New World ingredients. The poison spreads through the air and just as Shalltear bursts from the ground to breathe, she sucks in the cloud of toxic gas.

Shalltear coughs a bit before standing straight up. "Rimuru-sama I am disappointed in you. I have [Poison Resistance] you know!"

"I know, but something I found out while with Alice is that aphrodisiacs don't proc [Poison Resistance]" I say as Shalltear begins to flush rapidly. Her breathing becomes labored and deep. She struggles to stand up straight and her hands begin to roam around her body.

She then 'snaps out of it' and tries to step forward to charge again but falls onto the floor. she begins to writhe in pleasure and moan, dropping her lance and trying to rip her armor off.

I look at her with a sadistic smile before I hear a woman clear her throat loudly behind me. I slowly urn my head to see Shizue looking at me with heavily judgemental eyes.

"Rimuru-san... what do you think you are doing?"

"Eh... um..." I say while sweating profusely. I couldn't tell her that I couldn't pass up the chance to have enemy sex. I mean, Shalltear and I have done more erotic plays before, but definitely not in front of Shizue.

We may or may not have done it BEHIND before, but that's beside the point.

"Well, Rimuru-san. I'm waiting. Everyone was so worried about Shalltear and your own mental health going into this fight, but now I see you are just playing around, hu?" She said as she stared daggers at me.

"Wait! I have one more technique to do before you judge me!" I say.

"And what is that?"

"I will do this!" I said as I activated [Eros] on Shalltear. Now that she was super horny, I was able to change her view of me from an enemy to an ally, effectively erasing her mind control.

"See! Look now she will see me as her lover like she already was!" I say wth a big smile, showing off my pearly whites.

"Then why didn't you do that at the beginning?" She said, giving me a dead stare.

"Uh... well... Hey look!" I said pointing to the sky.

Somehow, Shizue looked towards were I pointed so I had just enough time to turn around and use my most effective ability.

"Ultimate Skill! [Nigerundayo]!" I said.

"HEY!" Shizue said running after me, leaving a hapless and honey Shalltear moaning and writhing in the dirt.


A/N: Heh! Bet you didn't think of that ending to the fight! What an... Anti-Climax! (Rimshot)

Just kidding, I had a dream about this scene last night where Ainz ran away like he was in Jojo's and thought it was hilarious so I had to do it to 'em!

I mean, did you seriously think that Shalltear would be a good opponent to fight? Would there be any tension? No! So comedy it is!

The next chapter will be the disturbance in the kingdom chapter, then the Jura Invasion, and finally the Fall of Re-Estize.

This volume is almost over, with only four to five more chapters to go. I'm thinking the next Volume should be all about Dragons before I go to collect the waifus of the North-Western Region. It will mostly be just a collectathon there since there aren't any threats, so most of the 'meat' will be about the dragons and more development.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts