
Tales of Nashirah : As It Is

A boy transmigrates along with gaining the inheritance of a Mystical Cultivation Senior in the world of Magic in the Middle Ages full with mana ,elves ,demons ,demi-humans, Were-wolves ,Vampires ,beasts, dragons and much more allure and hidden secrets. Watch as he adapts in this unknown world and starts his life anew in this world and makes friends and enemies along his path to make something of himself and find his meaning in this life. Will he walk the path of GOOD or path of the EVIL or will he create his OWN path and tread in it with all its glory and imperfections ?? Do Give it a Try (◍•ᴗ•◍) (≧▽≦) ( ╹▽╹ ) **************************************************************** If you are sick and tired of reading the same old isekai, reincarnation, system, and OP MC's then this novel will give you a breath of fresh air. So... Prepare yourself to read a story you've never read before. Prepare yourself to feel things you've never felt before. I'll wait for you in the latest chapters! 1 CHP/week *************************************************************** #Additional Tags# : Team-Growth, Romance, Western-styled World-building, Cultivation, Rising-in-power ***DISCLAIMER*** : This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, ideology, theory and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Picture is Generated using Adobe Firefly Ai

Drakal72 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

CHP7 Reeve Helena

"Who is that? Trying to take her side? Daring are we today huh?", inquired Bryant Ivar, with a smug face.

The voice indeed came from Sargon Apollo. "Brother, it is me who pleads for her ignorance, could we not do anything else about it?", requested Sargon.

Looking up and down Sargon with look of both shock, anguish and inquiry, he remarked, " How dare a person of your stature go against me. Do you not see that I am doing justice onto this little girl. Or are you not on the side of 'Justice'."

Sargon could see that this kid was a remarkable spokesmen, spokesman for the Devil that is , that to at such young age. He knew that Bryant had merely just used 'justice' as a leeway to do what he feel like it.

"Are you not big hearted and rational enough to see that this girl is suffering from your mishandling of justice, are there perhaps no way you could fix this? Or are the Sons of Senate-men not well taught in the matters of the etiquettes!", added Sargon.

Hearing this, Bryant couldn't control the anger within him.

He smacked Sargon on his face. It was unexpected.

"Slap", that was the sound that reverberated throughout the crowds.

Sargon didn't see it coming either. He thought it would have never had come to this. He hadn't provoked this young master, although his words might be demeaning but it had polite demeanor.

To be slapped in front of everyone by a child as pampered as him. He couldn't take it. He had feelings of Anger, embarrassment, and anxiety.

Sargon put all his force on his hand and swinged his hands along with his waist and slapped this bastard of a child.

"It seems someone must teach a lesson to you.", shouted Sargon.

Everybody in the crowds were now silent.

The one with the most dilemma were the guards of that brat.

Should they go and help him. But they knew this brat wouldn't want outside help as he was too prideful.

Furthermore, he might even come to not like them afterwards if such thing ever-happened. They didn't want to be on the bad side of this young master after all.

"Hyaaaaa", shouted Bryant as he punched Sargon. He had now gone officially wild and so was Sargon. Then it was Sargon's turn, he countered it with an uppercut.

Kick, a straight punch, a back kick then a high kick followed by back hand strike then a side kick.

Kicks and punches were exchange between both-sides, continuously.

But one could clearly see that it was brawl of mere child. Punchs, Kicks along with cursed demeaning comments were thrown in a hap hazardous manner throughout this show.

The Mortal Martial art or one could Kungfu Sargon had learnt was a lowest of the lowest bunch. It just used sheer force of muscles with special breathing methods. There was no involvement of qi. It was similar to martial arts back in Earth.

That was the reason he was able to learn it despite him having not Conceptualize his Dantain from where one would start to have a mastery over one's qi.

A Normal brawl between children would definitely end with couple of exchange.

But this was brawl between child both possessing demon genes so it lasted slightly longer. Demons of course had higher physical aptitudes compared to humans, the difference was visible since birth.

But since Sargon had practiced some form of Kungfu one could now clearly see that Bryant was losing and was being slowly pushed backwards.

Sargon had no experience in real fights ever, or else this exchange could have ended much sooner.

Seeing this the guards could no longer stand just watching as their young master was slowly plowed by a stranger.

They hadn't intervened earlier partly to not get on young master's bad side and other reason was that they were confident that Bryant would come out victorious.

Now the situation had turned. They must step now or else what would they say to his dad, the high senator?

Thinking this every guardsman looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Then they all looked at the young recently recruited human guardsmen.

"Ahh MEEEEE !!", internally screamed the young guardsman.

This young guardsman understood what was going on. All the guardsmen were trying to shift the blame on him, had the young master not liked this intrusion.

He was a scapegoat of sorts.

He stepped forward heasitantly.

He looked like every other guardsman. He wore a helmet resembling that of Spartans. His pants and upper vest was all Red. On his left hand he had a big shield and on his right hand he had a sword which looked like gladius of the roman era of earth.

He put the sword down inside the sheath located on his waist.

A single punch came with high intensity and speed towards Sargon. He could feel it coming. Although he felt something and tried to dodge it but it was to no avail.


He was thrown feet's way and coughed out some blood.

A single punch, that was all it took.

Even if this was a punch by a pro-boxer back in the earth, it could not even have half of this huge impact now, thanks to the blood of demons he had now.

"Such force! He must have used qi! Is this how much force does the power of the qi hold?", mumbled Sargon in a low voice.

"Boy, it would be better if you stay put. Don't exert yourself beyond limits. I just went easy on you this time, but next time I will use a qi- infused attack on you!!", said the young guardsman.

"What?? That wasn't even any qi infused attack. Even humans can have such power? I had read it in the books but such POWER, reality is indeed much better teacher in some matters!", Sargon exclaimed in surprise.

A moment of silence endured throughout.

Nothing happened.

Sargon too gave up for he knew his limits too.

The young boy was saddened and dissatisfied as well as angry. He was dissatisfied that his guards had intervened.

He knew that he was not strong enough and was continuously pushed behind and was slowly getting dominated. Although he was child, he wasn't ignorant to such degree, and indeed could notice such matters and was in-fact saddened by it.

"Now I and you are even! Fist you did me 'bad', and now my guard has returned the favor.", he grunted pointing towards Sargon and that little girl in a high-fashioned manner as if he was a lord already.

He then looked at the young guardsman and said," I am dissatisfied by you! You have ruined my mood. You better watch yourself. Let's return to the castle. These events have put a bad taste in my day!". And they all walked away from the crowd.

"Are you hurt? Thank you so much for saving me from the wrath of that young bastard.", said the young girl with gratitude.

She was genuinely disturbed and felt bad for Sargon, for he had to injure himself to save her.

There was admiration, respect, and all sorts of emotions that could be seen in her face and through the veil of tears in the eyes.

"T'is But A Scratch!", laughed Sargon.

"Let me take care of your Wounds. It must have hurt a lot didn't it? I am sorry …..it was all due to me… sorry !!", said the girl.

" No worries. It was just that I couldn't see it. I would have rushed into save anyone in such situation.", said Sargon.

"Help anyone? what am I saying. This was a mistake. I thought it could be solved if I pressed people with enough words. But it isn't earth anymore. There are people with different mannerism here, people are more prone to fight if excited too much.", was what Sargon pondered internally.

"From next time, I must act more carefully. It was indeed foolish of me. But at least the situation has somewhat settled", thought Sargon.

"By the way what is your name?"

This young girl froze for a moment when her savior asked for her name. for her it was most like a fairy tale that she was told to by her Aunt. But soon she gained her composure.

"My name is Reeve Helena."