
TGD: My Way To Achieve Peace

==== Alternative title; The goddess of destruction; My way to achieve peace. Disclaimer — I'm not good with Synopsis but you know what, Read ten or twenty chapters before dropping it. ==== Yo, this magnificent babe in this room goes by Iris Hope, the goddess of destruction. How do I know it, you ask? Well, let me tell you a thrilling tale... Blah blah blah.... yadda yadda yadda.... (FLASH FORWARD 10,000 YEARS!) You get that picture, right? Anyways, On our main topic... I've been chilling on this planet for a hotminuto now. And gigured I'd put my oh-so-impressive talents to better use. That's why I cooked up my own top-secret organization - Ecilpse shadow - the Lillte Homies of Havoc! They're completely under my finely-manicured thumb. Told you I was a total boss, didn't I? So there I was, casually strolling through a mortal world, when I stumble across these measly assholes trying to, I dunno, take over their tiny speck of a world or something. I could've flicked that ill-conceived rebellion into oblivion with my pinky finger, but I figured I'd let the little rascals have their fun. And that wasn't enough. Then I, who was reincarnated into the body of a bullied person whose own parents treated them worse than trash... ugh, I'm getting dimensional whiplash just thinking about it. But THEN... Then, in middle of my new story... I had to deal with this whole messy love affair with Amelia.. who left me when I was... pregnant with her kid... Ughhhh, Bitch I will kill you for this. ... But of course, a few years later, she comes back to me, love me more and she is more cute than before. Still I stopped liking her when she leave me alone with my child. (After a few months later) ... And you know what? Despite my hate for her, I just couldn't resist that fatally attractive gravitational pull. Yeah, I get back together in relationship with Amelia and we're living our best lives... uh, without much problem until it was time for deadnova protocol organization to be annihilated but this secrets society was controlled by goverment who was on the half step forward to rule the whole world in its dictorship. So I have soo much to done, plan and schemes but... It is not hard for a smart person like me, fufufu. This organization is done for nothing. ========= [Discord — Join it for any questions: https://discord.com/invite/DhUBStB2wd]

A_Jhonny · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
79 Chs

CH-68 Iris vs Skinwalker[End]

[A.N- It is the first time I'm writing from a first person pov fight. Please don't criticize much because in future maybe I will write it in third person pov like always.]

The skinwalker descended the stairs, its elongated limbs and predatory wolf-like head sending shivers down my spine. The saliva dripped from its gaping maw as it fixed me with a piercing gaze.

I stared back, my mind racing. 'How the hell am I supposed to take this thing down? Affinity is out of the syllabus. I'll have to rely on my amazing physics.'

The creature regarded me with the detached curiosity of a tiger eyeing a lifeless rabbit, as if already ideate for devouring me.

"Argh, I don't have much room to maneuver." I was acutely informative of the perilous drop on either side of this long staircase.

One wrong move, and I'd become crocodile chow.

Thankfully, my cultivator's training allowed me to see clearly in the gloom.

"Come on, I don't have much time." I muttered, stealing my resolve. The skinwalker and I overcame the same realm, which I reckoned could work to my advantage.

"You will dieeeeee!" It shrieked in an unsettling voice that would have sent lesser beings scurrying for cover.

"Die?" I scoffed, undaunted. "Only time will tell who'll be pushing up daisies."

"You will dieeeeee!" As the creature charged, I eluded to the side, gauging its reaction. Sensing no immediate danger, I leaped overhead, seizing its ears with a vice-like grip.

"You know, they say big ears are a sign of intelligence." I taunted, giving the appendages a savage twist. "But in your case, they're just handy handles and… FUCK YOU!!!"

With a triumphant yank, I ripped them clean off, retrieving a howl of agony from that skinwalker.

Jumping away, I landed on the stair, only to feel my foot depress some kind of triggering mechanism underfoot.

'There are still numerous traps to be wary of,' I musedn with irritation.

As the skinwalker surged forward, trying to injure my neck with its elongated limbs, I deftly evaded the strike, skillfully moving my upper body.

Countering with a precise punch to its jaw, I grasped the creature's head, reasoning it would serve as an effective shield.The impact momentarily stunned the skinwalker.

