
Tales of Nashirah : As It Is

A boy transmigrates along with gaining the inheritance of a Mystical Cultivation Senior in the world of Magic in the Middle Ages full with mana ,elves ,demons ,demi-humans, Were-wolves ,Vampires ,beasts, dragons and much more allure and hidden secrets. Watch as he adapts in this unknown world and starts his life anew in this world and makes friends and enemies along his path to make something of himself and find his meaning in this life. Will he walk the path of GOOD or path of the EVIL or will he create his OWN path and tread in it with all its glory and imperfections ?? Do Give it a Try (◍•ᴗ•◍) (≧▽≦) ( ╹▽╹ ) **************************************************************** If you are sick and tired of reading the same old isekai, reincarnation, system, and OP MC's then this novel will give you a breath of fresh air. So... Prepare yourself to read a story you've never read before. Prepare yourself to feel things you've never felt before. I'll wait for you in the latest chapters! 1 CHP/week *************************************************************** #Additional Tags# : Team-Growth, Romance, Western-styled World-building, Cultivation, Rising-in-power ***DISCLAIMER*** : This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, ideology, theory and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Picture is Generated using Adobe Firefly Ai

Drakal72 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

CHP5 Learning about Nashirah

It had already been a year since Aadarsh had been in Nashirah. Initially, he was quite surprised that the his mother was a half a demi-human of tiger blood along with being half-human and his father being a demon , and thus he had a hard time to take-in and accept them as his parents.

With time he found out that although they seem to be of different species they were still acting like the parents of his past life.

This realization that they too seem humane and the only difference was that they looked different coupled with the fact that passage of time , he was slowly accepting the fact that they were his parents.

He was now cherishing this moments, this love and affection.

The guilt of not having closer bond and not being thankful and gracious of his parents love and affection was something he had during his last moments in his past life.

This time he didn't want to have any such guilts and wanted to live a more full-filling and well-deserved life.

Perhaps due to all this reasoning and burdens and scars of the mind he had carried from his past life, he was now being more considerate of his new-found parents.

At least in this life also he had his parents who seem really good and loving and caring. This made him appreciate his parents even more and it made him thankful that at least he had something to live up to in this new wilder lands.

The first thing he noticed was of course his name that was called out to him every while and so.

The new name of his was "Sargon Apollo".

He remembered that back in his earth this was the name of the first emperor of the earth, emperor of Mesopotamia civilization.

This had made him satisfied of the name that he had gotten in this world. " is it coincidence? A Fore-Shadowing ?!... I think not!!! …. Haha", is what he thought and laughed it off in a frequent manner.

The first thing Sargon needed to do was to understand this world's language and only then would he be able to get a better understanding of this world, he could read books about this world and its history and culture how it had evolved.

He was very excited by this thought as he was somewhat of a history geek, all he did sometimes was to watch the videos on YouTube about ancient civilization, wars and conquest in the histories, how the civilization came to be, and how it progressed and many similar things.

Topic about how extra-terrestrial scientific advanced civilization had help made Egypt and how they guided humans to innovation was among his guilt-pleasures.

"Now looking back , Anunaki (extra-terrestrial people) perhaps really helped humans to advance huh, ha-ha.", is what he thought now and then.

It was fortunate for him that the Apollos were a relatively well off, Upper-middle class family.

They indeed had some books there. Nothing grandiose but simple basic books, among them there was a book about on "Dialects learning".

Since that was all he had to learn the language he whole-heartly started studying it.

It would be really weird if a toddler who can't even walk starts reading. Sargon was well aware of that, so he used to read that book in hiding , as he still had to act like a child and shouldn't give his new-found parent more headaches.

He used the book as a reference and started to mimic the words his mother would say.

She also in excitement that her child had said and learned new words would explain further and give Sargon new words to play with.

With this Sargon was learning the language of this world. Slowly but steadily it took him almost 9 months before he could read and speak the "Harsha language".

Now, finally he now had enough capability to learn all the basic books now. After enough of the reading, coupled with the hearing the talks of his mother and father he now had accumulated a lot of new baffling amounts of informations.

The first surprising thing was his mother was not a full demi-human, she was infact half human and half Tigrel (tiger demi-human), her mother was a regular human while her dad was a warrior Tigrel.

While he his father was a full-blown demon of Arch-devil origin.

So what does it make him ?

Now I have a identity crisis don't I ? what am I ? am I human, am I demon or am I demi ? weren't you suppose to not have a child cross-species ? wait … does that mean demons, humans and demis are more-closely related in this world than I thought ?

Damn what to do about this situation?


It will take more time to get use to this identity of mine

"So be it . As a great philosopher of my time Chris Distefano used to say it is what it is.", was his thought-process when he had found about that news.

About this world, it was called "Nashirah". People believed that long before in ancient times this world only had one continent called "Nashirah" where every species lived.

But World-Shattering war known as "Hundred Year War" had erupted which tore this continent into 4 major continents: The central continent, the eastern continent, the western continent and the draconic islands/continent.

It is written in both their historic and religious texts this war was between the 'Evil Dragons' and the Ancient Holly Alliance.

