
TGD: My Way To Achieve Peace

==== Alternative title; The goddess of destruction; My way to achieve peace. Disclaimer — I'm not good with Synopsis but you know what, Read ten or twenty chapters before dropping it. ==== Yo, this magnificent babe in this room goes by Iris Hope, the goddess of destruction. How do I know it, you ask? Well, let me tell you a thrilling tale... Blah blah blah.... yadda yadda yadda.... (FLASH FORWARD 10,000 YEARS!) You get that picture, right? Anyways, On our main topic... I've been chilling on this planet for a hotminuto now. And gigured I'd put my oh-so-impressive talents to better use. That's why I cooked up my own top-secret organization - Ecilpse shadow - the Lillte Homies of Havoc! They're completely under my finely-manicured thumb. Told you I was a total boss, didn't I? So there I was, casually strolling through a mortal world, when I stumble across these measly assholes trying to, I dunno, take over their tiny speck of a world or something. I could've flicked that ill-conceived rebellion into oblivion with my pinky finger, but I figured I'd let the little rascals have their fun. And that wasn't enough. Then I, who was reincarnated into the body of a bullied person whose own parents treated them worse than trash... ugh, I'm getting dimensional whiplash just thinking about it. But THEN... Then, in middle of my new story... I had to deal with this whole messy love affair with Amelia.. who left me when I was... pregnant with her kid... Ughhhh, Bitch I will kill you for this. ... But of course, a few years later, she comes back to me, love me more and she is more cute than before. Still I stopped liking her when she leave me alone with my child. (After a few months later) ... And you know what? Despite my hate for her, I just couldn't resist that fatally attractive gravitational pull. Yeah, I get back together in relationship with Amelia and we're living our best lives... uh, without much problem until it was time for deadnova protocol organization to be annihilated but this secrets society was controlled by goverment who was on the half step forward to rule the whole world in its dictorship. So I have soo much to done, plan and schemes but... It is not hard for a smart person like me, fufufu. This organization is done for nothing. ========= [Discord — Join it for any questions: https://discord.com/invite/DhUBStB2wd]

A_Jhonny · Fantasy
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77 Chs

CH-63 Important talk

Outside the old hospital, I was doing my best impression of a lawn gnome while the others tried their hardest to out-stare each other. Meanwhile, Zeno was probably in there getting her yearly elf toupee adjustment or whatever weird thing she's into these second inside hospital.

I didn't really care, to be honest. And had places to be, experience points to grind.

The bell hadn't even struck 10:50 am and I was already itching to ditch this popsicle stand.

"Later, losers." I tried to say with a cool hair flip, but then remembered I'm follically challenged. Drat. That's when little Arle came waddling up with her sad puppy dog eyes.

"Mother, are you really… okay?" She clutched my casual clothes, that dress when that night I fainted, like a koala clings to a tree. Ugh, kids, amirite?

… Ahhhhh! I'm her mom, it's my job to tell her the truth, right?

I gave her a doteful pat on the head - probably missing the hair beyond repair, haha~~ I'm really funny.

"Does this face look pale to you?" I shot her one of my trademark blinding grins, with the molars and everything.

"... No!" She recoiled like a vampire exposed to sunlight. Mission accomplished!

Now… I have some forest critters to pummel into unconsciousness so I can level up. Toodles!

Ely stepped forward, her eyes leaking like a couple of broken faucets. "How can you be so chill, sis? Don't you know that without meds for that brain tumor, you're fighting before death?"

"Psh, not like I'm kicking the bucket anytime soon!" I said, playing it cool and badass. But seeing her… genuine worry and damp cheeks, my heart did a little jig and was complicated.

I knew what was up - I just didn't wish my… sis… to be a sad sack. Until now, She's been nothing but a real one to me.

Maybe… maybe… I should start calling her my big sissy from my heart.

I let out a deep sigh that could've blown out birthday candles and gave her shoulder a reassuring pat before wandering off with Arle. "Sis, don't get your panties in a twist. I got a plan to knock this illness into next week. Just don't rat me out to the 'rents."

"Pinky promise?" Ely, who didn't mind my words, shook my empty hand like a bartender making a martini.

I scratched my nose looking like I just bombed a math test."Yeah, yeah, I swear on my grave I won't kick it or do anything stupid that'll make you ugly cry later. Cool?"

