
Tales of Nashirah : As It Is

A boy transmigrates along with gaining the inheritance of a Mystical Cultivation Senior in the world of Magic in the Middle Ages full with mana ,elves ,demons ,demi-humans, Were-wolves ,Vampires ,beasts, dragons and much more allure and hidden secrets. Watch as he adapts in this unknown world and starts his life anew in this world and makes friends and enemies along his path to make something of himself and find his meaning in this life. Will he walk the path of GOOD or path of the EVIL or will he create his OWN path and tread in it with all its glory and imperfections ?? Do Give it a Try (◍•ᴗ•◍) (≧▽≦) ( ╹▽╹ ) **************************************************************** If you are sick and tired of reading the same old isekai, reincarnation, system, and OP MC's then this novel will give you a breath of fresh air. So... Prepare yourself to read a story you've never read before. Prepare yourself to feel things you've never felt before. I'll wait for you in the latest chapters! 1 CHP/week *************************************************************** #Additional Tags# : Team-Growth, Romance, Western-styled World-building, Cultivation, Rising-in-power ***DISCLAIMER*** : This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, ideology, theory and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Picture is Generated using Adobe Firefly Ai

Drakal72 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

CHP6 On the streets of Adafast

In the city of Adafast, everything seems to be loud and alive. Loud merchants, loud buyers, loud street vendors and loud bars.

It was expected, that this city would be bustling from the Noise and the rifts of people from morning till night.

For it was the capital city of Republic of Kratos.

Republic of kratos was a comparatively average sized nation located in the southernmost part of the east peninsula of The Central Continent.

The Capital was the safest place for anybody inside the Republic.

Among the crowds one could see many Beastmen/Demihumans, many Demons, many humans of all age, all economic backgrounds, with different walks of lives, all going around doing their own businesses.

Among them one could see a Young male about 4 and a half feet high. He had two tiny black horns protruding from above his forehead. His skin was slightly greyish-white compared to normal humans.

He had a lean figure. Going further down one could see he had a tail that resembled that of tiger's, but it had a pointy black-colored end like that of a spear's tip.

Of course, this boy was none other than Sargon. It could be clearly seen that he was now at 9 years of age. One could say he was little tall for his height.

The place he was heading was his families' shop operated by his mother.

When his mother had given birth to him. She had temporarily stopped operating the shop, and instead she had focused all her attention on rearing of her new-born child.

But now that her child could be left alone, without the need of constant care and attention she was back to running her business.

It was a small shop. What they sold mostly was wheat and things pretending to the daily necessities.

On his way to the shop Sargon was pondering," Damn. It has already been Nine years I am here.

The life here, is weirdly calmer. I was expecting beast tides in the city now and then, but the city walls seem to be sturdy enough. I wonder who had made this wall."

Indeed, this wall just too giant for the imagination of his mind. It was giant 20 meters tall with very sturdy nature. If this was back in earth, it could have been counted as one of the Seven Wonders of the world.

Moving his gaze of admiration away from The Wall, he became serious again. "People here are really strong, especially those magicians, they can even use mana to reinforce any structure, compared with weird compounds made by the alchemist, it is no wonder the Wall as Mighty as this could be made possible."

When will I be as strong as them? Damn it. This like some bull-shit plot where MC is weak and stuff, I was expecting life with much grandiose after I had gotten the inheritance, if only it was not for 'that'.

Mom told me that she was sick during the childbirth, and so I have been born with a weak constituency.

Otherwise I could be considered an OP protagonist like Saitama.

Hmph !!

"I can't properly circulate the energy in my body to even form a dantian. Without dantian, qi is like something without a master, it will be violent and chaotic and directionless"

"But not all is lost, for Heavens have still given me a leeway for this. Mom told me this weakness of my body could be gradually healed with time in and of itself. The same thing is written in the documents of the archives of the pendant."

Infact, the weakness of Sargon was nothing more than a temporary setback. If he could wait till 14 years of age, his jumbled essence will heal and he can easily formulate his dantian and take entry into cultivation.

"But I am still doing my best. Even though I have weak body, I still practice some Kungfu and do meditation regularly without any fail."

"Mom was surprised and shocked that I was focusing on myself from such an age. After sometime she got used to it, and that shock turned into her pride, pride and happiness that her son would do well in life.", Sargon thought.

It had been 9 years since he had come here. Initially it was hard for him to accept fully that they were his parents, but now he could proudly say that he was their son.

Now he had fully embraced their love. He was determined to cherish them as he now did to his parents from former life.

Most of the demons in the Nashirah weren't that different from the humans by a huge degree. They just had a more greyish skin compared to humans.

Skin that resembled the color of the whitish-Ashes. And they had two distinct horns specific only to their race, located in their head just above their forehead.

Most of the beastmen too if one could observe closely were not that different from the humans. All they had was a pair of their own distinct beast-ears instead of normal ears and their tail that looked similar to the beast they had closer bloodline to. Only few with their distinctive bloodline had their own style of horns.

It was just that he had reincarnated and saw these beastmen and devils and he had overreacted.

But living with affection from his parents and combined with the fact that they looked human with only just a bit of different cosmetic, it had helped Sargon in being more accepting of his parents and the beastmen and demon people and seeing them as he would see a human.

Thinking about such matters, Sargon was walking towards the shop. But on the way he could see a few people gathering around at the side of road. Curious about what has happening, he too examined the situation.

"You damn low-life! First you disturb me and ruin my mood and now how dare you not receive punishment from this young master for your crimes.", shouted a young man at the age similar to that of Sargon.

"Who is the young child? Acting so high and mighty! What did this poor girl did to him, that he is constantly slapping the shit out of her. Isn't this too much", shouted one man.

"Tsk. Demons are demons after all no matter how civilized they are, they show their devilish nature, just like this young child.", murmured another man.

"Shh! What are you talking about? Do you not hold your life dear? lower your voices. Can't you figure it out yourself after seeing the Guardmen protecting this child? This is the youngest child of high senator Victor Ivar. How can you be so ignorant on such matters?", said another man.

"Well she deserves it though. She had bumped with this young child, resulting in him loosing the food he was holding, onto the ground", replied another man.

Sargon was hearing all this and he gradually understood what was going on.

In the Republic of kratos it was more like an Oligarchy where a bunch of Aristocrats are given as High senators or Low senators, and together they dictated the rule and law of ROK.

"Man isn't this damsel in distress situation. Uff. But I really feel pity for this poor girl, she seems to be my age too, for such a child to get such harsh punishment, this punishment is too much overbearing. What he is a high senator, there are countless number of such people, but to offend one is still rather risky.I am no Simp , but ….", were the thoughts Sargon rapidly played in his mind.

"You damn bitch. Just take my slaps. I will hit you until I feel I have earned back by loss of face today.", shouted Bryant Ivar.

"Isn't this too much Young Master. I think she has already paid the price of her mistake. On the name of 'Zenos' could you please be big-hearted and forgive her ignorance and wrongdoing?", came a voice from the crowd.

Sorry for the Delay as my exam was going on.

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