'I will pin beneath my foot.' As I stepped away, the beast's body collapsed onto the trigger button.

Within the span of a heartbeat, I found myself airborne above the skinwalker.


An explosion erupted from below, propelling us both skyward in a violent burst.

"Grrrrhhhhhhhhh!" The skinwalker roared, flailing its claws in a frenzied assault. I maneuvered evasively through the airborne chaos, sending a blow to its face before throwing a powerful kick to its abdomen.

Arresting both of its wrists in an iron grip, I smirked.

"Bye bye~~" I murmured proudly as we hurtled earthward, trajectories aligned with the ruthless stairs like a pair of meteorites.

As the skinwalker's mangled form crashed onto the stairs, it coughed up a torrent of blood.

I wasn't about to give this beast any quarter. My added weight drove its battered body deeper into the brutal steps. There was a sickening crunch of shattered bones.

Its rib cage had caved in, and I could only imagine the array of fractures riddling its twisted frame.

With its legs in my paws, I dragged the broken creature up the stairs, my lips curling into a raptorial grin.

Suddenly, a flurry of glinting shuriken burst forth from the shadows, their razor-edges hungering for flesh.

In a blur of motion, I snatched the skinwalker by the back of its neck and whipped its body around, presenting it as an impromptu shield.

"Be a good boy and protect this lady," I purred, my voice dripping with dark amusement.

"Grrrrhhhhhhhhh!" The shuriken sliced through its hide, burying themselves deep with each painful roar.

Thick rivulets of blood oozed around the protruding blades as I casually tossed the quivering mass above, licking my lips as if I ate a delicious food's first bite.

"Thanks for the assist, handsome." I crooned mockingly at the eviscerated form. "Who's next to taste my tender mercies?"

"DIE! DIE!" The skinwalker roared, thrashing its claws in a wild frenzy as I deftly backpedaled, easily evading its frantic swipes.

"What a nasty trash you are… heh! I feel humiliated just by looking at you." with a perfect scale distance, I lashed out a devastating 180-degree kick, my heel crashing into its kneecaps with a sickening crunch.

The beast tumbled backwards down the stairs, scrabbling desperately at the edges to arrest its fall.

"Don't worry, little guy," I feel myself as the queen lazily ascending the steps. "I'll be the one to kill you. Not those tiny-handed, big-mouthed crocodile babies."


As it clawed its way back up, I assaulted the heels of two times into its shattered both kneecaps from front, reveling in the wet snapping of bone and cartilage.

"Kill! Kill!" The skinwalker gurgled, dragging itself pitifully toward me in a pathetic crawl.

I shook my head in disdain. "Dude, that's not cool at all."

Bounding forward, I landed squarely on its back, badge its jaw against the unyielding stair with the full power of my boot grinding into the back of its skull.

Grasping its wrists, I wrenched and twisted with all my might until the sickly pops and crunches signaled the limbs had been torn utterly askew.

"Is this garbage? Then let's do something." With a special pull, I uprooted the ruined creature's limbs, its mangled form gushing torrents of viscous blood that painted the stairs in macabre streaks of crimson.

"Time for you to die," I growled, leveling a merciless death glare at the broken form of the skinwalker.

Its eyes burned with an inhuman, murderous intensity, defiant despite the rivers of blood gushing from its mangled body.

I wasn't the least bit surprised because of my prophecy by its grim tenacity - this was far from my first tango with these twisted abominations.

Planting my heel squarely on its outstretched hand, I gathered every ounce of strength, every fiber of rage coiling within me.

I take the full, the effect of my stomp crashing down, pulverizing its bone and sinew beneath my boot in an explosion of pure, primal fury.

The skinwalker's skull ruined like an overripe melon under the savage onslaught, its death rattle a pathetic, gurgling wheeze as the last flickers of that hellish light faded from its eyes.

A crimson haze clung to the air, and a notification from my system pinged softly, almost anticlimactic amid the carnage.

I raked the tangled fur and congealing gore from my heel with disdainful swipes, a wicked smile playing across my lips.

"Who's the next miserable soul to decorate these stairs in shades of red?"

Today there will be two chapters. next will be long one with R-18 mild of Gwen X Ely]

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