A little sugar coating never hurts. Ely nodded, but still looked scared as a cat in a dog park.

… There is dead silence!

Gwen must've seen I wanted some me-time, 'cause she wrapped her arms around Ely and whispered sweet nothings.

"We should give her some space to have some time up with her… kid. Perhaps we should paint the town red too, babe. I know you've been mopey because you parents ain't down with our lovefest..."

Ely looked at Arle, then back at me, understanding something nobody else was picking up.

She grabbed Gwen's hands, intertwined their fingers, and they skedaddled, but not before Ely hit me with, "Don't be out past your bedtime. Oh, and Amelia wanted to swing by, but she's playing scientist at home, trying to brew up a cure for you."

'... Amelia, huh!... Damn, I miss her.' I watched their blurry figures disappear, then noticed Zeno had rolled up. She suggested hitting a cute little cafe. I was game.


We were posted up at this quirky cafe, filled with more cats than your average crazy cat lady's apartment.

Felines were everywhere - some even in their hybrid beast mode, which was a trip. I took a sip of my tea while Zeno stared at me from across the table like I owed her money.

"So? What's on your mind, hot stuff?" I asked between bites of a buttery biscuit. On the other hand, Arle was getting her wine aunt on, playing with all the kitties.

"Listen up, master." Zeno said, her gaze bored into me. "It's about time you appointed a big cheese to run one of your companies or bigger."

I raised an eyebrow. "Come again?"

"You're gonna be rolling in the dough soon." she explained. "So let's say the tax department or the FBI comes sniffing around where all that cheddar is charted to. How are you going to explain about your financial state?"

'Hmph!' I mulled over her words, my brow furrowing. I'm still a student, and I want to abandon mio's family name.

If I remember correctly, according to law number 25, a daughter forfeits any right to her parents' wealth if she does something illegal.

Not that I'm after the White family fortune. But just in case the FBI or some other agency decides to investigate little ol' me in the future… how exactly am I supposed to explain my financial situation?

I don't have a job, which Zeno was absolutely right to point out with her usual tact. I'm living that luxury life while I'm over here also considering which dumpster to rummage through for dinner.

"Can't I just say I borrowed the money from you?" I looked up at her hopefully, only to be met with a dismissive shake of her head and that ever-present skepticism.

"You could, but I'd rather you didn't do it." Zeno continued, mouth pulling into a terse line.

"What if the other side, our enemies, discovers my real identity and bankrupts all our companies or something great danger? We still need a perfect financial state for the future. I don't have faith in my ability to keep my I'd be hidden."

Hmph… so she plans on eventually showing to the world that she's the leader of the Eclipse Shadows. On the contrary, I will work behind the scenes... I see what she's getting at now.

She wants to take the blame if anyone ever tries to unmask the true identity of Twilight.

By accusing herself, as… Twilight, of being Eclipse's ringleader, she'll divert the government and DeadNova's attentiveness onto herself instead of the real puppet master pulling the strings.

… Or at the very least, if they don't buy her story, they'll waste time and resources trying to capture her to dig up Twilight's identity.

Her little self-sacrifice is supposed to allow me to step up as chairman, could have more profit in power with profile, have access to funds, all while keeping my identity fresh and undiscovered.

Ugh, it comes with a heavy price… but I suppose I can't complain too much?

"Zeno. If you're dead set on this bonkers plan… I won't stop you."

"But just know it means no more grabbing brunch or hitting the mall together between us. Unless you want me to be hassled about my connection to Boston's most wanted criminal mastermind?"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. Thanks for spelling out the downsides so bluntly." She gave me a pointed look, one perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised.

'It is her choice, not mine.' I rolled my eyes so hard they nearly fell out of my head. To her credit, Zeno seemed to understand she was sacrificing more than just her freedom with this hare-brained scheme.

I just provide the criminal the funding behind the stage and don't have to work as chairman since it will still be run by her or my subordinates… right?

Zeno smiled, apparently satisfied I wasn't going to put up more of a fight. "Excellent… I'll scrub all the security footage from our little rendezvous. It's all part of my master plan to install you as the big cheese of our entire corporate empire."

She waved a perfected manicured hand airily. "Still I'll just stick to running the organization in the shadows, And other companies as well, and construct it stronger than ever."

"Those corporate stooges couldn't innovate their way out of a paper bag without your brilliance. Oh, and one more thing…"

Zeno what you are planning...

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