The most prominent in the Ancient Holy Alliance which helped turn the tides of the war were: The Elves, The No'bles and The Darviks.

It was due to them that 'The Almighty Dragons' of which everyone was afraid, no-one even dared to lay a finger on them, no one dared to even say bad things about them even in the safety of their own people, the ones who were worshipped as GODs, had been finally utterly defeated.

The Historic treaty called," The Rashidun Treaty" was signed in the now current capital of The True Trinity Empire, which forced all most all the dragons in exile to "The Draconic Islands"

The one mighty and proud dragons that had dominance throughout the world, was now exiled to the smallest of the continents.

It was a huge victory for the Ancient Holly Alliance, a thing that they had never foreseen had happened right under their own nose.

This Magus world of Nashirah, except the draconic islands all have technically the same Religion. They all worship this war as the holy war, and the triumph of good over evil.

Every major religion all portray the same feelings and events of the war and the defeat of the great evil.

The only difference being they each claim that leader of each species was a Messiah sent by God to defeat evil.

Humans thing it was the human leader that was the messiah which had united Ancient Holly Alliance against the Evils , while demis believe that all other messiah are false except their own messianic leader, elves it was due to their messiah that war was won and so on with the other species.

Human church believes beside humans, the second best effort was put by The Elves, while Demi-Church believe the second best was The No'bles, and Devils believing it was the The Draviks, the elven temple thing the 2nd most helpful being humans and so on one can get the idea.

These are the only notable differences.

So altogether one has Seven major-factions in the religion; the Human church, the church of the demis, the church of the demon, the Elven Temple, the Noble Temple, the Darven Temple and the Cathalos Faction; the only faction which believe all races had played equal role in the war.

These three races are called the Ancient Ones or The Elder Races, while with time many Eras came and went they still have the same prestige and the veneration since the days of hundred year war.

But now, all they have is prestige, their follower species compromising of humans, demis and devils have long since overtaken them, they only have a small piece of land over which they have a dominion.

Nonetheless one shall not think that they have gotten weak. They are still the species with the largest amount of mana pool under the dragons and still have their own peerless abilities and techniques.

They now have the position of the Aristocracy and Nobility and powers befitting them and guide the lands as the council-men of the kings and emperors.

The language of Nashirah was the same as it's religion , one could say it was more of like Different dialects spoken by different races with different connotation and style in different regions ,all falling under one umbrella called as "the Harsha language."

It had one common writing system though , which used Latin-like alphabets as the base.

If one had to compare it to a language of earth, it was most likely close to Arabic language system with each country having different dialects, to the point that Iraqi couldn't understand Moroccan or Saudi's Arabi due to having different dialects.

But if one could stay in Morocco for few weeks even Iraqis could now understand those dialects and would be fluent in that dialect that falls under the same language.

Similar was the Harsha Language.

With this, the work needed to learn another new language was reduced to Sargon, so that now he could go on adventure beside the country he was born in.

Speaking of which, he had to still wait to be a year old before he could officially join the cultivator's gang.

His life spent pleasantly during this time.

Some while talking with his mom on word by word basis, being played by both his parents and being lifted high in the air up and down by his father , secretly going in the library room to study whatever he could.

Seven years had passed since he had come in Nashirah.

The much-awaited day had finally come, now was the time for him to Conceptualize a Dantian and be the ruler of the qi inside him, enter the first step to cultivation.

Then in one day after preparing everything when his dad went in his job as a low-level governmental bureaucrat and his mother was busy in her Shop-works, he quickly sneaked in one small room.


The Essence , The Qi and The Spirit .

What are they ??

Although Sargon had heard of it and somewhat understood them while he used to read those webnovels about Cultivation, he couldn't understand them fully.

That is until now.

Essence , simplified is one's existence. It is something that comes as an answer out of "What ?". In simple , blood essence is 'what' makes blood 'blood' what constitutes 'blood' and give it energy and form. It exist in the form of material form mostly.

So one can in simple manner say essence means matter, which produces qi, if it's understanding is toned down to basics. This toning down is as simple as saying computer is a machine.

QI refers to Energy, in similar fashion.

Spirit Energy refers to energy and particles used by and produce as a concept of the Mind and Soul.

From the accumulated essence or Jing , through practice one can sublimate it into qi, which is then refined into spirit of the Shen, this is at the root of cultivation.


After thinking about such matters, he started to perform the breathing exercises in a meditative position while chanting the words according to the All-Body Cultivation manual.

Then slowly he could feel the heat and energy, especially in the base of his spine, in his tailbone that supports his stripped tail that resembled that of tiger with its end having pointed demonic spear like ending, the place where his Root chakra is located.

"Now all I have to do is CONCEPTUALIZE the Dantian, by gathering the qi co-coordinatively and moving it in a fashion towards center such that the qi can be stored there.", gritted Sargon while doing exactly the same thing.

Until it froze and he lost control of the qi when it went outside certain minute distance.

Suddenly all the energy he accumulated and vibrated in a particular manner throughout his body, lost the balance, became unstable and it dissipated away.

"EHHHH !!!!!",exclaimed Sargon.